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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. DiddleBug

    My Guppies!

    You've got some nice fish there! :)  I find it fun to selective breed and keep the best colors.  Guppies may be beginners fish, but even experts enjoy keeping them! :)
  2. DiddleBug

    Male Guppy And Female...

    Males do tend to go for the pregnant females, the ones which seem more fertile.  I don't think they care about the color of the female from what I've seen.  They may go for the darker females (maybe due to the very dark gravid spot?) more than the lighter.  I have had guppies for years and I'm...
  3. DiddleBug

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    i can't believe this thread is still going.... lol
  4. DiddleBug

    What Is This A Wild Guppy,molly Or Mosquitofish

    Yes, i've seen some colorless female guppies and they don't have such a dark and high up gravid spot.  I'd say mosquito fish.  
  5. DiddleBug

    Cory Eggs By Post Question.

    Yep.  Too bad they'd fungus.  :/
  6. DiddleBug

    Is He Veil-Tail Or.....?

    He's very handsome! :D
  7. DiddleBug

    Not Very Good News

    I'll be praying for your recovery. 
  8. DiddleBug


    aw, they are so cute!!! :)
  9. DiddleBug

    Is This Normal?

    I have a few hiding spots... but not a ton. the fry don't hide anyway. :P
  10. DiddleBug

    Is This Normal?

    I wonder if you feed the adults more they are less apt to snack on the fry.  i feed my fish bloodworms and flakes, so they usually get 2-3 meals a day.  
  11. DiddleBug

    Is This Normal?

    No, they look like regular guppies to me. :)
  12. DiddleBug

    Is This Normal?

    I have some adult guppies in my 10 gallon tank and have been selective breeding them. I don't have much space so I just keep a few fry from each batch. Thing is, I have probably 60 fry (some a week old, some not a day old yet) I left in the tank because I didn't want them and they are swimming...
  13. DiddleBug

    My Bettas

    Same here! He is handsome!  i like the red and black a lot. :)
  14. DiddleBug

    Where In Toledo Oh Can You Get Live Plants?

    Thanks for all your advice, it's greatly appreciated!  :) 
  15. DiddleBug

    Guppy Videos

    I don't have a youtube account or anything, so I just wanted to share some fish videos I had here. :)   The dance:     The act:
  16. DiddleBug

    I Have Never Seen This Kind Of Guppy Behavior (Story Time)

    My male fish did the same thing! He had no romantic intentions, he just kept nipping her like it was a game! :( I understand your aggravation...
  17. DiddleBug

    Where In Toledo Oh Can You Get Live Plants?

    I would like to get some Java Fern, Vals, Swords, and maybe a few other easy plants.  My parents wanted to take me into Toledo to get me some nice ones, but we have no clue where to go.  I know Petsmart has some plants, but are they good quality?  Where would you recommend I get my plants?
  18. DiddleBug

    Platy Fry 3 Days Old And Have Colour!

    You have very pretty fish! Keep us posted. :)
  19. DiddleBug

    Castiel: My New Boy

    Wow!  He's really handsome! :)
  20. DiddleBug

    My Platy Is Pregnant But Roughly How Far Along Is She?

    What I do for my guppies is watch them closely when I know they are about due (you'll know fairly well once she has babies a few times) and when i see a fry or two (or can tell definitely by looks) I move her to a breeder net with plants in it.  I had 45 (all live) beautiful fry today using that...
  21. DiddleBug

    Bamboo Shrimp Has A New Ride!

    Very nice shrimp you have! :)  He knows how to sneak a ride! :D
  22. DiddleBug

    Guppy Mating Behavior?

    :) Good luck with them!  
  23. DiddleBug

    Guppy Mating Behavior?

    Yea, I've had males that have a favorite female. It can be annoying when they ignore all the others and chase a big pregnant female. :P Maybe you'd have better luck if you took the pregnant female out... then he'd have no other choice but to like the virgin females.
  24. DiddleBug

    52 Guppy Fry!

    That is strange! I heard the temperature and hardness/softness of water can effect the ratio of males to females.  
  25. DiddleBug

    Sexing Gouramis - Please Help

    Yep.  :) My dwarf gourami did before many times when there were no other fish of his species around.
  26. DiddleBug

    Help With Platy Pregnancy

    Usually I wouldn't keep live bearer fry in breeder nets/traps for over a month.   It can stunt growth.  I feed my guppy fry (I've had mollies before too) Hikari First Bites and crushed flake.  Feed them 4-5 times a day at first if you can.  Make sure not to over due it, you don't want to pollute...
  27. DiddleBug

    Help With Pregnant Balloon Mollys

    Pregnant mollies generally get bigger and continue to grow till they give birth.  If you have her with a male she is no doubt pregnant.  When females are going to give birth they may act shy, get square looking on their belly, hang around a heater or certain area, and sometimes they don't eat.   
  28. DiddleBug

    Sexing Gouramis - Please Help

    Yeah, they both look like males. 
  29. DiddleBug

    Where To Find A Background Cling?

    I'd like a nice back ground cling for both of my 10 gallons.  I like the "rocky" look, or the 3D rough-edged stone.  I've looked around for some but I can't find any.  Is there a place online to get some?  Where do you get your clings?  
  30. DiddleBug

    Corys And Live Plants?

    Good.  That makes things easier. :)  Thanks for all your input.  
  31. DiddleBug

    Green Corys-From 3 Days To 5 Months

    Ok, gotcha! :) Yes, I meant to breed them.  They have spawned unplanned though before too.  I had them on frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, shrimp pellets, and tropical flakes.  On that diet they pretty much breed regularly wether you like it not.  :)  It was really fun to spawn them and...
  32. DiddleBug

    My New Baby

    He's very handsome! :)
  33. DiddleBug

    Green Corys-From 3 Days To 5 Months

      I had a lot survive up till when I went on vacation.  (They weren't  very big then.) They really died off then since the sitter didn't feed them like I did or change the water.  At 4 months of age I sold all but the best 18.  I'm not sure what you mean by 'did you mean to breed them'.  I...
  34. DiddleBug

    Green Corys-From 3 Days To 5 Months

    Thanks. :) Well, I have two tanks and one tub right now. The one tank has a few guppies, but besides that it's just corys.
  35. DiddleBug

    Green Corys-From 3 Days To 5 Months

    Here are the parents.  The only female is the big one on the far right.   Their 250 (around) fry at 3 days old:     A few weeks old: (They are very hungry little fellows.) :)      A little over a month old:  (Ignore the adults in the background.)     Three months old:  You can see some...
  36. DiddleBug

    What To Feed Baby Live Bearers?

    I know the feeling.... :P
  37. DiddleBug

    What To Feed Baby Live Bearers?

    Yeah, I used Hikari First Bites and crushed flakes.  (You can put flakes in a bag and use a rolling pin or whatever to get them very small.)  
  38. DiddleBug

    My Molly Fry Are Growing! They Got Spots! Need Help With Breed

    Yeah, I bred dalmatians with gold dust a while back and my fry looked just like that. They may loose some black.  Mine turned out very pretty.  :) Good luck with them!  
  39. DiddleBug

    Corys And Live Plants?

    Ok.  So would it be smart to take the corys out till the plants root?