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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    Poll: Favorite Type Of Fish?

    My favorite fish is the fancy guppy.... :D
  2. M

    Discus With Other Fish?

    I dont have a discus yet... :rolleyes: I am planning on getting some pretty nice ones once I find a breeder near me, right now I dont even have water in the tank so it may be another month until I get my first fish.
  3. M

    Discus With Other Fish?

    Thanks... Do to the fact that I am probably the only person in my area with this hobby, at least I think... I never see any fish for sale in the newspaper, just tanks. I will have to due some research on some good discus breeders, if there are any in my area(I hope so). Thanks Again!!
  4. M

    Discus With Other Fish?

    Ok I will try and figure out what I am goingto do here.... I dont have the money to buy 6 discus, maybe I will buy them slowly and buy the cheaper fish first than at least I have something in there until I get the discus.... Thanks for the great advice!!! :)
  5. M

    Discus With Other Fish?

    Ok now that Ive read all that, I will change my plans... Probably 6 Discus, 6 Rams, 6 Clowns, 1 Common Pleco/ Will watch him with discus and if he does fine I will get the bulldog... I am not to interested in doing a species tank, just to boring to waste 125 gallons on a bunch of discus and...
  6. M

    Discus With Other Fish?

    alright, how come everyone hates my balas :/ !?!?!?!?! What is wrong with them, they arent aggressive or anything, just tell me why you guys suggest not getting them? Other than that, how big of a group of discus and rams, and are the clowns good and plecos and the other stuff? Since so many...
  7. M

    Discus With Other Fish?

    Well see the thing is my other 129 gallon has gouramis, I dont like gouramis much myself...See too much and the get boring -_- ... About the balas I am looking forward to getting them because I had them before In my 129 gallon but it died, I didnt know this before but I heard the bala controls...
  8. M

    Discus With Other Fish?

    I have a 125 gallon I gotta get running soon and I was planning on getting a bunch of nice big fish (not to big though). My plan was to get these fish: 2 Bala Sharks 2 Discus 1 Common Pleco 1 Bulldog Pleco 5 Clown Loaches 3 German Blue Rams (the only small ones) 1 Elephant Nose ....... Those...
  9. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    ok thanks for the advice... no i do not know java or css. i probably will try to change the font as soon as i get to it.... i have alot of web space i only got 200mb/4000mb used right now, so i dont know why its loading slow? After seeing that webpage i still dont understand what you mean by...
  10. M

    Have you ever?

    I work at the LFS, anytime i have money i come out with something :D , yesterday i had a few extra dollars (like 3) and i bought some livebearer food...
  11. M

    fav fish

    have have a few favorite fish... my top is the bala shark and next in line is the fancy guppy...
  12. M

    New to saltwater...

    I got a new-used tank the other day, 125 gallons, planning on making it saltwater and i am doing alot of research before i get to starting it... I looked up some stuff on the sand to put in the bottom and i would like to know where to get some stuff that i found i would need: Live Oolitic...
  13. M

    How do i build my own tank?

    now where is a good place to get acrylic? and the cement stuff needed to glue it together? do i have to order the acrylic over the net or can i buy it somewhere like lowes or home depot or something like that? Thanks, Mike
  14. M

    How do i build my own tank?

    I just plan on building about 30-40 gallons, i have no room for more than that. I will check out that site and see what its like... Thanks Mike
  15. M

    How do i build my own tank?

    I might be interested in building my own fish tank, like something close to 30 gallons.... i do not need a stand i already have one built(not really a stand more on the shelf side). I would like to know where to get the stuff to build a tank, glass or acrylic doesnt matter... And also how to go...
  16. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    thanks, i am still working on getting the site finshed, may take me a while with work and the new saltwater tank... I hope i can be finished with it by the end of this month (i still will not be finished, ive redone it like 3 times now :rolleyes: )... Thanks for the feedback, hope i get more :)...
  17. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    ok i will pm u my email address than you can send it there if you would like... Thanks Mike
  18. M

    New to saltwater...

    i dont know, i would just like to listen to my boss on this one about the live rock, not the ich thing though, just i dont fell like using it thats all... I do have 2 biowheels on the tank so that should be plenty biological filtration... I did ask him, i asked him today at work, i wrote down...
  19. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    yeah i know they get really blurred... I dont know how he does it :dunno: ... As i said he is a good photographer.... You got a digital camera? if so could you post some pics i wouldnt mind seeing your tank or if you got a site you can post that. Thanks Mike
  20. M

    New to saltwater...

