Center Piece Fish..

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Apr 28, 2011
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hi all,

okay first i looked at the dwarf rainbow fish, but they would have to be in a school of atleast 6 which wouldnt match with my other
fish as they are schooling, next i looked at a trio of dwarf gourami's but read that they will fight with eachother...
so i am looking for a centre fish: the tank will be planted and contains roughly 150L I dont really want Angle fish.

thanks. pls ideas welcome!
what are your other fish?

A trio of dwarf gouramis might work, but only if you have 1m and 2f. Otherwise you could just have 1 m? I had a lone male in my 125L - easily the most colourful fish I have ever owned.

i new that 1 male and 2 females might work but i will have different dwarfs - honey gold dwarf, powder blue and the red color (forgot its name)
wiil it still be ok?
my othfish will be - kuhli's, cardinals, cherry barbs and glass catfish and maybe some endlers
I think females are just bland in colour... So you could have say a powder blue and two blander looking females i think
i think a male and female cockatoo cichild would look good.

however you would really want at least 2 females, ideally 3, as a single female may be harrassed by the male.

as for mixing different male gouramis I'm not sure if that is viable. They might not like conspecifics (fish that look similar to themselves) so it's possible that a DG might attack/pester a honey......but I don't know if that is true. Try posting the question directly in the Anataboids sub-forum
+1 Apistogramma cichlids are harem breeders, meaning that each female establishes a territory, and the males establish a bigger territory that overlaps multiple females.
thanks huys for all the input..!

so males will not work...simple.
what about any chichlids? will they be compatible for my setup?
thanks huys for all the input..!

so males will not work...simple.
what about any chichlids? will they be compatible for my setup?

Yes, some cichlids will work... the aforementioned apistogrammas and rams (bolivian which are hardier, and blue which are not). These fish do not grow very big, so I'm not sure that they fit the bill as a "centerpiece". But, putting some of these in with a large shoal or two of dither fish would be a stunning display!
What about a couple of Emperor Tetras? They have nice colours and get bigger, plus it's okay to just have a couple.
I have three Bolivian Rams (1m 2f)and three Opaline Gouramis (1m 2f) as my centre pieces, a nice combination as the Rams stay in the lower half of the tank and the Gouramis mainly middle to upper. Both are stunning fish

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