Argos Children's Play Sand


Fish Herder
Feb 21, 2012
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It is tempting, because 15kg of sand for £3 is a lot less than we pay for aquarium sand, but is it safe?

Has anyone tried it? Will it affect hardness and ph?
Many people here use Argos playsand with no problems at all, do a search & you'll find loads if threads about it
Thanks, I've had a search, and I'm almost sold on it, just one more thing:
On a thread it was mentioned that the sand is fine if you're on a budget, but wouldn't use it in a planted tank. Any idea why?
I used Toys'r'Us playsand and had no problems at all. Just gave it a very thorough rinse first.
I just got done washing play sand! I mixed mine with fluorite black sand for plants so I didn't have to spend so much. I have it in all of my tanks and I love it. You just have to wash it a lot. I usually rinse it for a while and then mist on top of it to see if the water stays clear, then rinse it a few more times once clear.
It has little or no nutrients & plants find it hard to root in it.
If you're wanting a planted tank, ask on the planted section for advice on substrates
It has little or no nutrients & plants find it hard to root in it.
If you're wanting a planted tank, ask on the planted section for advice on substrates

Ok, will do, thanks
Ive got it in my tank and its a nightmare to get plants to root in. Ive had this tank for 6 months and still havent got any plants to survive in. If your goin for a tank with out real plants it fine but otherwise its no good
I don't have any problems growing plants in play sand (I have the Argos one too); I have vallis, various crypts, Amazon swords, a red lotus and Indian fern doing perfectly well in it.
I use argos playsand too ... i found crypts took really well...but the vallis didn't... :rolleyes:
I've also used it and now removed it.

My plants wouldn't stay in despite making it deeper around them. My PH dropped from 7 to 6 (I've not been able to prove it was the sand that caused it though but I can't find another explaination) and the mess of keeping it clean drove me nutty. I still have sand all over the place :grr:
I have at the moment about 1 inch of coarse sand, or fine gravel, your choice, basically 1mm average size. I was planning on adding another inch of play sand.

I have already established a patch of tiger vallis, a few amazon swords a crypt and a tiger lily.
+1 for play sand iv used it in all 3 of my tanks now. just make sure you wash it :good:
+1 for play sand iv used it in all 3 of my tanks now. just make sure you wash it :good:
i have used this sand in two of my tanks and am shocked at the ph level in them. Ok its my own fault for not checking every day but in a few weeks its dropped right down to 5 from 7. I've put in coral sand to see if that will help and doing 25% water changes every other day to raise is slowly. My tap water is 7.5. My water in Edinburgh is very soft. Thanks for reading. Btw my fish look ok.

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