How To Count Pygmy Cories?!

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Fish Crazy
Jul 6, 2013
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I bought 8 pygmy cories last weekend.
They live in a 12 gallon tank with my betta, Kasai. 
At first he chased them, but now he just ignores them.
I can only seem to count 7 at one time now. I know that they can be VERY difficult to see, so I try to wait for them to come out and schoal together to count them. But it always seems to be 7.
I haven't found any dead fish, but the tank is fairly well planted so I may have missed it.... or I am just being paranoid and the fish is around and just hiding.
Does anyone have any advice for how to do a head count of these guys?
When I put their Hikari wafers in, they don't feed right away. I assume they feed at nighttime. So it makes it hard to just put food it and wait for them to swarm it
I have some Panda Cories and they're slightly bigger than Pygmys and one of the devils likes to hid under my little roman ruin stairs. They get into all nooks and crannys so i'm sure it's there. Hope you find him/her
Corys are fantastic, I'm getting 3 more at the weekend. Your pygmies are awesome. Look v happy.
i had pygmy corys before and yes, they are very hard to count! :p The easiest thing to do is net them all out and count as you go till you got them all.  Then let them go again. :p  
Have they ever spawned for you?  Mine took a while to mature and then every 2 weeks or so they'd spawn on their own accord.  I was trying to breed my bronze and the little guys wouldn't stop! lol I also left the eggs n there and they weren't eaten (by then the bronze were out of the tank).  I kept seeing little movements in the sand and thought my eyes were playing tricks! :D But nope!  I had 30 something little fry! :D  
Just wanted to tell you guys that I found all 8 pygmies!! X)

They haven't spawned for me just yet but it's only been a week.

And I'm getting 3 more little guys to join the school ^^

Totally in love with them!

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