Search results

  1. Gazoo

    Bow Front Tank Cons?

    An advantage of standard tanks are their cheaper price and greater choice in stands. I have a 16 US gallon All-Glass/Aqueon bow front and I only notice distortion when I view the tank from a severe angle when very close to it. If I had the money and space I would get a 72 gallon bow front over...
  2. Gazoo

    Need Aquaclear 50/200 Main Plastic Piece

    That's what I did when I dropped my AquaClear. Of course, this is assuming yours doesn't look like an M-80 had its way with it. :rip:
  3. Gazoo


    I'll second a digital thermometer. Mine are easy to read and very accurate.
  4. Gazoo

    Are Airstones Obsolete?

    Don't forget about the clam and the skeleton at the wheel. ;)
  5. Gazoo

    Fry Photo's

    I'm sure Hawkins meant it to be funny not rude. Kind of like "if you show me yours, I'll show you mine :wub: ". It was just missing one of these ... :-
  6. Gazoo

    Looking For Companions To Go With Angelfish

    Next week I'm going to start volunteering some time at a convalescent & rehab center. I offered to help maintain their existing tank that currently has two common plecos. I'm thinking of getting credit for them at my LFS and starting from scratch with angelfish. I think fish with a little...
  7. Gazoo

    Looking For Companions To Go With Angelfish

    I'm looking for some input on fish that would be compatible with angelfish in a 55 US gallon (208 L). Something with color would be nice but nothing spazoid :hyper: like danios or pictus cats. Maybe rainbows?
  8. Gazoo

    Am I Just Paranoid?

    When one thinks there are silent black helicopters hovering over your house at night is where I draw the line of being paranoid. :ninja: ... :lol:
  9. Gazoo

    Another Painting.

    :cool: With your latest cropped image, I see some very nice detail in the beak and eye.
  10. Gazoo

    Quickst And Humane Way To Kill A Fish

    I used to put my fish in a container with ice water or clove oil but now I would put a hammer/mallet to its melon. Short and sweet. It sounds like your gourami would do better in a different environment rather than being terminated because it's not playing nice.
  11. Gazoo

    Api Mater Test Kit - Lost Nitrite Card!

    If you are in the U.S., PM me your address and I'll mail you an extra one I have. Or ... an easy way I remember the colors is that robin's egg blue it is 0, and when it looks light purple it is 0.25. In my experience, when it's darker than light purple I have a hard time distinguishing what...
  12. Gazoo

    Inappropriate First Dance Songs

    Girls by the Beastie Boys from Licensed to Ill Girls - to do the dishes Girls - to clean up my room Girls - to do the laundry Girls - and in the bathroom Girls, that's all I really want is girls Two at a time I want girls With new wave hairdos I want girls I ought to whip out my girls, girls...
  13. Gazoo

    What Was The Last Music Cd You Bought

    Mars, The Bringer Of War is intense. :devil:
  14. Gazoo

    Another Painting.

  15. Gazoo

    Question About Careers....

    My comment is a little old but I thought I would post it anyway: After you speak with your cousin I would locate a few smaller conference and event centers near you. Find out who does the work you are interested in and ask them if they would be will willing to spare 15-20 minutes maximum for an...
  16. Gazoo

    Bacon Or Sausage Butty?

    I dig sausage gravy over buttermilk biscuits with a side of fried mush. :)
  17. Gazoo

    Another Painting.

    Very nice Dan. As far as improvements, I would like to see more highlights and shadows.
  18. Gazoo

    What Was The Last Music Cd You Bought

    My last purchased CD was Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace in late 2007. Talk about an incredible CD! :band: Since I started borrowing CD's from my library, I've practically stopped buying CD's.
  19. Gazoo

    My Two New Photos, What Do You Think?

    I can't believe you haven't received more comments. Your pictures are gorgeous. Your composition, cropping and use of color held my attention for a long time.
  20. Gazoo

    Diy Caves For My Bristlenose Photo's Added

    I like your idea of using two drain trays. They look good although the one on the left looks like it has a smother opening. They remind me of little pies. Mmmmmm .... pie. :drool:
  21. Gazoo

    Model Rockets

    Thanks for the link Mr._Fishy. It looks like a fantastic website. I think I'll start with the Saturn V. A 62" tall, 5.6" diameter rocket should be easy to handle for a beginner, right? ;) By the way, what are you doing with a Wings avatar being that you're in Colorado? You must be a transplant. :D
  22. Gazoo

    Model Rockets

    A little bit of both. I would like to assemble it and try my hand at painting it, fingerprints and all. I also don't think I want one that goes crazy high since I'm not sure if I'll have any chasers.
  23. Gazoo

    How To Sink Freeze Dried Bloodworms?

