Need help - ick and damaged eyes?


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Nother Wal-Mart "must drag home" guy.





He has a pretty severe case of ick and some pretty severe eye damage. I didn't know why the eyes would be that way - til I got him home and opened up his cup. The water was RANCID. It smelled like rotten eggs. I almost threw up. I'm assuming that the eyes were damaged from the toxicity of the water? There was oodles of junk in it.. as you can see:

If I had to guess, I'd say that water hadn't been changed out in at LEAST a week.
I filled up a little mini betta keeper (I think it holds about 1/2 gallon) and got him some maracide for the ick and lots of stress coat.

If anyone has any suggestions for the eyes I'd love to hear them - I didn't add any salt because I was afraid I might irritate his already damaged eyes.

I think I'll toss in some colloidal, too, and hope for the best.

oh, and in case anyone's wondering - I already called and chewed some ass at WalMart too.
awww,poor kid. I think you've done enough for tonight (if you've added silver already,if not, do so), maybe he'll be ready to handle some salt on his next wc. I wish you guys the best.
Silver will be the best,best thing for his eyes. Doctors still use it today in the eyes of newborns :nod:
The cloudy eyes could be a secondary infection to the ich. I am not sure what medication you would use for that, maybe maracyn? That poor betta, I swear they know where you are and they come find you. I know you will do the best you can for him. Good luck. Does he have a name yet?
wuvmybetta said:
awww,poor kid. I think you've done enough for tonight (if you've added silver already,if not, do so), maybe he'll be ready to handle some salt on his next wc. I wish you guys the best.
Silver will be the best,best thing for his eyes. Doctors still use it today in the eyes of newborns :nod:
Really? That's very good news to hear. I was hoping that someone would come along and tell me that SOMETHING I could do for him would be good for his eyes.
Look at this pathetic little thing.

FE - I think you're right. They do come to find me.
I think my will is being tested. But I can handle it - BRING EM ON! :flex:

Oh! and I almost forgot - I'm just gonna name him Blue.
Good luck I really hope you can save him. :-(
I had a fish with that eye junk (mollie) I got rid of it with just some ick meds from the very same wal*mart I got him from.
Thanks, I hope he pulls through too.
I also hope his eyes aren't too damaged to come back from.

He has eaten a few pellets - I don't know if he can smell his way to them or if he can see a little bit.

We'll see how it goes. He's hanging out in the cabomba plant i put in there. He seems to like it in there.
Poor little guy :( I hope he gets better. I'm sure he's in a more comfortable and clean place though :nod:
oh my! what is wrong with his eyes? Is he blind?
Poor fish, hope he is doing better. Good luck! Keep us updated! Got the poor thing just in time too!!!! I think he will pull through.
wrs said:
oh my! what is wrong with his eyes? Is he blind?
Well, I'm not exactly sure yet if he's blind. I do have a blind betta so I kinda know how they act when they're blind- and this guy seems like he just has a really hard time seeing, not that he's necessarily blind.
I'm pretty sure that his eyes got damaged from the rancid water he was forced to sit in for days on end. There was a LOT of stuff in it - the photo above doesn't really do it justice. I opened the lid and had to step back - it was AWFUL. It almost smelled like a dead animal. I had to walk the cup and lid outside to the trash bin because it was making my whole apartment smell. It was THAT bad.

He was perched up in his cabomba this morning when I peeked in on him, so he at least made it thru the night. I'm thinking that he'll recover from his ick okay, but don't really have a guess as to how the eyes will turn out.
You have very beautyfull bettas ^_^ Maybe your new blue one will be added to your wall of bettas :p Once again good luck keep us updated!
Yes, I hope he will be added to it.
The poor guy was getting stunned by the flash when I was taking photos last night so I stopped. When he's feeling better I will add him in :)
I just checked on this little guy - he is completely miserable today.
He's shaking - I suppose the ick is just itching him like crazy.

Salt dip experts - should I give him one, or would it be irritating to his eyes?
His eyes don't look any different today - if anything they look worse.

Poor guy.
My guess is it's likely due to stress + a lowered immune system from the ich. I'd treat him again with silver, and maybe treat him to some frozen BW or something. I think a salt dip would be massively stressful.

It also could be pH shock. Nasty water tends to be very low pH, and pH shock can be caused by as little as a 0.3 change in pH, depending on how quickly the acclimation process took place. Most fish I've seen with pH shock have recovered.

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