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  1. S

    Baby Platies

    My Micky Mouse fish had 10 Fry (1 died so have 9) and my Fancy Guppie had 17 babys and I am planning on taking them to the LFS but keep a few for breeding. I think I am going to wait about 3 months so they can get all there color and stuff. so ide say once they are fully colored adults that...
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    Looking To Change

    Jack Dempsey's have lots of color and get huge.
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    Guppies In A 55 Gal

    So I was thinking about moving my Convicts to my Turtle tank and putting my Male and Female Fancy Guppies in my 55 Gal. Now one of my Fancy Guppies had 17 Fry yesterday (all still alive ^^) but I am getting tired of putting a bunch of baby fish in buckets and stuff and having to do water changes...
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    Angel Fish With Convicts?

    Yeah there pretty small right now so there okay for a little longer. I am going to move over all the fish from my 10 gal to my 55 gal soon tho so they will have LOTS of room later on.
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    Angel Fish With Convicts?

    So I have 2 Juvenile Angel Fish in my Community 10 Gal fish tank with some other smaller fish. I was woundering if when they are bigger if they can hold there own in a tank with Convicts or is it not a good idea? Are Angel's aggressive at all when they get older? I have one pure white one and...
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    Egg Eating Algae Eaters?

    Yeah I was told that Large convicts would in fact eat goldfish and the goldfish were originally for my Turtles anyway. I just threw like 2 or 3 in my breeder tank tho and didnt even expect the Algae Eater to go after him...hes dead now tho i fed him to my turtles that way the suffering would...
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    Mail Order Fish..anyone Used These?

    I myself have never ordered fish BUT I have read mixed reviews on many online fish shops. I hear that the UPS guy opens the package when they get to ur house to see if the fish is alive and if its not they take it back and get a new one shipped in, but ive heard that thats not the problem. The...
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    Egg Eating Algae Eaters?

    So ive got 2 Chinese Algae Eaters and 1 Black and Gold Algae Eater in my Cichlid Tank. Now ive began to notice that my Chinese Algae eaters are getting pretty agressive as I was told when they get to about 4 inches they will start to become Meat eaters. Now I went and got some Feeder goldfish...
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    Endangered Sturgeon Fish Flourishing In Wisconsin
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    Micky Mouse Fish Baby Info

    Ok i marked it down on my calender, I put it a few days early so that way i can start watching her and see how shes doing. So if i just fill a nice sized tank full of fake plants then i should not have a problem with them getting eaten? just remove the mom after I see a change in her size or...
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    Tube From Females Convicts?

    Really a Day or so? ive noticed the tubes for about a week now..
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    Tube From Females Convicts?

    So some of my Female Convicts have little tubes coming from there bottom's. Does this mean they will lay eggs soon? and how long do you think untill they lay eggs after the tube is spotted?
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    Micky Mouse Fish Baby Info

    Thank You! This time i plan on putting her alone when I think she is close to delivery this time. want to go get a birth box soon so I can just sit her in there after a while...i only got 10 out of her last batch because I missed her having them So i think most of them got eaten by my frog.
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    Micky Mouse Fish Baby Info

    So I am pretty sure my Female Micky Mouse Fish has retained sperm from a male in the pet shop. She just had babys about a week ago or so and i was just woundering, if she is infact retaining sperm and still has some long would it take for her to have her next batch?
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    Micky Mouse Fish Had Babies!

    So I was cleaning out my tank today and seen something wiggle in the corner of the tank, and what do ya was a baby fish. Now I dont have any Male/Females of the same species so I think it was the micky mouse fish I had and it prob was preg when I got it. I think they have been in the...
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    as long as it seems like its eating fine and stuff I would just wait for it to die never know if it gets better on its own, and as long as no other fish are showing symptoms its prob not contagious.
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    Meanest Fish You Know?

    lol is that ment as a joke or is that a searious fish? I Youtubed it and all that came up were Dinosaur stuff lol
  18. S

    Meanest Fish You Know?

    WOW Exodons are sweet..there pretty small but alot of them can TEAR stuff UPPP!!! that is those run alot and are they easy to breed? What is the full grown length of one? Also the reason I want a Fish like what I have described is just for a show off tank basically..why else do you...
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    Meanest Fish You Know?

    I am looking to get some sort of MEAN fish once im done with convicts. I want something that can take out mice like nothing and eat other fish with no problems. Anyone have any idea on a MEAN fish? something that would have to be by himself or with other MEAN fish too? what is the most agressive...
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    What Can Convicts Hybridize With?

    Well I actually got all the Convicts for free so why go out and spend money on other fish when I have a pretty good supply of convicts I dont like most of the feeder fish at the local pet store..there really "un healthy" if you ask me...
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    Cichlids - Puffers? More Added Suggestions For Puffers.

