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  1. K

    why are walmart betta females the most expensive

    The wal*mart I go to has more females then males and are the same price. maybe its just your wal*mart? :dunno:
  2. K

    Yes! One more betta saved from wal-mart!

    Congarts on your new betta ^_^
  3. K

    Isn't this very cruel?! ebay horrors!

    I had my first gold fish at 9 years of age He was a fan tale gold fish with three other fan tales he was kingsnorky :) they started out in a 5 gallon yeah yeah not enough room all I could get but as soon as I got the money I got a 20 gallon :\ (geting the 20 gallon took 2 months to get.) then he...
  4. K


    You have very perty fish :D I love wedgie hes so cute and funny ^_^
  5. K

    Fry having ick

    I only have livebearers except for one gold fish which is in the 5 gallon alone. I am actually trying to fill up the other tanks instead of buying them becuase I don't wanna get any illnesses from buying any which really didn't help sence ones got ick :S
  6. K

    Fry having ick

    Okay thank you I'll put a littel bit of ick meds in there and see how she dones
  7. K

    Fry having ick

    I've had thes fry for months now their not complety grow up and are very small and one of the females is going to have babies but she has a littel bit of ick on her right fin I don't know if its safe to use ick meds on a fry that is also having babies soon and If I can which sould I use?
  8. K

    Pictures of my boys :)

    I love them all your lucky >: P
  9. K

    I now have two bettas. -_-

    yes very Beautifull looks like hes making a bubble nest to.
  10. K

    which size tank is best for bettas?

    Okay then I'll probably get him a 10 gallon. Thanks for your help.
  11. K

    which size tank is best for bettas?

    He is in a 5 gallon.
  12. K

    which size tank is best for bettas?

    It'll soon be my birthday and planing on geting my oldest betta ranger a new tank with plants and a heater, and I want him to be REALLY happy in his new tank and have alot of room so he can swim so what size sould I get?
  13. K

    Biting tail? :(

    I'd suggest geting a female betta put it in another tank and put the tank right next to his. My betta had the same thing but then I got a female and hes never done it since. To busy looking at her. :)
  14. K

    Good news in the land of PetSmart

    Greatest news I heard all day. ^_^
  15. K

    Need help - ick and damaged eyes?

    You have very beautyfull bettas ^_^ Maybe your new blue one will be added to your wall of bettas :P Once again good luck keep us updated!
  16. K

    Need help - ick and damaged eyes?

    Good luck I really hope you can save him. :-( I had a fish with that eye junk (mollie) I got rid of it with just some ick meds from the very same wal*mart I got him from.
  17. K


    Yes the wal*mart I go to is bad. Altho I've gotta my 3 bettas there and there all health ^^; :P
  18. K

    HELP! My swordtail has gone mad!!

    My fish do that tail thing but I've had them for about a year and they've all had fry (only my females do that) I think its just when they've bin chased to mcuh.
  19. K

    fish 2 go with a guppie?

    I wouldn't get another fish even if you did, I wouldn't get a mollie my guppies are to crazy with mine they cross breed with my poor littel mollies. then there just never the same :/