Search results

  1. Gazoo

    My Kuhli Loachs

    I dig the yellow coloration and striping on yours. I've only seen orange ones like mine.
  2. Gazoo

    Khuli Loaches Eating Algae Waffer

    Here's a short video of a few of my khuli loaches eating an algae waffer with some Led Zeppelin music in the background. I recently added two more and noticed that the new ones like to swim around but others stay on the gravel. I didn't realize some like to swim so much. How about yours?
  3. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    I just finished The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and will be starting Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett.
  4. Gazoo

    Favorite Band

    No I don't have it yet, but I dig what I've heard so far on the XM satellite radio AC/DC (24/7) channel.
  5. Gazoo

    Favorite Band

    Favorite music group - I cant' do it! Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, and AC/DC are equally tied.
  6. Gazoo

    What Is The Best Hob Filter!

    Yeah, those things are bulletproof. :flex: I have one that's about 18 years old. From bottom to top I use one and a half sponges, filter floss and than biomax.
  7. Gazoo

    What Is The Best Hob Filter!

    The AquaClear is very quiet as long as you keep the water level high in the tank. Another benefit of a high water level is that the filter will be able to prime itself if the power ever temporary goes off while you are away. Otherwise the filter will run dry and the motor will get hot. :devil:
  8. Gazoo

    One Eyed Cardinal

    He'll get along OK. :angel:
  9. Gazoo

    Where Is The Best (and Cheapest) Place To Buy Filter Floss?

    I only spent a couple of bucks for aquarium branded stuff at a LFS. Since I only use a small amount in my power filters and reuse it after swirling/cleaning it in old tank water, the bag will last forever.
  10. Gazoo

    There Is Always Sumpthing There To Remind Me

    There is nothing punny about bad puns. :- I like your 80's Naked Eyes/equipment combo.
  11. Gazoo

    Hagen Aquaclear Power Filter And Power Outage

    I make sure I keep the water level high in the tank. A few times when my power went out when I was at work, the water drained out of the filter and couldn't prime itself. I came home to a gurgling filter with a hot motor. :crazy:
  12. Gazoo

    Who Done It?

    Subject: Who Done It?, plants destroyed I suggest it was Colonel Mustard in the billiard room with the lead pipe. :shifty:
  13. Gazoo

    Paul Newman R.i.p.

    Lung I'm most impressed with his food company (Newman's Own) that donated 100% of the proceeds, after taxes, to educational and charitable purposes. :cool:
  14. Gazoo

    How Often Do You Boil Your Coconuts?

    Same here. FYI, The correct term is tannins. Tanning is what you do to animal hides as well as something that George Hamilton overdoes. B-)
  15. Gazoo

    It's The Namesake!

    edit: my spelling - Gazzo Gazoo How did you know I was going to be a bad influence? I can't even spell my own name! :S The next thing I'll be doing is giving bad advice telling little Zylon,"don't school, pick on weaker tankmates, and eat all the fatty bloodworms you want". .... on second...
  16. Gazoo

    Anyone Keeping Feeder Fish As Pets?

    I've never kept feeder fish for pets but I've kept feeder ghost shrimp. They're fun to watch when eating and best of all they're dirt cheap.
  17. Gazoo

    It's The Namesake!

    Does this give me the honorary title Uncle Gazzo? :lol:
  18. Gazoo

    What Are You Listening To?

    XM Satellite Radio - channel 53 - AC/DC Radio (24/7 AC/DC programing) song: Hells Bells :devil: album: Back in Black If you have XM Radio check out 53.
  19. Gazoo

    It's The Namesake!

    Well now that you say that, I think Igor (pronounced Eye-gor :lol: ) would be appropriate. Marty Feldman from the movie Young Frankenstein
  20. Gazoo

    It's The Namesake!

    :o How about Xylon. It means wood in Greek. Or Ericson, as in Leif Ericson.
  21. Gazoo

    Peacock Eel

    Based on your input I'm going to suggest that he returns it. Already he has 4 strikes: gravel is used for substrate, I can't see him dealing with frozen food, he's attached to the corys, and he likes fish that stay in the open. Nice article by the way nmonks.
  22. Gazoo

    Post Pictures That Made You Laff

    I added the old box of fig newtons. :-
  23. Gazoo

    Peacock Eel

    A friend of mine who has been keeping fish for only about 5 months called me today and told me he bought a peacock eel. His 22 US gallon tank currently has 8 various danios, 4 corry cats, and 1 apple snail. When I asked if he did any prior research, he said "no" but the LPS employee said it...
  24. Gazoo

    Sales Thread Hijacking

    Caveat emptor - "Let the buyer beware"
  25. Gazoo

    Photoshopped Pics

    Yeah, the second image sort of reminds me of Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe silkscreen prints. Here's a very cool link that allows you to create your own color choices for the Monroe portrait.
  26. Gazoo

    My New Tetras!

    I say name it Bauer... ... Deee-troit Red Wings! :beer:
  27. Gazoo

    Black Phantom Tetra

    "Who loves ya, baby?" -Aristotelis “Telly” Savalas
  28. Gazoo

    Black Phantom Tetra

    Rather than a black phantom, I think a black widow (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) was the fifth oddball.
  29. Gazoo

    Anyone Know Were I Can Get This Fish From?

    Malpulutta kretseri bump.
  30. Gazoo

    Can Any One Help

    Thank you for saying this. :big_boss:
  31. Gazoo

    Hoping For Harlequin Help, Please & Thank-you

    I can very much appreciate your concern with your fish, but to be perfectly honest, I'm having a difficult time reading your post because there is so much information to take in at one time. You have defiantly found a good resource for tropical fish keepers but I would ask for you read this post...
  32. Gazoo

    I Love Rainbow Behavior!

    Wow, the pictures are nice. Until recent, I never gave rainbows much attention because I thought their body shape was odd. I'm glad I got over that and can now see how beautiful they are.
  33. Gazoo

    Hoping For Harlequin Help, Please & Thank-you

    :hi: to the forum Syphoniera and congratulations on winning the Largest Post Award for 2008. :- I'm sure after some members process your questions you will get some good responses. Either that or you will have to wait to hear from Deep Thought.
  34. Gazoo

    Keeping Heater On?

    Been there, done that. :blush: I also used to unplug my heater every summer because I didn't think I needed it. Then a couple years ago in the summer I left all my windows open over night while I was away and a cold front came through. When I got home I noticed the temp in my tanks had...
  35. Gazoo

    Electricity Costs

    This is an excellent tip.
  36. Gazoo

    Anyone Know Were I Can Get This Fish From?

    In a slow flowing river in south western Sri Lanka. :-
  37. Gazoo

    Ordering Fish/supplies Online?

    I've ordered from (US) Big Al's a few times over the years. Their prices are competitive, they have a huge selection, and their customer service is good. No online fish though. Canada: US: Make sure to sign up for a free catalog.
  38. Gazoo

    Tropical Fish Flake

    Doesn't this belong in the Buy, Sell & Swap section? :blink:
  39. Gazoo

    Looking For Companions To Go With Angelfish

    Any more suggestions out there?