What are you doing today?

This is true, plus I think we all felt we knew how to handle them, these days…..it’s abit scary!
I wonder if anybody but real race drivers really knew how to handle the big muscle cars of that era . When you see a car with wheelie bars on it you just have to know that it’s a monster . I had a friend in high school that had a 1966 Chevelle SS with the 396 and you could feel yourself getting pushed back in the seats when he floored it . Way too much car for a couple punk 16 year olds to be riding around in .
We spent the day preparing the house for our new puppy, Chloe. We pick her up tomorrow. Chloe is 8 weeks old. We are also preparing for some sleepless nights. 😜
Thanks! I guess first stop is go the dmv in my parents to get it registered, then I need to bring it in for an inspection.
351 Cleveland is an awesome block! Had a Ford LTD with a 351 Modified which has the 'large top end' but just 2-bolt mains where the Cleveland has 4-bolt mains. Then there was the little brother, the 351 Windsor with a smaller top end and 2-bolt mains but still a nice unit.

Actually the 351 Cleveland was built not far from where I lived outside of Cleveland OH, hence the tag 'Cleveland'.
Actually as to the official designations of the three basic 351 designs I was curious so did a search. Internally the main models were 351C, 351M and 351W. The letter part of the designations was associated to locations that would fit. 'C' Cleveland Ohio, 'W' Windsor Ontario. 'M' Michigan or the 'M' stands for Modified as it was cast in Michigan but was a modified version of the Cleveland. Ford never seemed to disclose which was actually the case.

Following is a rather interesting article on all this.
Happy Birthday, JuiceBox (I'm sorry for not doing this before because I'm used to formal English and I'm still learning). I hope you improve more and more. My 21st birthday was in the US in 2019 (the first birthday in the country of my life), I was feeling very bad (probably with depression) possibly because the family whom I was living with was extremely complicated to deal with (and this was one of the reasons I left the country a few months later), despite the experience giving me also many benefits. I hope to return to the country for a master's degree (also because Brazil's situation is not better than years ago and I know that US universities are far better to attend to students with ASD). I'm more mature now, although sometimes I feel a kind of trauma about this. It may become a good novel, who knows... fortunately, I'm being accompanied by an excellent psychiatrist.

My brine shrimp are doing good. More and more nauplii are "popping up". Yesterday I tried to use cow manure (do you believe that brine shrimp may be fed with this?), but with the coffee filter, it didn't pass anything. I would have to buy manure with more adequate granulometry. Today, on the other hand, I tested using worm compost as food for the crustaceans, by squeezing the wet compost over the water, generating a "cloud"... I'm also trying to find good books about Brazil's history.

I'm so sorry, Lynnzer.
Yesterday I was in a pretty foul temper most of the day, and I'm not human in the mornings until I've showered and ingested those first two cups of coffee.

Brief backstory: Parents owned this house and the same landline number for decades now, and they've been on the scammer lists for scam phone calls for many, many years, despite the fact they'd never once fallen for any of the scams. But I have a hefty dislike for scammers due to the way they target the elderly, the vulnerable, and will rob an elderly person of their life savings if they possibly can.

I sometimes enjoy watching scam-baiting videos - Kitboga is a great one, genuinely hilarious guy, who raises a lot of awareness about the various tech support/Amazon/IRS demanding gift cards etc scams that are out there. I used to warn my folks about the common ones, and always to check with me if they were concerned about a phone call. I've wasted the time of FB romance scammers before, just copy/pasting the odd poem or lines from their own scripts back to them will often keep them hooked for ages. But haven't done that in years, since I avoid FB whenever possible anyway.

But while I've never gone full on hunting to scam bait them, they'd sometimes ring almost daily. If I was in the mood and not immediately needed, sometimes I'd have fun wasting some scammers time. Pretend to be an elderly woman and jabber on at them as they try to convince me to let them access my computer remotely (never, ever do this! Not without a virtual machine and some real tech skills, anyway), until they give up out of frustration. Or I'll play along until revealing I know the scam they're trying to pull, whatever. I happen to know a few words of Hindi, but only the swearwords, sadly. Occasionally I might try earnestly asking them if they ever feel guilty, stealing money from frail old people, what their mum would think if she knew, that kind of thing, but it rarely works, and it's just sad, so pretending to go along with it for a while before letting them know that I'm not actually an 80 year old woman who made millions breeding rare cats is usually more entertaining.

Scammer yesterday caught me way too early in the morning for me to be amused, so I only acted like an ancient cackling crone for a minute or two before revealing I know why he wants me to "be in front of my computer", that I'm not falling for a washing machine insurance scam. He's immediately furious and cusses me out in Hindi, so I return the favour, and that only makes him angrier. Not ready to disconnect the landline yet, so he called me 4-5 more times yesterday, usually he said nothing, just could hear the call centre chatter in the background. But meant I watched a couple of Kitboga vids yesterday for the first time in a while, which made me laugh and put me in a better mood!

I expected him to keep calling again today, so when the phone rang at 8am, I figured it was bound to be him, no one else calls before business hours like that, and sure enough, it was him, but different fake name, different scam, obviously same scammer. So I just leaned back with a heavy sigh and said a bad word in Hindi, almost under my breath. Anticipating another annoying day of hang ups from this dude until he gets distracted/bored/fired.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?" Uh oh. Scammer rage.