    I have a Large Clown Loach in my Convict tank and they dont mess with im at there scared of his magical powers or something lol... also I have 2 very big Striped Raiphael Catfish with my Cichlids and they also dont seem to mess with them what so ever...two gooood fish to keep with...
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    What Can Convicts Hybridize With?

    Can Convicts Breed with Jack Dempsey's?
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    What Can Convicts Hybridize With?

    Yeah they would most likely be put into my Turtle tank for feeders. I dont usually use Cichlids tho as feeders because 1. there sort of hard for turtles to catch and 2. There skin is pretty tough
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    What Can Convicts Hybridize With?

    What fish can Convicts breed with to make Hybrids? I want to try my luck with a Large Male Convict and maybe a Female of a different Cichlid? What would you guys recommend? I am thinking about picking out one of my Nicer colored Male Convicts and start doing some selective breeding..
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    Are My Convicts Getting Ready To Lay?

    LOL do they do that? i cant wait to see them take the babys and put them back..that sounds fun to watch. Its fun as hell watching them move rocks...its so cool..and Its crazy when they get into little staring competitions and they puff out there gills all crazy to try and scare the other off...
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    Are My Convicts Getting Ready To Lay?

    What is a good size tank to use for just breeding? would a 10 gal work?
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    Are My Convicts Getting Ready To Lay?

    So lately my Convicts have been digging holes in the gravel and also rubbing up against smaller convicts (females im sure). They will like rub against them while flapping there back fin a little as if trying to impress her... also some of them have spots where they wont let ANYONE go but will...
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    Sick Fish Or Fighting?

    I dont have a PH test or anything like i would not know. They seem to be doing great with eachother its just that some of the bigger ones have the white spots, a bunch of the convicts dont have any spots but some do and now my jack dempsey is starting to get spots so maybe the convicts...
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    Sick Fish Or Fighting?

    Im no fish expert but I know Convicts are not supposed to have white spots on them lol...I think its fighting myself because if it was a disease, allllll of the fish they are housed with would have it right? None of my cat fish have spots like this (but i do think one of my catfish does have ich...
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    Sick Fish Or Fighting?

    Okay so I baught a tank and it came with about 30 Convicts all different sizes, most are about 4-6 inches tho and there are a bunch of babys about 2-3 inches and some as small as 1 inch...Most of the bigger guys and some of the small ones have these large white spots on there stomach and one of...
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    Convict Breeding

    Also I found the correct name for the cat fish. it is a striped Raphael catfish
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    Convict Breeding

    I want to at least keep 4 Big ones, 2 males, 2 Females. Of course ide like to make sure there male AND Female before i start gettin rid of the others. there are also a few babys i see in there that have very nice coloring that ide like to keep but not sure if i will or not.
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    Convict Breeding

    Well I put the cat fish on craigslist already, my buddy across the street has a 25 Gal long so I mite just give him the Oscar..I dont really want the oscar because I know there mean as crap and its just not interesting to me right now. I want to get rid of at least 15-20 of the fish and keep...
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    Convict Breeding

    ah okay. Just a few more questions I thought of do they have ALOT of babys when they DO lay eggs? Do I need to keep both Male AND Female in the tank with the eggs or just the Female? Do I need to provide a place for the babys to hide after hatching? Are there any Species of fish that are good...
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    Convict Breeding

    Yeah that is my smaller tank tho, they are going into a bigger tank soon so they will have alot more room. the only reason I have them in that tank is because it was already established and I needed to clean out and refill the tank that they came in since it was reallllly dirty. so in the next...
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    Convict Breeding

    Here is 2 pics of the right side of the tank. They seem to be moving around the tank more now but when I took this picture they were all bunched up in the corner where the light is and the fake plants (the other side of the tank has no plants so its all open so i think there scared) this shows...
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    Convict Breeding

    The White spots are on a few of the fish on there sides which look like marks where they got bit by other tank mates. They were homed with a Huge 8 inch oscar so he mite be picking on them aswell even tho most the convicts are baout 6 inches long. Also I think some of the fish have Ick so im...
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    Convict Breeding

    I got a Few questions on Breeding Convicts. I recently picked up a 55 Gallon tank off Craigslist that came with about 30 Convicts that have been breeding like crazy already. What I want to know is, How can I tell Male from Female and will any Male mate with a Female or are they picky at all...
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    Can These Two Fish Make Babies?

    ok ty all and i am a member of a turtle forum and they say guppies and rosy red minnows are the best you can do for aquatic turtles. Goldfish are the worst because there fatty and aquatic turtles have trouble with burning fat.
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    Can These Two Fish Make Babies?

    Lately my Fancy Guppie has been chasing my Female Micky Mouse fish ALLL over the tank. Can these two types of fish produce offspring? she seems to be getting fatter and has alot more black in side her stomach. I am new at keeping fish like this for breeding (for my aquatic Turtles), so can they...