Help Me Create A New Tank! (advice Needed :d)

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Apr 28, 2011
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Hey all,

Let me start by introducing myself and my experiance in fish keeping. Currently i have a 10ft fish tank in a wall with some very large fish, so I know how to clean, maintain and care for fish.. believe me there is alot of cleaning! Previously i had some small planted aquariums but really only did the basic lighting whatever substrate i could find and whatever plant looked good kind of thing. So I would say that i am expearianced in keeping and maintaining fish but am a complete newbie when it comes to planted tanks/aquascapes!

Ok so now i want to create a aquascape the right way. I will most likely be using a 15-20L tank as it will be sitting on my desk. Plants were glosso or hc as a carpet and the back/mid ground i have know idea. For the scape i was thinking iwagami style as i love the simplicity but i also like the look of drift wood scapes with the moss attached and carpet look. Ok so getting started... To grow these plants well I am assuming from my research that co2 will be a must? also will other ferts like excel and trace nutrients need to be added? As this will be my first venture into co2 i would like to keep cost at a minimun to see how it turns out. So would a paintball system be the best route? Now onto the substrate, from my research the ada amazonia has appeared many times so would this be all i need for the substrate? or do other things need to be added? lastly what type of lighting should i be looking at? As you can see i am a complete newb! Please fill me in on these questions if you can! Also links to products would be much appreciated. I can also use some of the used filter media from my current tank to seed the cycling process in this one.

thanks for reading!
OK, for a 15-20l you don't really need pressurised CO2, you can go with the liquids.

You'll need plenty of flow, good light and yes, some ferts.

ADA is expensive, but a very nice substrate. Several people on here use colombo florobase with good results. I use sand and cat litter, but I'm cheap when it comes to substrate.

Lighting is difficult to know without knowing the dimensions of the tank, as there are several that would work that won't fit over some 20l tanks.
hmm ok no co2 then! But whithout this will i still be able to create a carpet and what are the essential ferts should i be using then?? Another thing i forgot to mention is that should I aim to have around 2-3 wpg to help the plants thrive? I havnt purchased my tank yet so the dimensions i do not know. But it will definately be no larger then 20-30 L

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