Sick Fish Or Fighting?


New Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Okay so I baught a tank and it came with about 30 Convicts all different sizes, most are about 4-6 inches tho and there are a bunch of babys about 2-3 inches and some as small as 1 inch...Most of the bigger guys and some of the small ones have these large white spots on there stomach and one of them even has this big long hole in his head but its hard to get a picture of it...maybe it ate too many live fish and has hole in the head disease? i duno...but about the white spots...Can this just be from them fighting? there all in a 55 gal and Yes I know that there over crowded, I barly baught all this off craigslist and i am trying to get rid of most the convicts now. But for the mean time, if this is a disease, ide rather treat it now because they were in the same tank with my other fish and turtles and ide want to treat them are some pic's

let me know what you think





also I forgot to mention that one of them has one of these spots that looks like its going to the bare skin with no scales at ALL in the circle and it looks painful (even tho fish supposedly cant feel pain i read?)
This isn't really my topic but from what I know is that my dad use to have shed loads of convicts and they never thought. It could be just they way the skin is meant to be, I have 2 angels one of them had a huge white spot growing like a J, after a while it went..I will reply when I have more information on this.

This isn't really my topic but from what I know is that my dad use to have shed loads of convicts and they never thought. It could be just they way the skin is meant to be, I have 2 angels one of them had a huge white spot growing like a J, after a while it went..I will reply when I have more information on this.


Im no fish expert but I know Convicts are not supposed to have white spots on them lol...I think its fighting myself because if it was a disease, allllll of the fish they are housed with would have it right? None of my cat fish have spots like this (but i do think one of my catfish does have ich lol) but other then that no other fish BUT my convicts have the i think its because some go into mateing sooner then others so they get crazy with each other
How many gallons is the tank.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

You will get more help posting in cichlid part of the forum. Never kept these type of fish so don't know much about them.

Hole in the head looks like pimples on the head region, or pitting with strands coming out of the holes.
This isn't really my topic but from what I know is that my dad use to have shed loads of convicts and they never thought. It could be just they way the skin is meant to be, I have 2 angels one of them had a huge white spot growing like a J, after a while it went..I will reply when I have more information on this.


Im no fish expert but I know Convicts are not supposed to have white spots on them lol...I think its fighting myself because if it was a disease, allllll of the fish they are housed with would have it right? None of my cat fish have spots like this (but i do think one of my catfish does have ich lol) but other then that no other fish BUT my convicts have the i think its because some go into mateing sooner then others so they get crazy with each other

Thanks learnt something today, I have catfish and they don't have white spots on them so I would break them up, or get rid of them fast and see what happens (if they get better or not).

I dont have a PH test or anything like i would not know. They seem to be doing great with eachother its just that some of the bigger ones have the white spots, a bunch of the convicts dont have any spots but some do and now my jack dempsey is starting to get spots so maybe the convicts are picking on him...

I am currently treating the WHOLE tank for Ich..I would use a hospital tank but I dont have one sadly...
You need to get your water tested. First thing to look at.
I know where your trying to come from mate, I never got my water tested and found out that my pH was to low and lost my fish. Go to your local fish store with a bottle of water only a little one and they will test your ph. they might charge a pound or 2. I get mine for free so :)

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