Is This Substrate Suitable?


Fish Crazy
Nov 24, 2007
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I would like a shoal of Corydoras and have this substrate:


The tank is pretty new and I am not wating to change to sand but if this is too sharp and will harm the Cory or cause them stress and not act naturally then I will get a different species.  What do you think?
The substrate looks fine for Cory's. It's small enough for them to digging and it doesn't look sharp! :)
I've got a substrate that looks pretty much the same and my Corys seem more than happy having a root round in it!
Great.  2 Positive comments is good enough for me.  ;)
I would consider having a sandy play area in part of my tank actually so may look into moving an area and spreading my current subrate deeper elsewhere and having a sandy section.  My biggest problem will be adding sand to that area with fish in the tank.
I agree, that substrate looks fine.
If doing a sandy area, the hardest part is keeping it seperate.
Lovely Plec by the way.
Is it even possible to add a "Sandy Patch" in the tank without emoving the fish?
Great looking plec you got there. Iv got a BN but its a smelly female with no bristles. but i love her all the same:D
Adding sand should not be a problem. During your next water change drop the level as much as you can and have some prewashed sand ready. Put the sand onto a flat surface, a small plate/ cd case or what ever and lower it into the water over the desired area of placement. Do this slowly and you will get sand into the tank without a mess.just use your imagination:)
Great advice.  Thanks.  I will get some photos up whilst I do it.
No worries. Iv had sand in my tank for a while now and im going to be changing it to black sand although it will be a complete strip down. Just give that sand a good wash to remove any dust so it wont cloud your tank too much. it should clear up in a matter of hours anyway!
good luck!

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