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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Willbacon23

    20 gallon tank ideas for my brothers first tank

    I saw that too just now when buying some anything lowering nitrite levels can’t be bad in my opinion, does it need to be rooted? Planning on putting it above a small cave
  2. Willbacon23

    20 gallon tank ideas for my brothers first tank

    Are you saying that as a good thing? :)
  3. Willbacon23

    20 gallon tank ideas for my brothers first tank

    Looked into java moss myself and just bought 10 grams to try it out with my shrimp seems so easy
  4. Willbacon23

    20 gallon tank ideas for my brothers first tank

    Yeah I’ve always wanted otocinclus myself! Sounds like a really good idea actually . If he gets more efficient with water maintenance and cleaning and feeding after a year he could always increase the amount of galaxy rasboras as well
  5. Willbacon23

    20 gallon tank ideas for my brothers first tank

    Hey guys, my brother has been getting into watching me and my aquarium and wants his own. After studying it for 2 months he seems like he knows what he’s doing plus I’m here e to help until October. I’ve bought him a 20 gallon tank and was wondering if any of you have any ideas, want this just...
  6. Willbacon23

    Changing gravel

    Hey just an update for those interested increases substrate size and carried out my weekly changes so substrate is now around 2,3 inches deep. I’m so happy with how it looks and want to thank everyone for their help! Fish are understandably spooked st the minute so was wondering whether I should...
  7. Willbacon23

    Changing gravel

    I was thinking of doing my gravel clean water change today and then adding the gravel straight after?
  8. Willbacon23

    Whitish mould on maple branches

    It’s not that doing badly or great more that the mould is simply natural on branches driftwood etc. If you type on YouTube white mould on driftwood I believe it will tell you all about it :)
  9. Willbacon23

    Changing gravel

    Thanks so much for your response. It’s a fairly new tank just cycled so I was thinking about maybe keeping the half inch of gravel I have currently and just adding my new gravel over it. Do you think that’s a good idea? It’s a 20 gallon so I was thinking of maybe doing the half and half. I feel...
  10. Willbacon23

    Whitish mould on maple branches

    Watched a YouTube video and the guy said it’d actually a positive sign your fish tank is doing well! Does look unsightly but any fish like Plecos love it!
  11. Willbacon23

    5 gallon tank ideas!

    Pea puffer is my eventual dream fish. I’ve heard they are very high maintenance with feeding, water conditions etc. So wanna wait until I feel like I really really know what I’m doingn before moving on to them :)
  12. Willbacon23

    Changing gravel

    Hey guys, this is kinda a follow up post. I’ve cleaned out my gravel multiple times and have it ready to move into my main aquarium and plan to take out the old gravel. Should I move my fish out whilst doing this. I assumed i should but just checking what people think would be the best place to...
  13. Willbacon23

    5 gallon tank ideas!

    If they were good community fish you’d probably see them in every aquarium internationally the hardiness and colouration can’t be beat
  14. Willbacon23

    5 gallon tank ideas!

    Yeah got a standard 20 gallon with cherry shrimp currently doing well. I think I will get a crow tail betta just so beautiful really
  15. Willbacon23

    5 gallon tank ideas!

    I was considering either a betta tank or a planted cherry shrimp tank. Which do you think would be better?
  16. Willbacon23

    5 gallon tank ideas!

    Hey guys, I’ve probably done what everyone in this group has done at some point and bought a smaller tank as a quarantine tank only to want to convert it into a new tank. It’s clearly a veryy small tank so any ideas on what to do with it would be appreciated. My water parameters are GH of 160...
  17. Willbacon23

    Danio missing tail

    Could it be diseases , rot?
  18. Willbacon23

    Danio missing tail

    What other fish do you have in the tank?
  19. Willbacon23

    How long for a new filter to work independently?

    3 weeks I’d say. Probs even when readings are all 0ppm such as nitrites and ammonia keep in for an additional week to be safe
  20. Willbacon23

    Adding gravel to pre-existing gravel

    I’ve had my filter for 4 weeks and now all my readings are 0ppm so I believe it’s established. Ideally I’d like to replace all the gravel but am more conscious of the environment in the aquaroum than the aesthetics Ofc so am willing to just add more
  21. Willbacon23

    Adding gravel to pre-existing gravel

    Hey guys, I’m planning on adding more gravel to my current tank as I add some hardy plants etc in however have been told not to remove pre- existing gravel due to it being a place where beneficial bacteria lives. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to add more gravel in to my tank safely
  22. Willbacon23

    Female betta in community tank?

    I’ve got 6 small glowlight dani. Thanks all for the help defo not gonna add anything else just gonna keep what I’ve got :)
  23. Willbacon23

    Female betta in community tank?

