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  1. constantine03

    Good Real Plants In Betta Bowl?

    First, I'd have to recommend that you attempt to move your betta from a bowl to a tank that can be heated and has some filtration, if that's not possible though, bamboo does well so long as you only put it in so far that the water does not touch the leaves. If that happens, the plant will die...
  2. constantine03

    New Betta, Help With Name Plz

    I gave up naming my fish. There are just too many of them.
  3. constantine03


    I couldn't agree with everyone more that both fish you have are males, and that some males do, in fact, make nests while next to other males. It does not necessarily mean they are wanting to breed. The vases you have for conditioning are not suitable for a few reasons. When you are...
  4. SG.jpg


  5. constantine03


    If you'd like, you can pm me...or anyone else here who's spawned bettas. I'm no expert, but I'd gladly let you know what I've done to prepare my fish for breeding. :)
  6. constantine03

    My First Spawn Update (pics)

    They look great! So lucky to have a DT in your first spawn!!!
  7. constantine03


    Lu_Bu-- I think you're rushing into this. You really need to spend plenty of time researching not only how they spawn, but also how to condition your fish properly so they don't die trying to spawn, how to set the tank up (what to put in the water, plants, levels, temperature), and what you'll...
  8. constantine03

    How This For A New Tank For Sobek

    That is a PRICEY little tank!!! Is that how much tanks like this are in the U.K. normally? Wow. I wouldn't be able to own fish at those rates.
  9. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    ^^ Make sure he's been conditioned properly and he'll get right to it. ;) Here's a closer baby pic:
  10. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    I don't think there are too many...between 20 and 30 ATM. They're hard to count!
  11. constantine03

    My 5 New Betas

    a 1 gal container is VERY small for a breeding tank. I'd suggest using a 5 gal as a minumum. 10 gals work well. Remember that the babies have to grow in there as well. You also need to be sure to only have about 5 inches of water. If you have that water level in a 1 gal container, you...
  12. constantine03

    My 5 New Betas

    I like Chaos the best too! Here's how I've been conditioning my fish. I put them in their own 1 gal containers, and put these inside a large rubbermaid container surrounded by water with a heater in it. That's a cheap way to keep them all warm while conditioning, which is a must. Just make...
  13. constantine03

    Just Won This Guy

    Yay! Congrats!! That female is GORGEOUS! :drool: Sibs? Looks like you may get rosetails from that combo. He's pretty heavily branched as is she.
  14. constantine03

    What Is It That You Love About Bettas?

    I too think it is their personalities. Their vivid colors and lovely finnage has a lot to do with it too, but mainly their personalities. This is the reason that I have 5-6 of the little guys that I need to rehome, but can't bring myself to do it. I just love to watch them, and depending on...
  15. constantine03

    New Dividers, And Glue Question

    Lee, thanks for the information. Does anyone know of any other type of glue that could work in a tank? Tattoo, I used suction cups before trying this way. The problem is that they seem to come loose a bit too easily, or create small unwanted gaps. My beautiful little HM DT guy is showing the...
  16. constantine03

    Red Has A Lump

    Can you post a picture? This site has always been helpful to me if I've had questions.
  17. constantine03

    New Dividers, And Glue Question

    I used aquarium silicone, yes. It's been very strong for the other things I've used it for....I think it's just sticking slate and plastic together...not working the best.
  18. constantine03

    New Dividers, And Glue Question

    I made new dividers. I wanted to be able to remove all the substrate from my tanks, so I went to Lowes and had a piece of slate cut into 1 inch strips the size of my tanks. I used silicone to seal dividers onto the slate, and then I cut slits into the top of the tank to secure the mesh...
  19. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    Bump for baby pictures!
  20. constantine03

    Bye Greg

    Your levels will be off because there was a dead fish in the water.
  21. constantine03

    Where To Buy Bettas In The Usa

    Petco and Petsmart carry female bettas as well. My first spawn just hatched two days I should have some nice HM babies in a while. If you are interested right now, I have two females that I need to rehome. Nothing special. I blue VT with red wash and a blue/red smaller PK girl...
  22. constantine03

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Wow. I didn't realize I was older than some of you all! I've been 23 for months now. I think it's all downhill (as far as being excited over birthdays) from least in the U.S.-- that's the legal drinking age. What birthdays do you really have to look forward to after that? They're...
  23. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    Thank you! You'd be surprised how many pretty female bettas there are out there. Don't let that myth of the males being the only pretty ones fool you! The females can be just as lovely.
  24. constantine03

    What Tail Type Is She?

