Search results

  1. OldMan47

    Albino Catfish

    If the catfish is 4 inches long my bet is an albino bristle nose pleco. Be sure you have some real wood in the tank since plecos actually need wood to gnaw on. Plecos are also mostly vegetarian in their diet so make sure there is always some green food for that fish to eat.
  2. OldMan47

    Curious About Catfish Breed(Intermingle)

    I find my cories do best when I have at least a dozen of a single species. Albino cories are not a species, they are a description. Think of it as different skin colors of the same species. If you know the species of albino that you have it can do fine with more of its own species whether or not...
  3. OldMan47

    New Tank Question

    Absolutely do that. With 2 filters on a tank I would probably look at moving one of them and keeping the new filter on the established tank. That way both tanks would have a mature filter on them.
  4. OldMan47

    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    It sounds like you are on the right track.
  5. OldMan47

    Which Live-Bearer Do I Want?

    I see that you do not want the truth told. Mollies are used that way whether you like it or not. I was speaking from the point of view of molly tolerance for salt but you can interpret it as you wish .
  6. OldMan47

    White Spot

    What are you using for treatment? If it is malachite green then remove the carbon. I always just used a salt bath which you do by raising the temperature to about 80ºF and treating with salt. The high temperature speeds up the life cycle of the parasite that we see as white spot. The parasite is...
  7. OldMan47

    The Nitrate Debate

    I treat nitrates as the canary in the coal mine. Nitrates are easy to measure so when they start to build up we can easily measure them and see that build. There are literally dozens of chemicals that tend to become more and more concentrated in aquarium water that we do not measure. I consider...
  8. OldMan47

    Shower As Tank Refiller ?

    Unless you are careful you will be refilling with chlorinated water. Have you thought this through?
  9. OldMan47

    Adding Fish

    I think you have room for more but be aware that neons are more or less a natural prey for angels in the wild.
  10. OldMan47

    Which Dechlorinator?

    I have been using Seachem Prime for many years now. A drop per gallon seems to work just fine.
  11. OldMan47

    Thinking About ...

    My personal favorite to add to your tank would be a half dozen of one of the cories you already have. Large groups of a single cory species will use up the entire bottom half of the tank and be quite active. In my 120 gallon tank I used to have a dozen of a single cory species and they played in...
  12. OldMan47

    Half Black Guppies

    Not quite true. You are only adding live food but they are eating the algae. If not for the algae they would not be prospering. The reason I bring it up is because someone breeding in a more or less sterile environment might think that no greens are needed and that is simply not true.
  13. OldMan47

    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    If you want to minimize the stress of a water change, try something like this when adding water back in.
  14. OldMan47

    Hi, I'm Looking For Guppy Breeders!

    Try attending an auction by your local fish club. My own fish club held an auction just yesterday and as usual I acted as one of the "runners" carrying people's fish to them. People attend these auctions from far away and often have fish you will not see in any pet shop. I saw several sets of...
  15. OldMan47

    Mollies And Cichlids?

    Pics are a breeze. Just go wherever you have them stored and copy the IMG link. Then come here and paste it in as so much text. It works on almost any forum and comes out like this.   This betta shared my endler tank for over 4 years so forget all about those mean nasty bettas. He was as docile...
  16. OldMan47

    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Gouramis and guppies seldom swim together so don't worry about that.
  17. OldMan47

    Too Many Guppies

    Over populated has more to do with the water chemistry than anything else. If that tank can maintain zero ammonia and zero nitrites with that population then the filter is dealing with the population and it is fine. On the other hand a power failure will likely see you lose a large number of...
  18. OldMan47

    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Yes, huge water changes are stressful but swimming in poison is even more so.
  19. OldMan47

    Who Is The Dad?

    I need to correct Okasha72. Only the poecilliids commonly can carry sperm packets for up to 6 months but that does include most of the more common livebearers. I breed goodeids and they are one breeding to one fry drop. They do not store fertile eggs or sperm packets. Another variation happens...
  20. OldMan47

    Larger Female Guppies.

    If there is plenty of cover in that 20 gallon and only the big female and the fry are present, enough fry will survive. Some nice cover includes java moss, Najas grass (sometimes called guppy grass), and similar dense clumps of growing things. Even a spawning mop, usually used for killie fish...
  21. OldMan47

    Which Live-Bearer Do I Want?

