Quite a good analysis of it, its overkill for a bubble counter when you dont actually need one.
This is the first time ill be using Co2 injection so im excited and nervous of how it will go. I have the nutrients for EI dosing and enough light but like i said first time
What about getting enough slate to build using weight distribution so each slate holds other in place. Looks more naturally occurring got any pics dude?
Thank you DrRob for your comment, I think people will be more likely to ask questions about planted tanks when they see this. Bring more people to the planted side
Thanks Zikofski! Im in the middle of reading your plante journal. Very inspiring!
Ya I do love this species. At the moment the tank is broken down because i am moving house in June. I have been collecting equipment getting ready to set up a high tech planted so I still have not decided on...
Hi PS3Steveo,
Would this be suitable for a 70L tank or is it overkill?
Dont have a filter yet so dont want to buy if the fitlers fitting this will be too big..
Im sorry i did not respond as i had unforseen personal problem to attend and wasnt online. Also had to leave my fish alone unprepared for a few days but all is well.
This was taken by someone already but thank you for the interest!!
The egg is still for sale
No worries. Iv had sand in my tank for a while now and im going to be changing it to black sand although it will be a complete strip down. Just give that sand a good wash to remove any dust so it wont cloud your tank too much. it should clear up in a matter of hours anyway!
good luck!
Great looking plec you got there. Iv got a BN but its a smelly female with no bristles. but i love her all the same:D
Adding sand should not be a problem. During your next water change drop the level as much as you can and have some prewashed sand ready. Put the sand onto a flat surface...
Bronze Corys and now that you have put this exquisite idea forward i will be adding albinos in the mix!
Thanks for that. They will really pop with a black background.
I was also going to add two Bolivian rams with a school of corys and thats it. i was hoping to achieve a playful look with...
great dtuff my man. This is what i will go with. I dont need plant promoting substrate as i will be going with java fern and anubias but as long as the corrys can go knee deep in the stuff and not get hurt im happy
Hey guys,
I am looking for advice on type of Black sand that others are using for cory tanks. I have read up on black Diamond sand but this seems to be available in the US and not UK. I live in scotland and have used play sand with great sucess but i want to change to a black sand that is cory...
Thanks guys, I dont think ill be adding anymore plants to the system as im happy.
I have five Bronze Corys in there at the moment. Is there anything else that would suit this tank? It has quite a high flow about it which the corys seem to enjoy.
maybe a B.N's plec or bulldog plec...
Hey there,
Sounds like a protein film you have going on. One suddenly appeared on my tank out of nowhere and nothing had changed. This was afer the tank had been setup for a year!
Surface aggitation and good filtration will keep it at bay..
Sourced a few new Anubias plants! Delighted with them.
Scaping with Anubias is slow and difficult. For a start everything needs to be tied or strapped to hardscape and if you break any of the plant its not like it will grow back anytime soon:) haha fun times.
So far I have four different...
Plants:Red root floater
Quantity for sale: N/A
Delivery or Collection: Delivery
Sales price: name your price
Postage & Packaging: ill cover of course
Location: Uk
Hey guys looking for some red root floater for my anubias tank to help bring some shade:)
Be delighted to buy an surplus you have...
An Update.
Waiting on a drop checker from Hong Kong. Should be here soon.
Had a disaster in the tank. Lost most of my fish due to some chemical leaching from the new pipe work i installed. Iv now gone back to the original Fluval ribbed tubing. Lily pipes will be my next purchase but not for a...
When the solenoid opens its takes time for the pressure to build up behind your diffuser. Shouldn't all dump into the tank when it's set up right with the needle valve. Depends on method of diffusion.
Thought id put a Fluval edge i had lying around to use.
Anubias is set into small pots with clay media.
At the moment i have six seperate plants in foru pots which seem to be producing 3-4 leaves per month.
The water level is kept just below the Rhizome.
A 25w heater keeps the...