    I believe this question was already asked, and the consensus was that she was either a round tail or VT. What tail type did you breed her with? You'll probably see a VT like offspring regardless of what it was.
  25. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    I'm scared to take pics while dad's still in there! I will once they're free swimming!
  26. constantine03

    Bit By The Bug Again...

    Liz2, I was going to play the same game. I wasn't going to get her. I had a coupon for $15 off a $50 purchase, so I bought a massive bag of puppy food- $35, and then thought I'd add $15 of frozen fish food to basically get for free. I also had a $10 off $40 purchase, and $5 off $25 purchase...
  27. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    OMG!! I'm so excited! My first betta babies!!! I ended up putting my yellow male in with the dark blue/MG female since the girl in my signature wasn't very cooperative. They spawned, but I didn't really think it was that successful since his nest was the size of a quarter after they were...
  28. constantine03

    Bit By The Bug Again...

    Well, I went to my LFS for dog food...and came back with this little girl. I just couldn't walk out without her. She's so perfect for my red marbled dt male! Sorry, not the best pictures. She's pretty feisty, and has been flaring at her reflection tonight. Cute. Here's the guy I'm...
  29. constantine03

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    You're def. not the youngest...and no, she's mine. ;) Well...maybe some of her offspring though if she ever cooperates!
  30. constantine03

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Might be...maybe not. How old are you?
  31. constantine03

    Cross Breeding

    I don't think it has to do with the female more than the male... The mitochondria issue is only because sperm does not contain any everyone's mitochondria is an exact copy of his/her mothers. This wouldn't effect the outcome unless it was a sex linked's not...
  32. constantine03

    Tail Type? Added A Clearer Picutre Now

    I only see two in each ray. I think that's what blue_betta meant. It's a full tail, but each ray splits once into two. Could also just be an unknown "single tail" female since you don't know what the parents were. I'm changing my mind now. I think I saw the anal as being much more pointy...
  33. constantine03

    Bettas On Ebay

    They probably were watching your account closely since you had just had auctions pulled for linking. IMO, that makes more sense. Ebay just doesn't allow links to any sites that provide competition for their business. That's it. Since you sell the fish on your website, posting it in your...
  34. constantine03

    Tail Type? Added A Clearer Picutre Now

    I think she just looks like a VT with a nice full tail. I have a couple that look like that now that I've had them home a while and cared for them. She's pretty. :)
  35. constantine03

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    I'm going to have to look at this thread everytime I come to the forum now with all these men... :drool: Yummy.
  36. constantine03

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Shhh...forget about the UK...America?!? :) devon_charm! You look great! I love picking apples in the fall for apple pie. This is my favorite recipe. If you ever have extra apples and a little time, you should throw this together for a taste. It's so easy, and sooooo yummmy...
  37. constantine03

    Augh. Shiva Destroyed The Nest Again!

    So, my second attempt at breeding the female in my signature with the guy below did not work. Both times he has built a very modest nest, and both times she has run her little nose through it and chased him all around the tank. Back to conditioning them...again. I think I'll give her 1 or 2...
  38. constantine03

    Bronzecat Is A Numpty

    Ah- I see. I know "numskull," just never heard it as numpty.
  39. constantine03

    The Betta Bug Has Bitten

    This is my guy: And here his fins are torn from jumping the divider to get to another male. Bad idea. The other guy won. He's healing nicely though.
  40. constantine03

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Cute pictures. :) Earlier I said I don't have any posey pictures. I lied. I found some old ones. These are from my days at the 'ol Abercrombie and Fitch. Blah. (Freshman year of college.) And this one was like...two years ago? Maybe a year and a half ago...I don't remember. I...