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  1. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    Hey I hope you narrowed down the problem. Not sure how long it’ll take for the injuries to heal but please keep us posted!
  2. G

    i know i over- reply

    There is a TV commercial here in the states that uses the phrase... "Do you remember when you use to remember?" The funny thing is I don't remember what the commercial was about ☹️
  3. G

    Large fish for 55 gallon…

    I think your angels are a good center piece, they can grow quite big. A seven inch plus fish is cutting it close for a 55 gallon since I believe it's only 12" deep (front to back) and a fish this size would also be a threat to the angels in a tank this size, never mind it just being too big for...
  4. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    If I had to bet, I'd go with the angels... But... Here is the scenario, there are 5 of them (3 black 2 silver) and all 5 have wounds as per post #48, are they all taking turns on each other? I believe hexamita is more prevalent among cichlids and if so, all 5 of them have it. Now just for the...
  5. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    Hexamita usually gets triggered by poor water condition/environment which I can bet is not the case with you. I personally am not one for using meds, I'm more of a water changes freak but others might chime in on the treatment. Curious to know if the BN removal will fix your problem .
  6. G

    Back to Africans, again.

    I'm not new at this but skeptical at this point. Overcrowding them is the best way to keep them but not sure is the best for their health? But I could be totally wrong. I know with overstocking come lots of water changes and lots of filtering, I'm used to that with most tanks. How many...
  7. G

    Back to Africans, again.

    The bar comment is funny! I guess eventually you got rid of the ones coming out of the bar?
  8. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    I did some research on Hexamita after having oscars with similar issues (hole in head), it's a pretty good observation and the wounds look like it. As the OP says it's all speculation but at this point trying different methods will eventually determine the cause.
  9. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    Ah, the small details, maybe I missed a post/reply, I thought it was just one angel. Interested to find out how this turns out. Good luck!
  10. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    What a tank! Gorgeous. Do I see two black angels with the same issue?
  11. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    Wow Beautiful! The black angels are stunning!
  12. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    Oh so you found the attacker!
  13. G

    Cleaning ick

    This can go long but in brief, sometimes adding stuff to the tank, whether, medication or salt can stress not only the fish but also the biological filter. Best thing you can do is provide the fish with lots of water changes. I have found ich easy to remove from the tank so again, nothing needed...
  14. G

    Fluval 406 not moving any water?

    I have fluvals and sometimes (rarely) that happens, I shut it off wait a couple of seconds and plug it back in, it might take a couple of tries.
  15. G

    i know i over- reply

    You fell for it! I knew it wouldn't be long before someone replied. I'm 68 and an over-replier.
  16. G

    Cleaning ick

    When you clean the filters, use the same sponge to keep the beneficial bacteria in it and don't clean it too much. Fortunately, ich is easy to treat by just raising the temp slightly, especially since you have goldfish and you don't want to the temp up too high, I would not use salt or meds but...
  17. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    I can't say I have seen these type of wounds when I had angels but there are always exceptions and the fact your fish must be huge in that tank, the size of the damage is different, but now I'm speculating. Not much more I can add to this. Keep us posted.
  18. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    All this said, have you seen any sign of aggression between the angels?
  19. G

    i know i over- reply

    How are the water parameters?
  20. G

    Angelfish diagnosis

    You never know what condition this fish was under before you got it, apparently not a good one. Pumping the tank or fish with meds guessing which is the right med, is not the way to go, I would simply keep doing partial water changes which could be the most therapudical thing you can do for a...
  21. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    My most successful angel tank I had were 3 that I purchased dime size and for 3-4 years just kept on growing. I eventually re-homed them to a bigger tank. These angels were just a sight to watch, no pecking or chasing, I haven't been able to replicate this after a couple of attempts. I hope this...
  22. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    I have, I mentioned before angels can fight till the beaten one is dead. I have gone through this, I know there are way too many questions and speculations but soon as you mentioned "other angels" it took me back to when I had nothing but angels. It was never smooth sailing putting more than one...
  23. G

    SUNKEN BELLY RAMS HELP (OLD THREAD:violent german blue rams ganging up (HELP)

    These little guys are the chihuahuas of the aquarium world, little and nasty for the most part. I went through a period where I thought I could keep a few of them in a tank, one of them took control of the front center of the tank keeping all the others on the sides. Removed him after while and...
  24. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    Have you seen any aggression between the angels? I would step back from the tank and watch the action going on, angels can at times be super aggressive toward other angels to the death.
  25. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    Not a pleco. What other fish do you have in there? Too bad, that is a nice-looking fish, love black angels!
  26. G

    No filter? No kidding

    Nothing but a dirty tank. If it's a good price and you want it, snatch it up.
  27. G

    No filter? No kidding

    Same here, I'm working my way down. I used to be able to handle a 55g no problem, gave it up for a 40 breeder
  28. G

    Back to Africans, again.

    I totally get what you mean, been there, done that. It can be costly and a letdown of an experiment, but I love cichlids and there is always that one time when it does work. I have to find that happy medium between peace and war in the tank. I have read where certain breeds are not as...
  29. G

    How will I ever know if my fish are dead?

    Wow, you have 47 fish?!! What size tank? Must be a. Awesome sight, would love to see a picture of that!
  30. G

    Back to Africans, again.

    So, against my better judgment I'm starting a community of mbuna fish, third time around. There is something that keeps me going back to them, I love the overstocking (not too heavy) to keep aggression down idea, their colors, how active they are but as soon as it becomes a war zone, I get...
  31. G

    Some fish aren't growing

    I don't think your tank is over stocked but yes as mentioned, lots of water changes and a good variety of food is the best we can do.
  32. G

    How will I ever know if my fish are dead?

    I've had my battles with African cichlids, call me a glutton for punishment but I keep going back to them. So this is my third time around with them. To get to the point, I had many disappear and at times I have just found a clean skeleton. You shouldn't have to worry about the water, the dead...
  33. G

    How to feed frozen food?

    Some just drop a small frozen chunck in the tank. I take a cup with a bit of water and drop a piece in there, once it thaws out, in the tank it goes.
  34. G

    Golden Barbs eating at a wound?

    As bad as it sounds, they do this because they are fish and this is what fish do, many species will pick on the weak till it eventually dies either from the injuries or stress. In a confined space the weak has no place to hide so perhaps placing the injured fish in a separate tank is a good idea.
  35. G

    Do shell dweller jump?

    It's almost like waiting for a fish to jump out of the tank to see if it does jump. I've lost a couple throughout my fishkeeping years that I thought would never jump, Still, I keep my fish tanks open. Sometimes when fish get spooked or chased by other fish, they dart around in all directions...
  36. G

    Just showing off

    I like them all, they are a cool fish to have
  37. G

    Just showing off

  38. G

    Can you use plain vinegar to clean calcium stains off a tank?

    Back to my plastic scrubbies. Cheap.
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  40. G

    Stalled Cycle?

    This is probably the best advice I have seen here. I get how impatient we can get, I used to be that way when I started decades ago (yes I'm old). The cycling process is so simple when you just let it happen all on it's own.