Mikes Fish Site

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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New Member
Mar 17, 2004
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I have redone my fish site once again.... It is not completely finished, it will be in a little while though... If you never been there it has some tropical fish information and a bunch of good pictures of my tanks... Not all of the pictures and info are up yet so you can keep checking in and see what i have updated lately (might have all the stuff up by the end of september, i got a busy schedule :rolleyes: )...

Please be sure to visit it when you get the chance

Mikes Fish Site

Mike, its a nice start. I like the photo and video gallery numbers in the bubbles. Cute little graphic.
thanks... but i gotta admit i didnt make the little fish cartoons :/ ... my buddy did( im getting into it though)
That is a lovely site! I wish I could set one up like that!!
Your photos are amazing as well!
I have favourited your site and will continue to look at it as it develops!

P.S. Welcome to the forum!
yeah i know....thanks.... i am gonna get more vids in soon i hope, the tank is very active all the time...

My dad is the photographer, i think its a minolta something or other :dunno: ...lol... but it is top of the the line B) ..... and he is a great photographer... thanks for all the feedback, i hope more is left (as long as its good :rolleyes: )

ok i will try and remember to ask him.... he has i think 6mp (thats his best one), and he got a 8mp(2nd in line).... They are both minoltas... he had a fuji finepix, that thing didnt work great at all, but it might have been a different one from yours. Minolta is the best digital camera to get,imo and my dads, but there are some good ones other than minolta...

Ok thanks Mike, I'll keep an eye out for your reply. In the meantime, I'll give it a go over the weekend. I should imagine a tripod is needed.
Any help and suggestions off your dad will be gratefully received.
he does use a tripod sometimes (gets better pictures), but mostly with a tripod it is all in one spot unless you move it.... a tripod is good to have but its not needed (at least not for my dad most of the times).... without a tripod you can get better angles and into caves and stuff like that, but it is great to have one....


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