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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    Help Me Create A New Tank! (advice Needed :d)

    hmm ok no co2 then! But whithout this will i still be able to create a carpet and what are the essential ferts should i be using then?? Another thing i forgot to mention is that should I aim to have around 2-3 wpg to help the plants thrive? I havnt purchased my tank yet so the dimensions i do...
  2. M

    Help Me Create A New Tank! (advice Needed :d)

    Hey all, Let me start by introducing myself and my experiance in fish keeping. Currently i have a 10ft fish tank in a wall with some very large fish, so I know how to clean, maintain and care for fish.. believe me there is alot of cleaning! Previously i had some small planted aquariums but...
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    Ok thank you!
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    Yes, why?
  5. M


    What do you mean by "running it with one tube"
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    Hmm the diy FE is to expensive, had a look and only the FE is $150 ! The simple co2 kit costs $10 per 95G bottle, not to bad but would be a pain and expensive in the long run. Could E.tenellus or hair grass carpet with the current setup withought co2? The ferzts I will use include...
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    Hey one more question, the basic co2 kit that I first mentioned, could you hook up a 1L co2 canister to it? If so would it be possible to carpet plants...
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    Ok thanks for all your help again standbysetting!
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    How do you create a DIY fire ext thing?
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    Hmm could a DIY setup be suffianct to carpet glosso or hc? How long would 95G or 1L last? Any other suggestions? Thanks
  11. M


    Hi, again! I've been looking around at different co2 units as a have been told and have read many times that for a successful planted aquarium you need co2 blah blah blah... I don't have the $$$ for anything special but I did find this-...
  12. M

    Fishless Cycle

    wow thanks a million guys! you have really helped me out thanks for thlink and detailed explanation! thanks again..!
  13. M

    Fishless Cycle

    Hi, So I have read about this topic, but I just want to get some questions answered... To "seed" the cycle do you use pure ammonia? If so how much do you dose and for how long? What will be the sign that my tank has begun cycling? How do I keep the cycle going? Does the aquarium light have to...
  14. M

    Fish Are For Their Life

    hi, you guys are totally right! at my LFS i was just checking out tanks, i was looking at a 75L setup, then the guy there reccommended that i put 4 clown loaches, some angels and guppies plus some plecos!! my parents were like.....oo ok that sounds good!... i was thinking is this guy crazy...
  15. M

    T5 Lighting

    hmm strange..i always thought that you had to have atleast 2wpg to grow a carpet and thats bassically what the 2x36 is. the problem is i dont really have the money to buy co2 and it seems to much hassle. im kind of aiming at a low tech planted tank. thanks for all the help though standbysetting!
  16. M

    Stocking Ideas!

    hey evryone! i will be getting a 3ft 135 L tank soon-filtration will be a fluval 205. i understand the cycling period and will not be adding fish until completed!... ok so here are my ideas -7X coral red pencil fish -7X galaxy rasbora -6X glass catfish -4X endelers guppys (if i decide to add...
  17. M

    T5 Lighting

    it will be around 135L or 32-33 gallons?
  18. M

    T5 Lighting

    hi, its 3 ft
  19. M

    Center Piece Fish..

    thanks huys for all the input..! so males will not work...simple. what about any chichlids? will they be compatible for my setup? thanks
  20. M

    T5 Lighting

    hey thanks for the replies... yes i know more light = more nutriants, but which one would u reccommend to grow a glosso carpet with seachem flourish/trace and DIY c02?? any adivse on dosage as well would help ;) thanks
  21. M

    T5 Lighting

    hi all, i have stumbled across these T5 lights and would be happy to purchase one. But..are they going to be good quality and worth the money...
  22. M

    Center Piece Fish..

    hey, i new that 1 male and 2 females might work but i will have different dwarfs - honey gold dwarf, powder blue and the red color (forgot its name) wiil it still be ok? my othfish will be - kuhli's, cardinals, cherry barbs and glass catfish and maybe some endlers thanks
  23. M

    Center Piece Fish..

    hi all, okay first i looked at the dwarf rainbow fish, but they would have to be in a school of atleast 6 which wouldnt match with my other fish as they are schooling, next i looked at a trio of dwarf gourami's but read that they will fight with eachother... so i am looking for a centre fish...
  24. M

    Check Out This Light!

    hey thanks for the replies, i will be dosing seachem flourish and trace and perhaps diy co2 i was looking at growing a glosso carpet and thoguht it needed high light! you are right, it dies look a little tacky...but would it be ok? i dont have a heap of money to spend on lighting! so what amount...
  25. M

    Check Out This Light!

    hey this site- has 4x39W t5 light for $92!!, i know T5 lighing is fantastic but just wanting to check if...
  26. M

    240 Litre Jungle

    haha my first thoughs were holy s#*t that looks awesome! great job!
  27. M

    Stocking Ideas!

    hey, 3ft tank-150 or so Litres, fluval 305.. -dwarf rainbowfish#6 -cherry barb#4 -checkered barb#4 -some form of small schooling fish#20? -Kuhli loaches#10 -some shrimp, possible RCS, but i am worried that they will get eaten?, as they will cost me $7each!!! -and *POSSIBLY* some glass cats...
  28. M

    Carpet Plants

    To much.... I thought the general rule was 3w per gallon to grow a carpet, but I do agree with you guys it seemed like alot to me! So the lights I mentioned, Eco complete, and liquid ferts without diy co2 would be fine or still to much?? Thanks
  29. M

    Will This Be Enough?

  30. M

    Carpet Plants

    hey guys/gals i will be getting either a 3 or 2ft tank lighting will be 4X39w t5 for 3ft or 4X24w t5 for 2ft Fluval 205 canister filter Eco- complete substrate Seachem flourish and trace liquid ferts. DIY CO2 and a glass diffuser will be used aswell. I would be glad to grow a glosso carpet, or...
  31. M

    Will This Be Ok...!?

    thanks will do
  32. M

    Juwel Rio 125 'v' Aqua One 620T?

    hey, i was going to get the ar620 (normal, not T) but desided to not go for it due to a few reasons: lighting was only 2X18w and i had read that the filter wasnt the best out there..., i dont know about the T but that was what i found out about the non T version. Since, i have decided to go...
  33. M

    Will This Be Ok...!?

    hey guys/gals i will be getting either a 3 or 2ft tank lighting will be 4X39w t5 for 3ft or 4X24w t5 for 2ft Fluval 205 canister filter Eco- complete substrate Seachem flourish and trace liquid ferts. I would be glad to grow a glosso carpet, or hairgrass carpet or both :) other plants will be...
  34. M

    Will This Be Enough?

    Thanks for all your advise!
  35. M

    What Do You Think!?

    That's good to know about the hours per day! Would a 3mm ANS glass cup diffuser be ok? Thanks
  36. M

    What Do You Think!?

    So do u use a diffuser at all?
  37. M

    What Do You Think!?

    Hey, Check out this site What do u think? Any good? Would the basic method work with a check valve in it? Thoughts.. Thanks!
  38. M

    Will This Be Enough?

    Hmmm, could I try out a DIY co2 system?
  39. M

    Will This Be Enough?

    Co2 is to expensive for me...): but would it help if I upgraded the lights? Thanks