Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

Sure - angels always fight. It isn't as bad with this set as it has been with other sets. The female has a bonded male and if a male try to displace her mate she will chase him away. However even my angels faught non-stop the type of damage they did was very different than what is displayed in the picture - they just don't cause that type of shallow large physical damage. Did your angels ever cause this sort of damage ?
Sure - angels always fight. It isn't as bad with this set as it has been with other sets. The female has a bonded male and if a male try to displace her mate she will chase him away. However even my angels faught non-stop the type of damage they did was very different than what is displayed in the picture - they just don't cause that type of shallow large physical damage. Did your angels ever cause this sort of damage ?
I can't say I have seen these type of wounds when I had angels but there are always exceptions and the fact your fish must be huge in that tank, the size of the damage is different, but now I'm speculating. Not much more I can add to this. Keep us posted.
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Feed the BN and the L204 at night when the lights are off.

They are nocturnal feeders......as I said yesterday, the BN is looking for food alternatives cos you keep trying to feed it with the rest of the fish with the lights on. Turn the lights off, then feed about 20-30 minutes later.

Until you break the habit of thinking everyone feeds at the same time your BN will continue to find alternate food at night...which is going to be the Angels cos after dark they are slow moving, slabsided and are a convenient food source to the underfed BN.

You can catch the BN and put him in another aquarium but unless you feed it at night, he will not be healthy and he will always be on the hunt for alternate food sources.
Feed the BN and the L204 at night when the lights are off.

They are nocturnal feeders......as I said yesterday, the BN is looking for food alternatives cos you keep trying to feed it with the rest of the fish with the lights on. Turn the lights off, then feed about 20-30 minutes later.

Until you break the habit of thinking everyone feeds at the same time your BN will continue to find alternate food at night...which is going to be the Angels cos after dark they are slow moving, slabsided and are a convenient food source to the underfed BN.

You can catch the BN and put him in another aquarium but unless you feed it at night, he will not be healthy and he will always be on the hunt for alternate food sources.
If i catch him he will not go into another aquarium. He will go to the LFS. The other male bn's i have will eat with the other fishes.
If i catch him he will not go into another aquarium. He will go to the LFS. The other male bn's i have will eat with the other fishes.
A BN is nocturnal, they naturally feed at night....they will not get enough nourishment if fed during the daytime or under lighting. They eat with your other fish cos they are hungry and have no choice but to eat under lights or in the daytime but if you research a BN they are night time fish who are active at night time and feed at night time.

Mine will snatch the occasional wafer with lights on (dark blue or cerise but never white light) but they are most active after dark and eat the most after dark.

I'm sorry but I really do not understand why you are so resistant to feeding a nocturnal fish after lights out when that is when they should be being fed. I do not understand why you won't do it.
The problem isn't feeding the fish after the light gets off - the problem is putting food somehwere he will get it without another fish eating it. I have male bns in other tanks and their behavior is a bit less reclusive. Of course the females are not reclusive at all.
Anyway now that he is picking on the angels that will likely be his food until i remove him.
With lights off the other fish are less likely to see wafers dropped into the water and a BN will find it, they are very capable of finding food in the dark. You say that the BN has specific areas that it stays in during the day, so try to drop wafers into that area after lights are out. It will soon learn that is where the food is and will eventually leave the Angels alone cos he is being satisfied without having to supplement his hunger on them.
Feed the BN and the L204 at night when the lights are off.

They are nocturnal feeders......as I said yesterday, the BN is looking for food alternatives cos you keep trying to feed it with the rest of the fish with the lights on. Turn the lights off, then feed about 20-30 minutes later.

Until you break the habit of thinking everyone feeds at the same time your BN will continue to find alternate food at night...which is going to be the Angels cos after dark they are slow moving, slabsided and are a convenient food source to the underfed BN.

You can catch the BN and put him in another aquarium but unless you feed it at night, he will not be healthy and he will always be on the hunt for alternate food sources.
It’s not the plecos. Some species will eat matternon the ground, but unless severely deprived of food over an extended period, will not bite the angels. If it is the pleco, it’s a hefty coincidence that all the angels except the big male have bites. I am 99% sure it’s the angels.
It’s not the plecos. Some species will eat matternon the ground, but unless severely deprived of food over an extended period, will not bite the angels. If it is the pleco, it’s a hefty coincidence that all the angels except the big male have bites. I am 99% sure it’s the angels.
If you Google BN sucking slimecoat, you will find many cases highlighted, including a BN that did it to a Bichir. They only tend to do it when inproperly fed and need their diet supplementing due to being inproperly fed. Even the humble little Otto will go after slimecoat if it needs to.

Alot of people seem to be under the false impression that only a CAE will attack for slimecoat. Utterly wrong. suckermouth fish will go after slimecoat on anything...slabside fish resting are easy, but other fish including Cories, Rams and Gourami have been documented "victims" of such sniper attacks by BN's. BN's don't only eat dead fish, they will go for dying fish and they will, if their diet is missing essential factors, go after the slimecoat of a living fish.

But if people do not want to believe a BN is capable of taking slimecoat at night when not being fed properly, fine by me. Not a problem.
Photo of the whole tank please.
This is a bit outdated but close enough:

The plain male bn likes to hide in the back right corner (when i've seen him on the glass); i think his 'home' is somewhere under the mess on the right side but I've not been able to find is explicit cave.

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