    After handling the bloodworms, be careful not to rub your eyes before washing your hands in case you are allergic to them. I learned the hard way. :X
  24. Gazoo

    Can You Name The Fish?

    It's also known as a Hockey Stick Tetra eh. *said with a Canadian accent*
  25. Gazoo

    Put A Photo Up Of Your Parrot Fish

    I have to wait until the bubbles pop for me to understand what he's saying. *pop* "Polly wants a grape..." *pop* "...not a pellet."
  26. Gazoo

    Model Rockets

    The last time I launched a model rocket I was a kid in grade school. For some reason I now have the desire to build another one. For those that are into the hobby, can you recommend a good kit for a beginner. Is there anything I should definitely avoid?
  27. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    I figured that I would push this topic back to the top and share what I borrowed today. Childhood's End -Arthur C. Clark (chosen book for discussion group at library) Mort -Terry Practchett Me of Little Faith -Lewis Black I wish it wouldn't have taken me so long to discover Terry Pratchett...
  28. Gazoo

    Vh1 Rock Honors The Who

    I guess nobody watched it. :( OK, if you are a fan of early British rock, who do you like?
  29. Gazoo

    Tiny Sized Filters & There Such A Thing?

    Lazerus, I don't know what betta experience you have keeping bettas but when I first started keeping them I was given the good advice to add a few soft plants for it to rest on. I can't say that I've had good luck with live plants but to this day I've never killed a silk plant. :-
  30. Gazoo

    Are You Ever Actually Happy

    I'm always the most happiest after I do a water change and a scrub. When the tank looks good, I feel good.
  31. Gazoo

    Tiny Sized Filters & There Such A Thing?

    Not at all. The tank is a bit scratched but once you add water it will look fine. It also looks like you have an UGF (under gravel filter) that would work OK with an air pump. I would disregard that feature and since you are relatively limited on space, I would not use an internal filter. I...
  32. Gazoo

    Tiny Sized Filters & There Such A Thing?

    I've used an AquaClear 20/mini power filter on a 7 (US) gallon for many years and I was satisfied with its performance. The water flow could be decreased a bit and it would work well with a 5 gallon. Another small power filter option (although it might be too small) could be a Red Sea Nano or...
  33. Gazoo

    Vh1 Rock Honors The Who

    Did anybody watch VH1 Rock Honors The Who? I enjoyed most of the performances especially Pearl Jam's although I might be in the minority since I thought the Flaming Lips weren't so hot (pun intended). I liked when Sean Pean made a reference to The Who not selling out "unlike certain music...
  34. Gazoo

    Anyone Got Rasbora Pictures?

    Here's a picture of a few of my cooper rasboras that I've had for some time. They're only about 1.5".
  35. Gazoo

    What's The Smallest Fish You Ever Owned?

    The smallest fish I have kept was a Scarlet Badis. If I ever tried to keep them again I would have a species only tank since I found it somewhat difficult to feed them with other fish in the tank.
  36. Gazoo

    Wii Help!

    That's an SD card. That will work for Wii saves only. You still need a GameCube Memory Card. edit: added link
  37. Gazoo

    Wii Help!

    When playing a GameCube game on a Wii, you can only save your progress by using a GameCube Memory Card. The Wii internal memory or a SD card is not compatible. I use a Nintendo branded card as well as a third party unit. I've had no problems over the years with the off brand but some people...
  38. Gazoo

    How Do You Attach Java Moss To Coconut Shell?

    I used cotton string (since it was easier to tie than fishing line) but I had to snip it off after some time since it didn't deteriorate at all. I don't have any experience with moss balls. Welcome to the forum emzyp. Don't be shy to ask questions. edit: added welcome
  39. Gazoo

    The Most Epic Songs You've Ever Heard

    Two favorites that come to mind: Gustav Holst - The Planets Op.32 Mars, the Bringer of War 1914-1916 John Williams - Star Wars: Episode IV - Imperial Attack 1977 Check out Mars, the Bringer of War if you have never heard it before. For the Star Wars geeks out there - I know you're out...
  40. Gazoo

    Does Size Really Matter?

    I wonder in the 5 footer if there is a difference in water chemistry, or if there is greater competition for food, stress etc.