What are you doing today?

Just a few days ago, I announced my new short course about brine shrimp and aquaculture (about 1h50m). I would love to make an English version of this, but I must refine my language, although I am improving over the months. Officially, I am a biologist (here in Brazil we also need an occupational license, besides the bachelor's degree). I do not know if I will return to the United States, but I am open to perfecting my qualifications. I do not know if there is a kind of "Aquaculture technician". A Master's degree is also an option, but my TOEFL iBT must be improved and, besides this, I know that the funds are limited, so is not easy to enter some assistantship (I hate debts). In order to better share my course, I also created another YouTube channel. Last video published:

Although I disappeared, my betta was extremely sick a few weeks ago but, thanks to the help I received on this thread, I cured the poor fish.

Usually, I do not care about the Olympics. When the event occurred here in Rio de Janeiro, it was a fiscal disaster for a city that faces a crime wave that scares the rest of Brazil.
I cleaned out part of the garage, wished I'd cleaned out more, and ran a bid. don't know if it will sell. Then I went to the store and bought liver to cook. It's getting old. Doc tomorrow.
I cleaned out part of the garage, wished I'd cleaned out more, and ran a bid. don't know if it will sell. Then I went to the store and bought liver to cook. It's getting old. Doc tomorrow.

Sending cyber hugs, if wanted and accepted!

Cleaning out a garage is a big job. Always bound to wish you'd done more. But hope you give yourself credit that you've made a start and completed what you did. :)
Sending cyber hugs, if wanted and accepted!

Cleaning out a garage is a big job. Always bound to wish you'd done more. But hope you give yourself credit that you've made a start and completed what you did. :)
I did fine, I need to sell a 15 light heavy exterior door to get it out of the way before I can move forward, in the meantime I don't have to get in that part of the garage, and it's too heavy for me to move so I gave my helper a bunch of 2x4's for getting the door to the front for me so I could clean and put on marketplace for sale. Cyber hugs are welcome. Sleep is coming soon
I am not sure what I am doing today, thought I had a morning drs appointment, it's at 4 pm. I should mow the lawn, hard to finish the garage without selling the door.
Very exciting weekend for me. I have a kitchenette area that hasn't been used for that purpose in years. I've been using it to store stuff, mostly fish related. I bought a new fridge so that the rest of the house didn't have to share a freezer with frozen mosquito larvae and daphnia. I just took an old non working oven out of there and put in a shelving unit. That really opened up a lot of space. I have some more junk to move out of there. Right now it's a storage area for fish equipment like gravel vacs and buckets. I built a drying rack for all 5 gallon buckets I use for water changes.
The sink in there isn't working but once I finish clearing it out, I'm going to see if I can get the sink reconnected. And then find room for a couple of 10-15 gallon plastic bins for daphnia cultures and a 30 gallon plastic tub to act as a quarantine tank. I might even try culturing blackworms or scuds, if I can find the space. Or maybe I'll get a garbage can with wheels that I can age water in for water changes.
About an hour and a half ago a visitor left for home. He arrived at 6 pm and left at 10.30 pm. He wanted to visit me to get himself some livebearers. But once at my place I've noticed that he wanted to know all kinds of stuff like how I maintain my tanks and fish. He was positively surprised that I could keep the tanks wellbalanced in a very basic way. He left my place with 5 bags full of several wild livebearers. And he's working on more tank set ups and will notify me when he wants to get more wild livebearers. Now he knows that he can safe money and having his desired fish. He even tipped me. I wanted to give him his change but he refused. The info of the evening was worth its money according to him...
Out of curiosity I looked something up. Olympic god medals are not gold... well mostly not gold. Probably varies between Olympics but the golds in the Paris Olympics are only 6% gold, I would think plated. The rest is 92.5% pure silver.
Just imagine what a pure gold Olympic medal would cost. The metal must be several ounces. So many medals are given out. It would cost a fortune. but I’d rather have a Super Bowl ring.🥴
What I did today, so far. dug up goose grass in my rock hard pond area and bagged for the city to pick up on Friday. what is goose grass? something that came in a load of dirt and I was foolish and mowed scattering seed in several areas.
Cleared a spot in the garage, brought in cinder blocks, and made a lumber shelf. Don't have that much lumber but it stays straighter when it's horizontal. Plus I can use the surface to shellac machine heads.
Walked my dogs
presently choosing a photo for the native plant society's annual competition. I do NOT expect to win but it's nice to participate. I'm proud of the garage. All that wood used to be leaning on the refrigerator. It got too hot to finish.


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I provided a free buffet for mosquitoes today. First, a few showed up and then they brought their families. It was nice. For them.

If Olympic medals were made of real gold, there would probably be more small river fish made extinct by the people looking for it. One of the kids from the school I retired from won a medal, I think a silver. It's good, as he was a kind, smart and polite kid.
Just imagine what a pure gold Olympic medal would cost. The metal must be several ounces. So many medals are given out. It would cost a fortune. but I’d rather have a Super Bowl ring.🥴
Oh, I didn't expect the gold medals to be pure gold. If they were they could bankrupt a medium sized country. ;) However I was a little surprised that they are 'only' 6% gold.

Ya, I'd take a Super Bowl ring too! Ever seen one? I've seen two. One was Dexter Carter's a running back/kick returner for the 49ers in the 1980s and the other was Paul Rochester, defensive left tackle for the Super Bowl III Jets. Both were clients of mine when I had my computer business in Florida. Those rings are HUGE!
Oh, I didn't expect the gold medals to be pure gold. If they were they could bankrupt a medium sized country. ;) However I was a little surprised that they are 'only' 6% gold.

Ya, I'd take a Super Bowl ring too! Ever seen one? I've seen two. One was Dexter Carter's a running back/kick returner for the 49ers in the 1980s and the other was Paul Rochester, defensive left tackle for the Super Bowl III Jets. Both were clients of mine when I had my computer business in Florida. Those rings are HUGE!
And Tom Brady has SEVEN of them!
I don't know. I would recognize a gold medal. I wouldn't have any interest in a super bowl ring. It would only carry weight in one region. An olympic medal'll get you beers in a lot more places.

I'd like to have a Stanley Cup ring, but outside of Canada and some of the US, it would just be a clunky knuckle ornament.
I don't know. I would recognize a gold medal. I wouldn't have any interest in a super bowl ring. It would only carry weight in one region. An olympic medal'll get you beers in a lot more places.

I'd like to have a Stanley Cup ring, but outside of Canada and some of the US, it would just be a clunky knuckle ornament.
At least for myself I was referring to monetary value. A 2023 Super Bowl ring is estimated to be worth $30,000 to $50,000 USD. The league picks up $5000.00 to $7000.00 USD per ring up to a total of 150 rings. The rest of the cost is paid by the team.

Now, if we are to talk personal and sentimental value I would strongly consider wanting an Olympic gold medal but more so if an individual over a team event... just seems more personal.

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