What are you doing today?

I believe that I would suffer from a snowy winter. I am so accustomed to milder winters (even frost is rare, called here as "geada"). Temperatures reaching 55.4 ºF already bothers me.

Now it is autumn, so we expect some air masses provoking great temperature fluctuations along the weeks. In some days, is also common to have a great temperature range.
This time of year most of us start wearing shorts when it goes above 40F. No kidding.
Was supposed to start snowing here about 10PM so I rose at 1 thinking I would clear the drive before too much accumulated.

No snow, no sleet, nope not even rain so far. Weather guru is still saying 8 inches but unless there is a temp dive from the current 38f it seems unlikely. Local power company has sent message that they are stacking equipment. That normally indicates bad storm and they mentioned sleet and ice.

The past winter was not normal. Apparently spring will not be either. Going back to bed.
I sent another cold e-mail to another potential advisor.

Yesterday, I transported some live brine shrimp to a shop but, unfortunately, the shop's owner was on a trip, so without chance. If possible, I'll go on Monday to offer my Artemia. I won a kind of lottery and received one year subscribe for one year, from a relevant aquaculture Brazilian magazine. More content to study and try to apply for my production.

Today, I watched the movie "1911". Since it was made in the Popular Republic of China, there were visions not so favorable towards the Qing Dynasty. I don't have any idea of how the Republic of China people see the so long-lasting Qing Dynasty. Despite these things (and some hard negative criticism from certain people), I liked and it made me think about what was happening with the country at the time. Revolutions frequently bring bloodshed.

What are you doing today?​

I've just finished gardening. I have planted several dahlia tubers. Removes weeds. Mowed the grass and cleaned the tubs in the backyard for this coming season to keep livebearers outside again. And now it's time to hang out on the couch and watch tv...
Hopefully I'll be washing substrate and setting up a grow out tank today if my order from chewy arrives. I've got to get these juveniles out of the breeding tank and reduce the bio load asap as I have 2 other clutches that were just born in the same tank. Please FedEx deliver my supplies today!
Just finished a water change on the 150, and online shopping for a newer truck, since Old Blue is in the shop again and I'm questioning whether it's worth fixing.

In between that stuff, I'm tillering a new bow. That means gradually bending it further and further, with heavier and heavier pull, stopping to adjust the limbs and get them bending evenly. I'm trying several things on this bow I've never done before, most notably recurves and dogbane fiber backing, so it's a bit nerve-wracking. The backing made a loud crunch sound at one point. Crunch sounds are almost always very bad with bows. But it didn't break, so hopefully it was just the glue cracking. I hate it when bows explode during tillering.
Watching my little sister compete today, I will admit I miss the horse world and am more than a little bit jealous
Sister in law!
Ohhhhh ok! Lol
That makes more sense.

Have you been the one teaching and helping her? I ask cause I know you worked at an equestrian before and have thst knowledge.

Really cool if so!!
Ohhhhh ok! Lol
That makes more sense.

Have you been the one teaching and helping her? I ask cause I know you worked at an equestrian before and have thst knowledge.

Really cool if so!!
I’ve been coaching her but she is a part of a pony club and also does lessons and trains there 3 times a week. I’ve been too sick to help her much but I try. I was teaching her prior to her joining.

This was her first show, was a mock rally in prep for her big upcoming one which will be the first one being judged officially.

I’m so proud of her! But dang I do miss that life. I itch to ride and compete. It’s nice to see though that I’ve gotten her interested and passionate about my dream and that she can live it
More of what I'm doing this week but it all sort of came together today. ;)
1) My Cleveland baseball team is off to a really good early season start at 7-2 with all games being on the road. Although that got downgraded a bit as they have lost their 'ace starting pitcher' for the season due to an elbow injury.

2) Omaha Steaks messed up on my last order as a package of 4 Filet Mignon was missing which over $60.00. They didn't even question me and just checked the order and made it my choice as to whether to get a refund or a $75.00 email gift card. DUH!, I took the card. which was in my inbox within an hour.

3) I got a $100.00 USD donation for my computer help forums.

Just, all in all, it's been a good week ending today with the donation. :)
Got the bow on the tillering tree. No more scary, crunchy sounds, so I think it's in good shape. (Sometimes excess glue can make those sounds, which is harmless to the bow but detrimental to the blood pressure) Here it is at forty pounds draw weight. Looks like the right limb is a little stiff; once I get that bending more evenly I'll try bending it to sixty pounds and stringing it. From that point on I can be reasonably confident that it won't explode.

This morning Linda and I will tidy up the pond area for company. We are well positioned for the eclipse and decided to throw a small party. Cleared my workshop of wood scraps last night to help the bonfire along and scavenged a couple small dead standing trees from the woods late afternoon. Need to slice them up when the sun rises into fire pit sized chunks. Also need to set up the horseshoe pits which are a bit wet and. Put the badminton net up and mark out the boundaries.

We will be grilling carnival style sausage, drum sticks, and the last of our corn on the cob over a wood 🔥. I will supply my famous aged, two and a half year old, honey ale as a surprise at the point of Maximus, about 96 percent totality here I am told. For those not wanting alcohol Linda is making a nice strawberry based bubbly punch.

Temps are supposed to be low 60’s with a very light wind. Should be fun.

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