Yes! One more betta saved from wal-mart!


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Yes! I just save a betta from walmart! And if it wasn't the saddest thing you'd ever seen! Hes red, but his bodys an almost greyish color. He was laying on the bottem of the cup but since I put him in the tank he seems much more livelier.
The odd thing was he was the only one. I guess everbody else saw he was the weakest and the saddest. Who knowes how long he's been laying around that cup. Anyways, he seems much more happy. I've decided I'm going to name himeither Navy. or long. Long's a weird name, but I kindof like it. :dunno:
But what else did I see? The just got a NEW shipment of gouramis today, and in a 10G tank (With no rocks, plants, or decorations) there mush have been atleast 30. They were all about 2 inches. It was increadable. I've never seen a tank stuffed to the brim like this before. There was litteraly NO ROOM for them to move. :(
But what astounds me the most is that there was no bettas. Only this one. I'm gunna go back on tuesday and look for another weak one, see what i can do.
Why does walmart do this? It makes like $10 a day, and put on the electicity bill, it prolly uses like $7 of it. So why totrue animals and make 3 bucks a day :no: :dunno:
Ethos said:
Why does walmart do this? It makes like $10 a day, and put on the electicity bill, it prolly uses like $7 of it. So why totrue animals and make 3 bucks a day :no: :dunno:
because people keep buying bettas from them, often with good intentions of "saving a betta". unfortunately, the bottom line is if people keep buying fish from them they will keep bringing fish in, they don't care if they are sick or not, infact, some walmart's don't even feed the fish because they know they will be off the shelves in a matter of days.
Thanks. Hes so pretty! I just watched him for about 3 mins. and I relized how dull the color on his body is compared to his fins. Whys this?
PS: I just feed him about 5 bloodworms. Is it the same stuff I feed my gouramis?
EDIT: I'll try to get some pic.s in here soon!
My Sister borrowed my camera a couple of days ago, and I'll have to go to her house sometime to get it back! Anyways, Like I have said, hi body is a dull read, but his tail is a more bright red, and his tail is still bunched together. Hes really small too. I wounder how old he is....I hope he's not a runt.....but I'll love him anyways :wub:
woo, congrats on the walmart fishy, I'm sure he'll be forever gratefull to you! :) as I'm finding my new guy's gratefull to me, building bubble nest in one night, even tho he's in a tiny holding tank.
I've had a betta before, but this one seems amazingly lively for just being placed in a new tank!
Ethos said:
But what astounds me the most is that there was no bettas. Only this one. I'm gunna go back on tuesday and look for another weak one, see what i can do.
Why does walmart do this? It makes like $10 a day, and put on the electicity bill, it prolly uses like $7 of it. So why totrue animals and make 3 bucks a day :no: :dunno:
Because people buy fish there. I've said it before, I'll say it agian - if everyone stopped buying fish at WalMart, WalMart would not sell fish. Every time someone buys a weak, sick fish, they tell WalMart, "your fish don't even have to be healthy, treat them however you want, I'll still buy them".

Congrats on your new addition.
bkk_group said:
Ethos said:
Why does walmart do this? It makes like $10 a day, and put on the electicity bill, it prolly uses like $7 of it. So why totrue animals and make 3 bucks a day :no: :dunno:
because people keep buying bettas from them, often with good intentions of "saving a betta". unfortunately, the bottom line is if people keep buying fish from them they will keep bringing fish in, they don't care if they are sick or not, infact, some walmart's don't even feed the fish because they know they will be off the shelves in a matter of days.
Oops. Shoulda read the whole thread! :*)

Bkk, you took the words right out of my mouth. However, many here still believe the good of the few is more important then the good of the many. :no:
Yeah.......Anyways, I wanna go back and get 2 more....but I dont think they would've resotcked for the 3 hours I haven't been there.....

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