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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. DiddleBug

    Are My Guppies Pregnant?

    If they're in with males then they're probably pregnant.  :P  They don't look very big, so their either not pregnant or only a week or less along.  Good luck with them!
  2. DiddleBug

    My 35 Gallon Tall Hex Aquarium

    I like it! :) Nice angel!  I have some rock just like that red and cream stripe one. :)
  3. DiddleBug

    Breeding Question

    what exactly do you mean?  I never heard of one being better for hatching or anything.  
  4. DiddleBug

    Is This Helleri Pregnant?

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but she looks like a swordtail.  Here's a link:
  5. DiddleBug

    Breeding Question

  6. DiddleBug

    Is This Helleri Pregnant?

    Very nice fish!  And yes, she looks like it to me. I'd say 2 weeks along or somewhere around there, but I can't be sure.  She hasn't started to square off or anything. Are you planning on keeping the fry?  If so, I'd recommend you get some plants (fake or real) so they can hide.  Good luck!
  7. DiddleBug

    Breeding Question

    I know once corys start spawning the same group-if well cared for-will spawn regularly.  I have had green corys before but never had a breeding group together long enough to get a pattern.  My question is, do they spawn every few days laying a small amount of eggs at a time or more of a bunch of...
  8. DiddleBug

    My Fish

    Nice tanks and fish!  I like the little fry! :)
  9. DiddleBug


    Way to go!  :D You're fish must all be very happy with their tank! :)
  10. DiddleBug

    What's Wrong With Her?

    So do you think she'll be ok for selective breeding?  Right now she's away from the male and I don't know if she's pregnant.  For my breeding plan I just need one male and one female from her in a few months.  Should I consider using another female?  
  11. DiddleBug

    What's Wrong With Her?

    I have this young female guppy, almost full grown.  She's very active and healthy and a week ago had her first fry.  (The fry are healthy and nothing is wrong with them.)  She had a straight back before she gave birth and right after I noticed she looked a bit "hunched over".  Her back looks...
  12. DiddleBug

    Pregnant Platy Possibly Over Due

    My female mollies had 60 some fry per month.  I'm, not sure how many fry platies have though.  As long as you are quick at catching fry and have a good method, you won't have many deaths (if any).  The problem is finding homes for all of them. :P
  13. DiddleBug

    Is My Balloon Molly Pregnant? If Do When Will She Drop Her Fry?

    I had trouble with mollies aborting in those too.  My guppies don't mind though.  I ended up using a butterfly net for the mollies, which worked fine. :)  
  14. DiddleBug

    Gestation! What The Freak Have I Got In My Tank?

    Yes, I'm confused too.  I have heard live bearers can have their fry over a few days sometimes, but besides that usually 20 day pregnancies is as short as you get. Sometimes with my fish I get confused who had what fry.  Or maybe you thought a female gave birth when it was actually another?    
  15. DiddleBug

    [Pic]Opaline Gourami Mating

    Nice! They are so cute!  The older ones almost look like guppies or endlers at a first glance. :)  
  16. DiddleBug

    Could I Put Any More Pygmy Corys In My 12 Gallon?

    I'd say you could probably put in 2 more.  Some people are very picky with stocking but I'd say if you're tank is nice and clean now and your fish are happy two or 3 more wouldn't hurt, especially if you have good strong filtration and live plants.  
  17. DiddleBug

    How To Count Pygmy Cories?!

    i had pygmy corys before and yes, they are very hard to count! :P The easiest thing to do is net them all out and count as you go till you got them all.  Then let them go again. :P     Have they ever spawned for you?  Mine took a while to mature and then every 2 weeks or so they'd spawn on their...
  18. DiddleBug

    Updated Pics Of My Licorice Gourami's

    It looks really good! :D
  19. DiddleBug

    My Swordtails And Platy

    Nice fish! :) The male sure has a lot of color!
  20. DiddleBug

    What Have You Named Your Fish?

    Male Guppy: Falon   Female Guppies: Venus, Dulce (pronounced dule-say), Sofie, and Angel   I have 18 corys right now, so i can't tell them apart. :P Once I get rid of most of them i should be able to name them. :)
  21. DiddleBug

    Little Tank Journey

    I love your betta! Nice pics!
  22. DiddleBug

    When To Release Platy Fry?

    i raise my guppy fry in breeder nets all the time (boxes are probably fine too).  I'd keep them in there for 3-4 weeks max. by a month they should be safe from their parents. :)
  23. DiddleBug

    Updated Pics Of My Licorice Gourami's

    Aw! I love them! :D 
  24. DiddleBug

    My Tanks And Fish

    I'm selective breeding the guppies, so i've learned to only keep a few from each batch! :)     I know!  aqueon filters are great!  My previous one that came with the tank was garbage so I replaced it. :) 
  25. DiddleBug

    Pregnant Platy Possibly Over Due

    With colder water (like in the mid 70's) they can take a long time to drop.  I got a female molly from a petshop with cold tank water and when i moved her to my tank (around 80 F) she dropped the next day.  The fry were huge!  I guess she'd had them in there for a long time! :)
  26. DiddleBug

    My Fish Tank Journey...

    We've all come a way! :) I had a 3 gallon plastic tank when i was younger and I had 10 goldfish in it. :P I was only 10 or so and my dad didn't see that as a problem.  He had had an overstocked tank when he was young, so to him to was normal. :/  Guess what?  all but 9 died.  I wonder why... lol...
  27. DiddleBug

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    :P You little scamp! :)
  28. DiddleBug

    My Tanks And Fish

    Here's the stocking:   10 gallon- 5 six month old green corys and 7 one month old guppy fry. 10 gallon-5 six month old green corys and 7 two week old guppy fry 18 gallon tub- 8 six month old green corys and 5 adult guppies   i know it is a bit cramped, but i change the water often. :) 
  29. DiddleBug

    My Tanks And Fish

    Thanks. :) Yes, there are a few of us who don't have live plants! :) It seems live plants are definitely the preference around here.    
  30. DiddleBug

    My Tanks And Fish

    Here are some random pictures I took of my 2 tanks and the fish.  I also have a tub, but that's not very interesting. :P    I plan on getting live plants for my Birthday is November so I can finally get rid of my old plastic junk. :)            
  31. DiddleBug


    lol :) I love corys too-they are just so fun and cute!  Good luck with your little guys! :)
  32. DiddleBug

    Hi :)

    Welcome!  :)
  33. DiddleBug

    Nature Close-Ups

    Those are neat. :) I have a camera like that too.  It's almost like an art to be able to take very nice quality pictures with them. :)  
  34. DiddleBug

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    Corys won't eat live bearer fry, unless they are weak and laying very still on the bottom.  Alteast mine don't eat fry.
  35. DiddleBug

    Help Me Name My First Betta? :3

    Flash Back? Zoro? Galaxy? Siam? 
  36. DiddleBug

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    You could put in a few cheap tester fish.. just a thought. :P   And you could bleach it, it wouldn't hurt.  Just wash it out really well.
  37. DiddleBug

    What Is This A Wild Guppy,molly Or Mosquitofish

    Yes, she looks a week or two along.  It's hard to tell....
  38. DiddleBug

    Male Guppy And Female...

    Maybe you should move the favored female away (if you have another tank) to give her a break.  That might also help your male to breed with the other female, as she'd be the only girl in the tank.  I plan on keeping a males and females tank soon.  That way after a female gives birth you can just...
  39. DiddleBug

    Male Swordtail Ignoring Female

    Try raising the temp.  Livebearers like it around 80 F.   Other than that just feed them well and do regular water changes.  It shouldn't take too long for him to get the hang of it. :P 