Moving Home


Jan 4, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
I'm moving home in 3 weeks, and currently have a very established 2ft tank, heavily planted.

It is currently home to a school of harlequins, a school of kuhlis, a dwarf gourami, and 100+ cherry shrimp.

The move is only about a 20min drive away, so I was thinking this (please tell me if the plan won't hold up):

- Bagging the top/mid-level fish and leaving in the shrimp and kuhlis (will never catch them amongst dense vegetation, and too many shrimp)
- Then draining the water to about 2 inches, so the tank is *just* about light enough to carry down 4 flights of stairs :crazy:

I'm reluctant to take out the plants etc due to them being so heavily rooted in. Do you think they'll be ok out of water for an hour or so?

I have an amazon sword, java ferns, anubias, and some crypts.

There a better way of doing this that i'm missing?
Bump? Moving in a week!!

If someone could even just say that my method would probably work!
I have a feeling that substrate and plants and 2 inches of water will still be too heavy to move in a tank that size - especially down all those stairs. You could try it, but you'll probably be better off removing everything.
I've moved my tank around a lot before, but I have very little experience with moving plants, sorry.
When I moved my 2ft I left substrate, plants and about 2 inches of water in but I can tell you I still had to completely strip it down and re-plant.
I suppose it'd give me the opportunity to do a re-scape...

My main concern was getting all the 100s of cherry shrimp out, so thought i'd just save myself the hassle.

I'm getting a friend to help me. I wonder if it'd be light enough for 2 guys.
Well I'm not encouraging you but I carried mine on my own, so wasn't too heavy with substrate and a little water but still think your best bet is bag everything, you will always loose shrimp when moving but at least they breed very quickly.
Yup, agree with the above.
Not worth taking the risk and breaking your tank.

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