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  1. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Interesting. Are Neocaridinas safe tankmates with platies? Usually, I see some wolf spiders that like to live under the dry grass clippings I have next to my worm bin.
  2. Lanpenn

    Ok Canada… you guys can keep your forest fire smoke…

    I know that this is related to Canada, but in the last few days, we had wildfires across São Paulo's state countryside... there was evidence that some of them were caused by criminals (and in the case of Brazil, there is a lack of enforcement), however, the Cerrado itself, a biome from Brazil...
  3. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    What bee species? I tried to attract the native stingless bees here in 2020 (I even bought an attractant with a wooden box) but I did not get anything. This year it will be my 8th birthday of driver's license (in Brazil). Still had the picture of the car where I took my practical classes: It...
  4. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Here in Brazil, these test strips are still uncommon. Therefore I never used these. Probably I will return to South Florida at the start of next year. Everything going okay, I intend to look for jobs such as a babysitter, although I know that, living previously in the country, is hard to...
  5. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Just a few days ago, I announced my new short course about brine shrimp and aquaculture (about 1h50m). I would love to make an English version of this, but I must refine my language, although I am improving over the months. Officially, I am a biologist (here in Brazil we also need an...
  6. Lanpenn

    Probably a constipation

    Indeed. Yesterday I couldn't feed him because I was making an extremely long trip, but today he also ate the Betta food I usually give. What has happened to this miracle?
  7. Lanpenn

    Probably a constipation

    From late yesterday to this morning: I saw my Betta seeing his reflection in the background glass, so this caused him to flare his gills, as well as spread its fins, as had happened before. He ate something on the substrate and is swimming more. Its belly is also less bloated than before...
  8. Lanpenn

    Probably a constipation

    I will try to do a kind of diary bulletin, to better understand and address what could be happening with my Betta. Today, during my large water change (about 75 %, since the water level was becoming so low for him at the circumstance), he interacted more. After a few minutes, however, he once...
  9. Lanpenn

    Probably a constipation

    Well, I will do this. I also realized that the water is slightly cloudy.
  10. Lanpenn

    Probably a constipation

    I will try to answer the questions you asked. "So he stopped eating a couple of days ago and spends most of his time sitting there doing nothing?" Answer: Yes. He only swam when I was doing siphoning on the 19th of this month. "Has he pooped and if yes, what did it look like?" Answer: I...
  11. Lanpenn

    Probably a constipation

    Hello everyone! I have had my current Betta splendens since May 14th, 2023 and, indeed, I did not remember seeing him like this. However, this reminds a constipation case I had with a Trichogaster lalius in 2014. This is the setup below: • Aquarium size: 17.74" length x 11.81" height x...
  12. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    This week (on June 12th) we decided to move the aquarium to another place, taking less indirect sun... I believe my photos will soon get (at least) slightly better. Also, I am trying to find out about my genealogy (Brazil received immigrants in 19th, although much less than United States of...
  13. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Electric bikes seem a good idea. In the United States is required to have any specific license? I have my driver's license (car, from Florida).
  14. Lanpenn

    Is Megaselia sp. a good live food for bettas?

