My New Tetras!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 19, 2008
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So I went today to get more fish, before I realized my one guppy has a big brown/yellow spot on his tail... I hope he is ok, has taken me a long time and a lot of work to get my tank how it is now!

Anyways, I got 4 Penguin Tetras. Also known as Hockey Stick Tetras. Took me forever to figure out what the guy at the LFS wrote, as he wrote Hockey Stick Tetra terribly, and all I could make out was stick... And that is not the real name of course!!!!! :crazy: lol

Next week I am going to add 2 more neons and 2 more penguins, and then I think my tank is full enough!!!!

Here is a pic:

i noticed in ur sig it says u hav 2 otos, u should get at least 1 more, they r shoaling fish, i hav 3 in a 10 gallon and they r fine, thats my suggestion. rocknurworld2006 it says in his sig itts a 20 gallon. my suggestion, get 1 or 2 more neon, 1 or 2 more penguin, and 1 or 2 more ottos. ur fish look good!
i noticed in ur sig it says u hav 2 otos, u should get at least 1 more, they r shoaling fish, i hav 3 in a 10 gallon and they r fine, thats my suggestion. rocknurworld2006 it says in his sig itts a 20 gallon. my suggestion, get 1 or 2 more neon, 1 or 2 more penguin, and 1 or 2 more ottos. ur fish look good!

Oh yea I got 2 more ottos. I have 4 in total now. haven't updated sig :p I thought I said that in my OP... AH WELL! :p But yea, I am gonna get 2 more neons and 2 more penguins, and that is all. :)

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