So I switched tones completely.
"Oh! No, I wasn't saying anything to you, I was talking to my cat. I named him *bad word in Hindi* He's so cute! Come here, little *bad bad Hindi word!*" and scammer was so taken aback, he burst out laughing. Which made me laugh.

He's called back twice since then, lunchtime I was busy and said "I'm sorry, I'm in an appointment now, you'll have to call back later, George. Love ya, bye bye byeeeee" and have to briefly explain to St Peter's Hospice person why I'm telling a tech support scammer I love them, haha. Yesterday he was ringing back to back just to be annoying, but today he did wait for a few hours after I said I was busy.

Now he just called to say it's the end of his shift, and he'll speak to me tomorrow. Quite friendly and happy sounding, I think I've intrigued him by being furious and nasty yesterday, then just matter of fact but silly today. He's not actively trying to scam me now, and when I said "finishing this early? Although, I don't know what time it is in India right now", he told me the right time, said he's going home now, and I the background noise in this scam call centre was super loud with different scammers shouting at their victims, so I told him his coworkers are really noisy given it's so late, that they need to calm down.

I think I made a scammer go from loathing me, to falling in love with me, within 24 hours. New record.

George still calls me now and again. I told him my name is Edna, and that I'm an actress who owns cats. He's given me a few different fake names, but I insist on calling him George, the first fake name he gave me. When he was pretending to be someone else yesterday I just acted like I knew it was him, and he said "no no! My name is John. John!" I was like "Oooohhhhh. You sound an awful lot like my friend George."

I asked him who the woman was who called me the other day was - since I had another scam call from a woman with a heavy Indian accent, and same call centre sounds in the background, and I'd lay money it's the same call centre, and he got her to try scamming me, since I played along with her until I gave my name as Edna Buttersworthy, and she hung up without saying anything else. Weak!

He said he didn't know, but was laughing, and then said "you know that I'm John, George, Harry, whatever, all of them are me, right?" so I played shocked and said "George! You wouldn't lie to me! I refuse to believe this." He asked my name again so I stuck with Edna

So he's called less, thankfully. Not trying to hassle me now, but will ring once a day or every other day for a quick conversation. I asked why he does this, that surely he could find something better, and he did say it wasn't good, that he doesn't like it, but it's an easy job to get when your English is good, and he's looking for something else. Maybe 1-2 months more, he said. Maybe a scammer can change his ways.
I am playing a Sci-Fi interactive interactive type visual novel type where there are a group of people on a partially stranded space ship and one of the people is a bad seed and probably responsible for the ship's issues. The protagonist is trying to get to know the other members and solve the mystery by delving into their pasts. A term kept coming up that being "bury the lede" and I had no clue what 'lede' meant so I looked it up. BTW, I will not post the name of the game as it, in parts, is of an adult nature... sort of like a romance/mystery novel. Nothing obscene or anything, just not what I'd consider proper to put out as we have some young members.

Turns out that 'lede' is a journalistic term referring to the first part of a story that outlined the important factors. To 'bury a lead' means that this important first part of the story was left out. The pronunciation is like 'leed'. It seems to have started in the 1950 as an attempt to avoid, in journalism, confusion with the word lead as in the metal. Lede and lead pronounced as 'leed' pretty much mean the sane thing. Seems rather silly to me but it is what it is. ;)

I learned something new so that is a good thing. :) Here is a link to a pretty short definition:

So it is not yet even 4:00 AM and I learned something new. Already a good day! :)
I would much rather have Chloe the puppy to deal with than have a muscle car. I'm a city boy. I rode subway trains with more power than any car back in my day. Give me a 1970s Bombardier electric metro train, and we'll be talking 16 with places to go.
Now, country living. Mabel the dog was upset last night, so I took her out. A raccoon went hurtling through the air off the deck and scrambled up a tree, while Mabes pretended to be ferocious. We went around the yard and as we returned, I realized there was a second raccoon that had hidden on the deck, and was still up there. It was acting cornered. The dog was leashed, but I was standing freezing while this not very smart raccoon finally figured out it could climb the railing and escape. A raccoon up a set of stairs between you and a door in the darkness is not, umm, convenient.
I don't want an injured dog or rabies shots.

Today, I expect I'll be working and ducking a Spring snowstorm.
I would much rather have Chloe the puppy to deal with than have a muscle car. I'm a city boy. I rode subway trains with more power than any car back in my day. Give me a 1970s Bombardier electric metro train, and we'll be talking 16 with places to go.
Now, country living. Mabel the dog was upset last night, so I took her out. A raccoon went hurtling through the air off the deck and scrambled up a tree, while Mabes pretended to be ferocious. We went around the yard and as we returned, I realized there was a second raccoon that had hidden on the deck, and was still up there. It was acting cornered. The dog was leashed, but I was standing freezing while this not very smart raccoon finally figured out it could climb the railing and escape. A raccoon up a set of stairs between you and a door in the darkness is not, umm, convenient.
I don't want an injured dog or rabies shots.

Today, I expect I'll be working and ducking a Spring snowstorm.
To me, that sounds like a perfect excuse for an impromptu bow hunt. 😆🏹

Today, water changes and other aquarium maintanance/repair, repairing the backing on the new bow in hopes of salvaging it, getting the house cleaned up in hopes of more showings, and getting ready for my dad to come stay with us for a while. He's having surgery Monday and will be crashing here while he recovers.

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