    I still do not know the exact formula (also because it does not exist and this year I suffered losses; for now, my culture is okay once again), but I basically use dechlorinated tap water, aragonite as substrate and a salinity of 30 g/L, but it is also possible to culture the shrimp in higher...
  15. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    A few days ago, I returned my listening to the 1 (the album from The Beatles), which I used to do about 20 years ago. I also did (another) civic service exam in another city and the results will be published in July. I am also trying to study for another exam, this time in my area (and I am...
  16. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Once again, floods hit the southern region of Brazil. El Niño is still here. The cold front is paralyzed in these states because there is an atmospheric blocking just in the region where I live, in the Southeast. Brazil's poor (or absent) infrastructure frequently worsens the situation, despite...
  17. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Since male bettas usually appear at shops with 3 months or more of age (when they need to be separated from other males), when I brought May last year, he was probably born in the start of 2023. Because of this, now my Betta is one year old! Okay, besides this, I'm seriously thinking about...
  18. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Today I decided to make a photo from a potential sick brine shrimp. The male Artemia was already dead. The exuvia was with some filaments and "balls"... The detail can be seen below. Maybe this picture could be shown to a potential advisor, who knows?
  19. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Read an interesting research paper about the aquaculture industry in Florida (okay, the potential advisor with whom I intend to send a cold e-mail), with about twenty pages. Also, today I made a kind of modification to a soda bottle cap, using hot glue to attach a small section of aquarium...
  20. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Relating to water being clean, are you mentioning when the fish is off-flavor? I am also working with my artemia business, creating a catalog. Based on live brine shrimp announcements in the Netherlands and the United States, I have already chosen the prices for the following products: R$ 15...
  21. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    I sent another cold e-mail to another potential advisor. Yesterday, I transported some live brine shrimp to a shop but, unfortunately, the shop's owner was on a trip, so without chance. If possible, I'll go on Monday to offer my Artemia. I won a kind of lottery and received one year subscribe...
  22. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    I believe that I would suffer from a snowy winter. I am so accustomed to milder winters (even frost is rare, called here as "geada"). Temperatures reaching 55.4 ºF already bothers me. Now it is autumn, so we expect some air masses provoking great temperature fluctuations along the weeks. In...
  23. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    You are welcome. This swap would be a very different thing, at least for me. When it rains so much (not so common here in Mococa), in some places of the garden, it gets flooded. I won't talk about the roads becoming full of large potholes, because this is a chronic problem here (2024 is an...
  24. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Your BMW E46 is very cool. It must be a good car for hot climates. Manual or automatic transmission?
  25. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Today I tested My Speaking Score (officially related to TOEFL) and it seems interesting. However, I found it somewhat complicated in the reports (you have to pay one credit per report, that is, to each response you give). I also did the previously mentioned partial water change. For me, it...
  26. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Yesterday I created a page for my business on Instagram. Also, I am doing other things related to it. Tomorrow I intend to do a partial water change on the culture. For feeding, I supplied them with dissolved dry yeast today and, a few hours later, BSFL frass was squeezed on a coffee filter over...
  27. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    I always tried to culture Grindal worms here, but ironically, the most successful live foods I had in 12 years were brine shrimp and black soldier fly larvae. Today I created an Instagram page for my pre-incubation business.
  28. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Here in Brazil, we suffer from a lack of doctors for insurance companies. Frequently, the doctors leave their health insurance, probably because they pay too little (this is especially serious for therapists and psychiatrists), so only the less experienced and the not-so-good doctors remain in...
  29. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    It seems that El Niño went on vacation... now it's rainy, with temperatures below 27 ºC (the reason for celebration). I even had to turn on the heaters from my aquarium and my brine shrimp culture. Today I took more pictures. These creatures below love my aquarium glass, despite I always...
  30. Lanpenn

    The Natural Aquarium

    This seems to be an interesting discussion. In the case of brine shrimp, the species I try to study and find out (mainly Artemia sp.), the natural environment is a hypersaline lake, most times being endorheic, so the only route is by evaporation or percolation. Probably by the fact that ammonia...
  31. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    The raccoon also transmits rabies? Here the frequent visits are cane toads (Rhinella marina). The dog and the cat don't care so much about them, they may figure out that it's bad business to try attacking them. They are a native species here, so it's not a pest and there are natural predators...
  32. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Happy Birthday, JuiceBox (I'm sorry for not doing this before because I'm used to formal English and I'm still learning). I hope you improve more and more. My 21st birthday was in the US in 2019 (the first birthday in the country of my life), I was feeling very bad (probably with depression)...
  33. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Okay, unfortunately, I didn't pass the test. The person who passed got a score much better than me and... he is already a teacher, probably for several years, while my best thing was to give practical classes to teens, involving my brine shrimp (once again). The only way I could pass the test...
  34. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Thank you, although I never heard or read about the expression "smart cookie". This was one of the last pictures of how my culture is going: There are more couples as well as nauplii. Hope they do success on the fair I will present this week. Still trying to figure out about best methods of...
  35. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Okay, I didn't tell you, but I went to the test for pedagogical methods (trying to get a job as a Biology teacher). For several weeks, I didn't continue my journal, so I need to think about writing... Regarding this exam, the time for teaching is up to 20 min (up to or should be at exactly 20...
  36. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Let's see how are my shrimps going? Ok, let's see. Probably a mix of cyanobacteria, algae and other microorganisms... Since it was becoming too hot, I moved the recipient to a place that takes less direct sunlight. Note how the algae mat acts as a wall against direct sunlight. Scammers...
  37. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    It seems that my brine shrimp is doing better, at least for now (okay, I believe that it is the 4th time trying). Without the formalities of academic research (even because is not possible...), I am trying to culture microorganisms in another container (about 3.4 liters). In this container, I...
  38. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    I don't know if TOEFL is hard, but evidently, there are challenges. Even in Portuguese (my native language) it would be difficult if something like "TOPFL" existed. For the Portuguese language, there is the Celpe-Bras (probably existed since 1994). In this case, it is administrated by the...
  39. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    I am thinking about creating a thread (on this forum) as a kind of journal for my brine shrimp culture project. Today I practiced listening by... listening to an Astronomy lecture from a practice test for TOEFL (good material from TST, indeed Josh MacPherson talks perfectly as the people from...
  40. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Are you a military veteran? I found out that the military integrated US society far more than, for example, here in Brazil. It seems interesting that there are discounts and other benefits to military people (even regarding family-based immigrant visas). I forgot to mention, the United States...