    Yes i do have the external filter with the bio wheels and also the sand which is a biological filter as well... I am not planning on getting coral once again my boss told me it is better to have a bigger tank and get more into it before i begin with coral. I am reading and taking in the advice...
  21. M

    New to saltwater...

    well my bosses tank is setup nice. It has a skimmer and a filter and in it he has some rocks, just for decor it is not live, he has his corals in there and a few fish... Basicly what he has in there is what i will have in my tank except for the coral because i am just a beginner and i dont got a...
  22. M

    New to saltwater...

    i have at least 1lb per gallon of live sand plus i have a filter already on it with biological filtration. but i didnt ask about live rock, i asked what type of fish would be nice to put in there and what i can fit... but there is one thing i would like to know is that how all my bosses fish...
  23. M

    New to saltwater...

    my boss uses the same filter as me, it isnt that big at all, hes just got regular setups there, there isnt anything big about them... I did some reading about live rock and live sand... The live sand also acts as the main biological filtration, i have live sand, so i will not need the live rock...
  24. M

    New to saltwater...

    why shouldnt i listen to my boss, he owns a fish store for one thing and he has beautifal setups there also.... Mike
  25. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    He zooms, what do you mean by f settings and speed? Do you mean focus settings and shutter speeds? If so he has the automatic focus on and idont know the shutter speeds i will have to ask... Thanks Mike
  26. M

    New to saltwater...

    Well i had no plans on buying live rock, my boss told me that you dont need it and most of the people he knows who uses it get ich, He doesnt use live rock in all of his aquariums he has at the store. My equipment... I have a Magnum 350 pro filter system , and am planning on getting a protein...
  27. M

    New to saltwater...

    I have just bought all the stuff to set up my saltwater tank( my first), i got the salt in and its dissolving and mixing right now... i have a 30 gallon tank, so i can just fit about 4 fish in there... i have the sand with live bacteria (which i cant put in until tomorow night because the salt...
  28. M

    Looking Into Pirahnas (Now), Need Some Help

    so what your saying is that the best way to keep a red bellied pirahna is in a school of 6 at least??? i cant keep a school of 4 or smaller in a 90 gallon? right now i dont have enough room in my house for another 130 gallon tank... :dunno: Thanks Mike
  29. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    he does use a tripod sometimes (gets better pictures), but mostly with a tripod it is all in one spot unless you move it.... a tripod is good to have but its not needed (at least not for my dad most of the times).... without a tripod you can get better angles and into caves and stuff like that...
  30. M

    Looking Into Pirahnas (Now), Need Some Help

    the only pirahnas we get in the store are red bellied... im not putting no pirahna in my 129gallon... its nice as it is, lol... i gotta get a new tank, say if i would get a 90 gallon how many pirahnas can i fit in there??? so they can still move around... Thanks Mike
  31. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    ok i will try and remember to ask him.... he has i think 6mp (thats his best one), and he got a 8mp(2nd in line).... They are both minoltas... he had a fuji finepix, that thing didnt work great at all, but it might have been a different one from yours. Minolta is the best digital camera to...
  32. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    thanks again.... :) Thanks Mike
  33. M

    Looking Into Pirahnas (Now), Need Some Help

    wow, i didnt know they got that big.... the ones in the store or only the size of a baseball, that is big though.... I beleive they are red bellied pacus (they are partially red), but it doesnt say what type they are just that they are pacus, i will have to ask.... so i guess that phases out...
  34. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    My dad is the photographer, i think its a minolta something or other :dunno: but it is top of the the line B) ..... and he is a great photographer... thanks for all the feedback, i hope more is left (as long as its good :rolleyes: ) Thanks Mike
  35. M

    Looking Into Pirahnas (Now), Need Some Help

    I work at the lfs and i see they have "pacus", i guess they are suppose to be something like a pirahna, i am interested in getting a few but i need some information on how big they get and their water conditions and stuff like that (what they eat also), what would be a good sized tank.... If...
  36. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    yeah i know....thanks.... i am gonna get more vids in soon i hope, the tank is very active all the time... Thanks Mike
  37. M

    Mikes Fish Site

    thanks... i hope i can get it finished soon :( Mike
  38. M

    help me decide please

    severums are great, we have them in our community tank 129 gallons, they arent aggresive in my tank (never have been aggressive) we had one it got huge, but it died, now we have 3 new ones and they are doing great in our community tank along with 2 angel fish, swordtails, tetras, minnows, and 1...
  39. M

    help me decide please

    are you talking about putting cichlids in with the barbs and shark??? cause if so i wouldnt do that cichlids are aggressive little fish they even tear each other apart... Mike