Help With Pregnant Balloon Mollys

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Sep 12, 2013
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Hi can anybody help me with my ballon molly i think it may be preggo and have it locked up in a breeder id like to be sure as new to the breed can anybody point out signs of behaviour or something ither than gravid spot? Thanks
Pregnant mollies generally get bigger and continue to grow till they give birth.  If you have her with a male she is no doubt pregnant.  When females are going to give birth they may act shy, get square looking on their belly, hang around a heater or certain area, and sometimes they don't eat.   
Only problem with balloon mollys is that they already have that roundish belly to them.  I had this problem with my balloon molly and i just waited until she was REALLY noticeably bigger than what she really was.  Another thing is that i am guessing she is white, because thats what color most balloon mollys are, and if so they you should be able to see a gravid spot by her anal fin pretty easily since it will be black. Balloon mollys are harder to tell when they are pregnant but after a couple times of her having fry you will get to know what she looks like when she is and isn't pregnant.

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