What Is This A Wild Guppy,molly Or Mosquitofish

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Mostly New Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Im not sure if this is a female wild guppy ,molly mosquitofish etc. She is aggressive I think she also killed her female guppy tankmate  because I  see her chasing it and has tattered tail when i found her tank mate dead. can someone confirm or identify  this livebearer if it is a molly guppy etc. cuz I love different types of livebearers haha im new here btw pls be nice. 


it's hard to take photos of her she constantly moves.
My money is on female guppy, but, I'm not sure about just how 'wild' it is!
I'd agree with that.
[SIZE=medium]it looks more like a mosquito fish the gravid spot is higher up in the belly than a gravid Guppy. in good light conditions a mosquito fish will show a yellowish to a gold tint to the lower part of the belly when looking very close at the dorsal and tail fin you can see very fine spots almost like rust color, [/SIZE]
Yes, i've seen some colorless female guppies and they don't have such a dark and high up gravid spot.  I'd say mosquito fish.  
Thanks for all of your replies.Is this fish pregnant? :)
Is this fish a mosquito fish lol.? 
looks pregnant  gravid spot is a bit small may be some time before it drops fry. 
Yes, she looks a week or two along.  It's hard to tell....
Looks like a Gambusia(mosquito fish) to me, given more picks we could determine what type.
holbrooki? where did you get this? looks like gambusia holbrooki to me
Heres a pic of G.affinis otherwise known as the western mosquitofish,which is what i'd say you have.

No doubt the fish you have is a gambusia, these fish are themselves very aggressive and are known to wipe out species of native fish.I wouldn't recommend anything other than a single species tank for them
Thanks for all the info,  I got two of them actually they look the same and they are fine together no fin nipping. I separated them from the guppies.
DiddleBug said:
Yes, she looks a week or two along.  It's hard to tell....
DiddleBug said:
Yes, she looks a week or two along.  It's hard to tell....
btw she gave birth a week ago and her stomach is still like that in the pic, is it possible that she will give birth again without males around?

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