Peaceful Shoaling Fish?


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I will soon be receiving my new tank :hyper: I would like to add more schooling fish, has the tank is quite high 30" 19 " wide & 5ft long suppose to be 410 litres...

Any ideas on peaceful shoaling fish,not too big,that tend to stay mid to higher levels, the tank will probably have most of my corys in it, which may be around 60ish depending if i put some in the smaller tank. :rolleyes: :lol:
Come on, Harlequins! You know that's no good!

Is your water hard or soft ;) What's your favourite colour and from how far away will you mostly be looking at the tank?
20+ group of Pareutropius buffei/debauwi, will look stunning and no threat to your Corydoras. However, they might need a small group of dithers themselves, such as 6 or so Congo Tetras with two females per male.

Alternatively, how about some Flagtail Porthole Catfish that will schoal midwater if kept in good numbers, same can be said of Brochis spp. too (my B. multiradiatus certainly did).
As flutter said, what parameters are we stocking in?

If you've gone biotope you could go for a shoal of Pygocentrus nattereri. They're amazonian mid water shoalers.
:lol: sorry - quite hard water ph around 7.8 - 8. wont have tons of plants at mo - only cos i cant keep the darn things alive :rolleyes: although anubias & crypts do very well :lol:

Filtration for the time being will be 2 external filters Tetratec ex 700 & ex1200 - i'm replacing the 700 for a ex24,just want to make sure the cabinet will take the size first...

Fav colour: lilac - tank being around 4ft away ;) :p :lol:
My suggestion is pinky red coloured.
For shoaling, harlequin rasboras for me!! . I have lemon & beacon tetras, also had neons, glowlihhts, etc but nothing shoals like a good sized school of rasboras IMO!! .
Though they are quite small and take quite a while to grow to a decent size but that aside, great, friendly, hardy fishies!!
Thanks :)

I have 12 Harlequins already, the very first fish i bought 3 years ago - 9 normal & 3 purple, i like the black variation also :)

I've had glow lights & silvertip tetras in the past...

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