Bettas On Ebay


Fish Herder
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Exeter, Devon
I have some fish for auction on ebay due to sales from the site falling through and thought it a good opportunity to get my feeback up on ebay

oh and to any one who was watching either of them...they dissapeared cos i was naughty and had links that i wasn't meant to (i didn't know about this :blush: ) but they are back up now

I have some fish for auction on ebay due to sales from the site falling through and thought it a good opportunity to get my feeback up on ebay

oh and to any one who was watching either of them...they dissapeared cos i was naughty and had links that i wasn't meant to (i didn't know about this :blush: ) but they are back up now

i got told off as well the other week for linking, :lol: :lol: :fun: i didint realize it was classed as linking but they seemed to think so, oh just a quick plug on this thread for me :fun: :fun: ive just put some stonkers on too, nice shipment this week.
Its a bit silly really n it, you should be able to link to your own site on a listing but oh well..there are ways round it.

Right now i have to go check out ebay to see what you have listed...i can never resist lookin at goodlookin fish :lol:
Dang they did it again...Hmmm you cant even write it out

Ok all links gone and they are back up again
Dang they did it again...Hmmm you cant even write it out

Ok all links gone and they are back up again

In which case sweetie, someone must be reporting you, I have seen plenty of auctions with external sites but they are not taken down that quickly, if at all. Ebay relies on people reporting auctions with 'offending' input, they don't go through each auction individually x
Im interested, ill have a quick look at modaz's and devon_charms amazing bettas now.............plug plug plug :lol: :good:
They probably were watching your account closely since you had just had auctions pulled for linking. IMO, that makes more sense.

Ebay just doesn't allow links to any sites that provide competition for their business. That's it. Since you sell the fish on your website, posting it in your auction is promoting sales through them. I can't say I don't totally agree with them. They want to cut competition, but they seem to take it too far.
it s no win situation, i had plants on there forsale and because i added a simple message about going to "about me" page which really wasnt a link in itself, they deleted the lot i must have had about 20 listings in total that they deleted on that occasion, b/c i said look at the about me page and when they did i had the link to my website at the bottom of that page, that was enough in their eyes, ive been told not to sell some things on there but they still allow the same items to be sold by many other people, this was b/c i ignored them and continued to relist them :lol: :lol: so i really deserved it.
its a shame that behind the scenes of the ebay policy is a "JOBS WORTH" :fun:

Im interested, ill have a quick look at modaz's and devon_charms amazing bettas now.............plug plug plug :lol: :good:
oooohhh another plug, thank you :good: but you forgot to mention that ive got a few on the website and loads more to add over the next few days. :lol: :lol: :fun: :hey: upto 11 bettas to one postage peeps
which ones are yours shell? i see modaz's

I'm on there as thebettalady hun, only got two at the mo as i'm not gettin more in just yet until i have my new super dooper fish room done. got all the new racking and filtering system ready just got to build the room starts next week. Plus i have a company coming next month to go over the enviromental side of it to register me as an eco friendly business....its all go

When its done your ore than welcome to come and visit lol, wont be as flash as a shop but it will be all bettas baby :p
I just have to say that I do not agree with all this plugging!

BTW, Redbull is doing just fine thank you Modaz and I look forward to a return visit to your shop (DP Fishways) for a Voddy and another tank no doubt!

I just have to say that I do not agree with all this plugging!

BTW, Redbull is doing just fine thank you Modaz and I look forward to a return visit to your shop (DP Fishways) for a Voddy and another tank no doubt!

:hyper: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :good: plugging is a disgraceful act
good job it was only intended to be informative then due to ebay being assholes :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

and Daz we all have to be disgraceful some times don't we eh :p
I just have to say that I do not agree with all this plugging!

BTW, Redbull is doing just fine thank you Modaz and I look forward to a return visit to your shop (DP Fishways) for a Voddy and another tank no doubt!


Says the man who just plugged :p

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