Check Out This Light!

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Apr 28, 2011
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this site-

has 4x39W t5 light for $92!!, i know T5 lighing is fantastic but just wanting to check if this is worth the money and if\
it is the real deal...

thanks feedback appreciated!
do u need that many lights? i would assume u're going High Tec with Co2 and ferts if u want that much light over a planted tank?
By golly, thats a joke. You'll be running into thick green waves of algae if you havn't got the nutrients + CO2 to go with those lights. Plus your fish will be dazzled haha, thats ridiculous. Yes in the right set-up that would be fine, i love high light set ups, but seems a little bit OTT for my liking. Looks really tacky IMO also. Looks like the cheap hong kong imports i've seen over here.
hey thanks for the replies,
i will be dosing seachem flourish and trace and perhaps diy co2
i was looking at growing a glosso carpet and thoguht it needed high light! you are right,
it dies look a little tacky...but would it be ok? i dont have a heap of money to spend on lighting!
so what amount of Watts wold you reccmend then?

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