Can You Name The Fish?


New Member
Jun 21, 2008
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Hi, I have adopted some fish, most of which I can identify but this one, I'm just not too sure. I was told it was a scissor tail. Is that right?

Oh also he (or she) is looking for a name. If you fancy suggesting one, feel free.



Sorry I seem to have put this in the Cichlids section. It was supposed to be in new to the hobby. Any chance someone could move it? Not sure how to move or delete it.
Looks very much like a Penguin Fish (Thayeria obliqua or Thayeria boehlkei), It is a Characin NOT a Cichlid. They can grow up to 8cm if it obliqua and 6cm if its boehlkei. Temp wise should be between 22-27c and prefer slightly acidic water.
Looks very much like a Penguin Fish (Thayeria obliqua or Thayeria boehlkei), It is a Characin NOT a Cichlid. They can grow up to 8cm if it obliqua and 6cm if its boehlkei. Temp wise should be between 22-27c and prefer slightly acidic water.

Thanks, thats great. Its another tetra then. I have about 5 different types of tetra now. Although this one seems to be a bit of a bully, thanfully Just chasing, no nipping going on.
its probably being a bully because it is alone, all tetra speicies need to have a shoal of atleast 6
Tetra are are good to be in groups of 6 and more they will better and more comfortable.

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