    I’ve heard they’re notoriously docile? That’s first time I’ve heard that
  24. Willbacon23

    Female betta in community tank?

    Okay perfect thanks, could a dwarf gourami work? I’ve got reassurances from my local aquarium that they will quarantine the fish to remove the problem of DGD for me?
  25. Willbacon23

    Guppy’s in a community tank?

    Hi thanks for your reply yes I see your point still undecided. My GH is 150 got it tested at my local shop with a master kit. I posted as a separate thread before you replied as I thought you wouldn’t respond due to obviously being busy or what not:) thanks so much for your reply I do really...
  26. Willbacon23

    Female betta in community tank?

    Hello everyone, since last time I have increased stock of current inhabitants I now have 9 Pygmy Cory 4 bronze corys and 6 danio in my 20 gallon long along with some small cherry shrimp to help with cleanup etc :). At the aquatics store today I was told a female betta could be a marquee fish in...
  27. Willbacon23

    Guppy’s in a community tank?

    Hi mate sorry to bother you again you just seem very knowledgeable. I sorted the lack of Pygmys by adding another 3 so I now have a group of 9. With 3 bronze corys and 6 glow light danio. My local fish shop recommended a female betta to add to the tank and was wondering your thoughts. Didn’t...
  28. Willbacon23

    best and cheapest place to buy a 10 gallon?

    Nothing too cheap, often collect yourslef which is q inconvenient. I feel like fish keeping in the UK is just a more expensive hobby, I mean £20 for a Betta... really? local pet shop really bumping their prices
  29. Willbacon23

    best and cheapest place to buy a 10 gallon?

    I’m saying that’s a amazing! I’d do anything for that. That’s US prices. I was more saying that’s the price id love. Unfortunately in UK a 5 gallon Isaround 40£ ridiculous
  30. Willbacon23

    best and cheapest place to buy a 10 gallon?

    It’s a real struggle. 30 gallon for £30 ;(( I’d pay that for a 3 gallon in the UK
  31. Willbacon23

    best and cheapest place to buy a 10 gallon?

    Hey guys, I’m from the UK so don’t have the luxury of petcos a gallon a dollar sale 3(. In the UK a 10 gallon can easily cost you up to 65£ or around 80$. I was wondering if anyone knows anywhere slightly cheaper for 10 gallons ? Planning on having a cherry shrimp only highly planted tank...
  32. Willbacon23

    How to clean super dirty gravel??

    Even products like tetrasafestart plus which suggest you can put fish in straight after in reality don’t work perfectly. It’s not worth the risk. You’ll end up either super stressed haging to do constant water changes or end up with dead fish which no one wants. Introduce the beneficial bacteria...
  33. Willbacon23

    How to clean super dirty gravel??

    Make sure you cycle your tank properly before putting any fish in. I’d suggest waiting 4 weeks to be safe. Set up tank with plants, ornamnentd etc as you would and filter Of course. Add tetrasafestart to help increase the beneficial bacteria colony. I would suggest using an old filter from a...
  34. Willbacon23

    Guppy’s in a community tank?

    Perfect thanks so much for that!
  35. Willbacon23

    Guppy’s in a community tank?

    After messaging my local pet store they said they reckon it is hard water at around 150. This in London is considered softer” due to most being above 180. Hope that helps :)
  36. Willbacon23

    Guppy’s in a community tank?

    Okay cool okay cool perfect. Atm the tank does seem empty and have always wanted one standout fish. I’ve ordered for colllection 4 more Pygmy cories so that will help sort that out with them. Would shrimp be possible and any options for one stand out fish in the tank
  37. Willbacon23

    Guppy’s in a community tank?

    Idk who to believe which is the problem I took their word over test strips. But after asking others from london they said water is hard so I assume they said it’s soft water compared to rest ofnlondon?
  38. Willbacon23

    Guppy’s in a community tank?

    I was told by my water carrier it’s softer water but after testing it said harder water. I used test strips tho so not the most reliable and I am now wondering whether the water carrier meant it’s softer relative to London in general
  39. Willbacon23

    Guppy’s in a community tank?

    I will definitely get more Pygmy cories this Friday. Everywhere says 6 would be perfect so very strange . Does the dwarf gourami disease spread to other fish? Is there any other fish I can keep in there which can do well on its own I’m planning to make the water slightly hardier
  40. Willbacon23

    Guppy’s in a community tank?

    Okay thank you. Yes I won’t get guppies then for sure. I’ve always heard really good things about dwarf gouramis and really want one. It’s a hard one. I am planning on getting now 2 more Pygmy cories and a couple albino bronze Coryd