    Mollies do great in freshwater but can also thrive in a full salt water aquarium. One of the old, and maybe it is still used, methods to cycle a salt water aquarium was to place mollies in it and just let it cycle with them considered as sacrificial because huge water changes on a salt water...
  22. OldMan47

    Molly Mom Only Eats Fry In Dark

    Every female is her own rule. This girl never seemed to eat any fry day or night, as you can tell by the number in the picture. Those fry are from a single drop.
  23. OldMan47

    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Your guppies are stressed and need lots of big water changes to survive. If you want to have your fish survive, go flush all of your chemicals except the dechlorinator and the nitrogen testing chemicals and do massive water changes. In a 10 gallon tank you will do at least 8 or 9 gallons a day...
  24. OldMan47

    Molly Pregnancy

    For fry survival you want a dense plant like najas grass, java moss or something similar for the fry to hide in. This is a small clump of java moss in one of my tanks.
  25. OldMan47

    True Or False?

    Want the real story? Try asking the owner of Goliad Farms.He uses a recycle water system in his breeding areas and the water ends up ultimately in a small, about 6 feet long and not very large in other dimensions, sump. From the sump the water is pushed through a planted are where water plants...
  26. OldMan47

    My Profile Pic

    Nice teddy picture. I kept my breeding colony in a 10 gallon. Lately I have replaced that group with a goodeid breeding group.
  27. OldMan47

    Characodon Amado Nervo

    Interesting characodons. Is that a new location for them? Most characodons I have seen have far more intense colors. C. lateralis is the most common of the characodons and one that I own but C.audax are also fairly commonly seen. Lately the scientific community has been taking the position that...
  28. OldMan47


    This guy spent several years in my endlers 45 tall tank. I only allowed pure endlers in that tank so never worried about excessive breeding. When I got near 75 fish I would scoop some out and take them to my fish club auction.
  29. OldMan47

    Please Share Your Wild Type Livebearers :)

    Lots of goodeids here.My greens get to go first with this.  juvy and a fry Next up is some red tails C encaustus 3 Ameca splendens
  30. OldMan47


    I just noticed the pinned topics about the less common livebearers and thought I should set the record straight. The Ameca Splendens, butterfly goodeids, are not the tiny fish being portrayed. Mine run to 7 cm or more in length and are not the friendly fish portayed in that pinned topic. They do...
  31. OldMan47

    Mollies Given Birth

    If your fry are alive after a week chances are they will do just fine. Mollies are far larger than swords or guppies when newborn so they have  fair chance of surviving as long as the rest of the fish are well fed.
  32. OldMan47

    My Pregnant Platy

    Can you get a picture that actually shows your fish? What I see in your image is a caudal fin and a bit of the rear part of a fish. It does not show her in perspective to let me judge her state.
  33. OldMan47


    True endlers are easy. They are just add water fish, much like guppies are. I have a 50 gallon tank that has a breeding colony of several dozen pure endlers. They have been self sustaining for many years now. I feed them daily, do water changes as needed and sell off my surplus at local club...
  34. OldMan47

    How Many? Help, Please!

    I am going to disagree with Jenste. I love my livebearer stockings and would not trade them for much larger stockings of egg layers. What I try to do is to set up a tank of a single species of wild type livebearers. Sometimes I allow them to share a tank with things like cories, but that is...
  35. OldMan47

    Guppy Troubles?

    I am afraid that I must agree with Fish48. You have water that is simply not suitable for any typical liveebarers. It is too low in total dissolved solids (TDS) and leaves your fish vulnerable to almost any issue at all. Forget nitrates and similar issues, you need to add solids to your water...
  36. OldMan47

    Changing Water In My Tank

    They will survive small variations every time. Guppy fry are as tough as can be. As long as the water they are born into is anywhere near good enough for guppies, they will survive and thrive. Forget odd deaths with them, these guys are tough as nails and will thrive with the absolute minimal...
  37. OldMan47

    Help Me Identify This Fish!

    It is a wagtailed platy. The particular color is more a case of common nomenclature than genetics. It is showing what I would call a sunset pattern rather than any other that I am familiar with.
  38. OldMan47

    Sexing Baby Platies

    Forget trying to sex very young fry. Some people have methods that they believe, but my own experience is that I must wait for fry to develop to a significant extent before I can reliably sex them. Even a poor sexing effort can be counterprodustive. If I think that my "female" tank is correct, I...
  39. OldMan47

    Few Questions - From A New Fishkeeper!

    Changing water every day is what will allow your fish to survive until you get the tank's filter cycled. Fish, rotting fish food, decaying bits of dead plants and lots of other organics produce ammonia which is deadly. Ammonia is converted to nitrites once the cycle has gotten under way but...
  40. OldMan47

    Pregnant Molly Any Ideas On Droping?

    Upload your picture to an on-line host like photobucket, then copy the IMG tagged link and paste it in here like so much text. The result looks like a picture posted here. This is a harbor seal pup that I spotted on the beach a few years back. You can right click it and see the image info...