Thinking About ...

Cardinals are great, but as has been said, much like Neons they tend to wander the tank. And with Angels it's hit and miss.
A big school of Harleys always look good. And with the various color morphs there's something for everyone.
PepperjacksMama said:
Cardinals are great, but as has been said, much like Neons they tend to wander the tank. And with Angels it's hit and miss.
A big school of Harleys always look good. And with the various color morphs there's something for everyone.
Just curious, is your account name a reference to Always Sunny in Philadelphia? The episode when they suspect Mac is a serial killer, and Dee gets confronted by a pimp named Pepperjack?
Apologies for going off topic. 
RainboWBacoN420 said:
Cardinals are great, but as has been said, much like Neons they tend to wander the tank. And with Angels it's hit and miss.
A big school of Harleys always look good. And with the various color morphs there's something for everyone.
Just curious, is your account name a reference to Always Sunny in Philadelphia? The episode when they suspect Mac is a serial killer, and Dee gets confronted by a pimp named Pepperjack?
Apologies for going off topic. 
Nope. Have never seen the show.
Pepperjack is my dog, and i'm his Mama.
Now back to our regularly scheduled thread.
PepperjacksMama said:
Pepperjack is my dog, and i'm his Mama.

That's cute.
I love that show,  so when I saw that name- yeah-
Anyways, how about some Congo Tetra? They're pretty, they get to a pretty decent size. You can probably get about six of these guys, they should fill up the tank and keep it lively. 
My personal favorite to add to your tank would be a half dozen of one of the cories you already have. Large groups of a single cory species will use up the entire bottom half of the tank and be quite active. In my 120 gallon tank I used to have a dozen of a single cory species and they played in the filter return flow all day long when the lights were on.
Akasha, have you considered a group of rummy nose tetras or something like zebra danios? I have groups of both of these in my tank and they are peaceful, active shoaling fish. The danios stay near the top but the rummy nose move to different levels, however both are always in their group.
They are fun to watch!
Hi all and that's for the replies. I'll try to reply to all
Black skirt tetra's - I've looked at these before but when I did my research into them I read that they can be quite nippy and don't work well with cories and angels,
As already mentioned I'm allowing my otocinclus to die out due to reading stories of angels attempting to eat them resulting in the death of both fish. I don't like the risk.
I already have emperor tetras - nematobrycon palmeri. I have 5 males and 4 females. I also have I remaining kerri tetra from an old shoal - also known as the emperor tetra.
Congo tetra - same reason as the black skirt tetra.
Rummy noses and danio's - no I hadn't considered these but I believe the rummy noses might be angelfish food but I'll do some research
Adding to my cories - always on my mind! And always an option but at the moment I'm looking for top - mid level fish not a bottom dweller
I'm still trying to decide between cardinals and adding to the harlequins
A big shoal of harley's looks amazing.  Personally if I was doing it I'd tannin stain the water, but that's just my preference.
I love the black skirt tetra too.
Have you considered some Rainbows?  Dwarf neons are stunning.
my water is stained. I use redbush tea to stain the water yellow. 
Can't do dwarf neons cos of my angels ... they'd see food for certain there
I believe dwarf neon rainbow fish are too big to be eaten by angels, but I thought they liked harder water too. Rummy's are also notoriously finicky about water parameters just to let you know. I've heard a lot of people have trouble with them.
I vote for upping the rasboras by the way, I love a large school of them.
I'm pretty much decided now on upping the harley's. I was torn between upping the harley's and adding some cardinals (for the colour mostly) but I've more or less talked myself out of the cardinals due to my angels
Some days I regret getting my angelfish. They are beautiful but they are very restrictive when it comes to adding new fish
Akasha72 said:
my water is stained. I use redbush tea to stain the water yellow. 
Can't do dwarf neons cos of my angels ... they'd see food for certain there
That's great :)  I never thought of using tea :)
Akasha72 said:
the tank is a Rio 240 and 4ft long. As to the oto's - yes I knew but I'm allowing them to die out due to reading stories about angels trying to eat them resulting in the death of both fish.
And I have 3 very lazy SAE's that spend all their time sat on the substrate or bickering over food
It's my upper level that looks so bare Ch4rlie. The angels spend at lot of their time sat amongst the plants at the moment
My 4 Sterbai Cories are at the top of the tank most of the time........I think they got confused somehow........and they are hyper!!
if they are zooming around Boshk you can pretty much bet they are considering a spawn. Mine go crazy before a spawning session
Akasha72 said:
I'm pretty much decided now on upping the harley's. I was torn between upping the harley's and adding some cardinals (for the colour mostly) but I've more or less talked myself out of the cardinals due to my angels
Some days I regret getting my angelfish. They are beautiful but they are very restrictive when it comes to adding new fish
That would be a good choice of adding to your harley numbers if youre sure thats what you'd like :)
Angels, are really lovely showy fish and do show great behaviour and colours to any suitable sized aquariums.
I dont mind them at all but just, imho, not really suitable for community tanks.
As a species only tank in decent sized numbers and maybe cardinals or similar sized fish in a largish shoal with a woody sort of set up and tannin/tea stained water makes for a truly lovely tank, I have seen this personally and its just beautiful when done just so :nod:

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