which size tank is best for bettas?


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
New york.
It'll soon be my birthday and planing on geting my oldest betta ranger a new tank with plants and a heater, and I want him to be REALLY happy in his new tank and have alot of room so he can swim so what size sould I get?
It depends totally on the person and the fish. Some people like smaller 1 gallon bowls with a little gravel and a silk plant, while others like their fish to be in 5 gallon heated tanks with the works.

Then there are fish that like big spaces and those that don't. I have 15 bettas myself. Some will clamp their fins and go completely listless if in anything over a gallon, yet I have a female crowntail who does the same thing if she's in anything less than her 25 gallon community tank.
Kingsnorky said:
He is in a 5 gallon.
That's actually enough room. You can move him up to a 10 gallon. Just be careful upgrading him as bettas can sometimes get stressed by the move.

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