How Many? Help, Please!

Oh a whole bunch! 

The question more is, what do you want? Do you have any fish in mind? If so take those fish and we can help build a stock list around these fish. :) 
Would you like Cichlids or live bearers or a tropical community or perhaps a biotope?
Maybe approach it from the aspect of how you want to decorate it. If you want live plants, Cichlids are out and a the others in ect ect..
A 75 Gal tank is a fair size and will house just about any commercially sold, easier to come by fish. 
I know for sure you can house guppy and platies together.  I have 4 guppies and a whole bunch of platies together.  They have been this way for several months now.  If I am correct the mollies and platies will interbreed with each other but other then that you shouldn't have any problems with housing these guys together.
pumpkinnose said:
I know for sure you can house guppy and platies together.  I have 4 guppies and a whole bunch of platies together.  They have been this way for several months now.  If I am correct the mollies and platies will interbreed with each other but other then that you shouldn't have any problems with housing these guys together.
Mollies and platies won't interbreed with each other. They are completely different species. But mollies and guppies can and have bred on rare occassions, although they are distant cousins.
I wouldn't house the mollies with the rest though. They can nip and bully the guppies or even platies.
Here is a video of some guppy/molly hybrids:
You can certainly use your 75 gallon for a livebearer tank, but I think you would be wasting a large tank with such tiny, common fish.

Start checking out threads on here in the members photos, see what your local stores offer, write down fish that catch your eye and let us know, more than likely your tank will be fine for them and you can have a tank that is going to grab your attention every time you walk in the room!
I am going to disagree with Jenste. I love my livebearer stockings and would not trade them for much larger stockings of egg layers. What I try to do is to set up a tank of a single species of wild type livebearers. Sometimes I allow them to share a tank with things like cories, but that is always a side issue for me. Ialways expect my fish to thrive and breed in their own respect.
I wouldn't house platys and guppies with mollies. Mollies do much better in brackish.
As for stocking..... ( given this is in livebearer section ) I would do 15 platies, 30 guppies, 10 half beaks ( if you can find them ) and 10 cories of any kind.

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