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  1. constantine03

    Hey Little Chloe Dog...put Your Teeth In!

    Really, she's not old, and they're not she should be able to keep them in her mouth! :) Bostons and other flat faced dogs are notorious for having underbites... I think it's so cute, and I always have to tell her to put her teeth away!
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  3. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    I know...a girl can dream though, right?!
  4. constantine03

    Bubbles Keep Popping...

    I'm just so proud of the little guy, I can't stop watching him! I don't know if he's going to be able to blow a big one right now, but at least he can blow one. I'll see what it looks like in the morning and decide whether to carry on, or condition them longer. :) Video of Alpha building his...
  5. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    Okay, SO...the transhipper emailed me and said that she agreed, it wasn't my fault, and she would pay the shipping. :) Yay! But, what would make it super awesome is if the seller just sent me extra fish anyway, and I got both...hehe...
  6. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    Eh...I would accept replacement fish. I'm still looking for a red dt/dt gene carrying female, and an orange female.
  7. constantine03

    Bubbles Keep Popping...'s in my wardrobe. I cleared off a shelf. That way I can shut the doors and keep it private, warm, and humid for them. :) I don't see any reason to need to lower the air flow of the pump as it's on full blast right now and isn't disturbing the water surface at all since the...
  8. constantine03

    Bubbles Keep Popping...

    I switched the cup to a flat piece of styrofoam, and he's blowing a nest! Yay!!! :) It's still modest right now... I hope this is successful! These guys are my two favorites!
  9. constantine03

    Ahhh! My Dt Male Keeps Jumping Over The Divider!

    3 inches? Really! That makes my tank look really silly, but if I have to do it, I have to do it. That little ornery thing jumped over AGAIN before I got the water lowered. It's a good thing the divider next to him's empty now that Alpha's in the spawning tank. Hopefully this helps!
  10. constantine03

    Ahhh! My Dt Male Keeps Jumping Over The Divider!

    I have the water lowered enough to where there's about an inch of divider above the water level, and he keeps jumping! His fins are all torn up. He jumped it sometime last night while I was asleep and Alpha tore him up pretty well. Alpha came out with a couple rips on his fins, but seems fine...
  11. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    If he was sending extra fish, that'd be fine...but he already owes me a fish to "compensate" for the one that arrived DOA. That's what I took that to mean...Hmph. First experience on aquabid=not so wonderful.
  12. constantine03

    Bubbles Keep Popping...

    I do. It doesn't cover it completely. It has small holes punched out for tubing, and the filter that was in the tank...but it's covered for the most part. There are some small bubbles under the leaf, but I can't tell if they're just air bubbles that were stuck there from when I put it in the...
  13. constantine03

    Bubbles Keep Popping...

    My male looks like he's trying to blow a bubble nest. I've put half a cup in the tank and taped it to the side. Every bubble he blows out is popping. Is there any reason for this? The tank has an almond leaf, and a sponge filter, a little salt, and a drop of malefix. I haven't gotten a...
  14. constantine03

    My Dragon.... Bastion

    How pretty! It's good that he's so swimmy after shipping! Mine wanted to just sit there, even after being acclimated for 3 hours.
  15. constantine03

    My First Little Girl *pictures*

    Poor little girl! I hope she pulls through it with you!
  16. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    That seems like it'll cost me more than it will to just pay for the shipping. I just received this email from the seller: "Hi Kayla I am apologize about this case because it is no fault of you then I will send other fish for compernsation and I will take care customer I hope every customer...
  17. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    Okay, I sent the email. Now I'm worried I just won't receive my fish at all! :(
  18. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    So who should have to pay for it? The original seller from Thailand? I mean, really, the transhipper doesn't make any money out of this- so why should that person be out? Really, I don't want to pay for it was $60 last time...but the transhipper's going to add the amount for the...
  19. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    Yeah, but the fish they have are $60 that I've already paid'll be losing more money if I don't just get them here. :(
  20. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    Man, the transhipper said I have to pay shipping again. That kind of sucks since the fish were there, and this wasn't an error on my part. Gosh...guess I'll have to order more from aquabid now...just to make it worth it. ;) Bettas=$$$ leaving my account.
  21. constantine03

    Suicide Attempt Today.

    My big purple cambo girl tried to end it today. It may have been accidental...I don't know. I went to take a nap and when I lied down she was fine, but two hours later when I got up she wasn't in the tank. I looked everywhere and finally found her on the floor behind the tank. She was dry to...
  22. constantine03

    Where Can I Buy Live Food?

    Should my LFS have live white worms? I've never seen them. Where do you all get your supply of live food, and what kinds do you buy for your bettas?
  23. constantine03

    The Best Of Aquabid

    I had a seller send me a picture of this girl...gosh, I want to get her! If I have to pay shipping again for my two fish that weren't sent in this last shipment, I'm going to get her.
  24. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    I did receive news this morning. Unfortunately, my MG female was DOA- now I'm being sent a replacement (scary!), and the other, a copper female, is at my transhippers. They were labeled on the outer newspaper that's removed when they arrive to the states, so she didn't know where they...
  25. constantine03

    Augh! I Think I Bought A Male Pk...

    I'll probably end up dividing the 10g three ways and putting him in there...for now. Those jars would be a great find though for separating males from a spawning.
  26. constantine03

    Do Female Bettas Lose Their Horizontal "stress" Stripes?

    I bought this female today at my LFS. She's very heavily striped, but horizontally. All of the females in the tank looked like that. Not very comforting...but I was wondering if the stripes will eventually go away, or if some females are just naturally striped. Does anyone know?
  27. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    Hah...I named them all after cuts/washes of Rock & Republic other obsession. :) Alpha is a dark blue wash with bright yellow R's! I thought it was a pretty perfect fit.
  28. constantine03

    Augh! I Think I Bought A Male Pk...

    Interesting. Which dollar store did you find the jar at?
  29. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    I just received the confirmation email from the seller. They were sent. He sent a message to the transhipper to see if they made it there...
  30. constantine03

    Augh! I Think I Bought A Male Pk...

    It's so hard to tell what they are sometimes...especially when they're in a little blue tinted cup! I have an extra empty 10g, 20g, 5g, and 55g...but none are set up. I suppose the 5 g will be soon though since I'm moving the two aggressive females to another empty 10g. Still though...the 5g...
  31. constantine03

    Augh! I Think I Bought A Male Pk...

    I know this is a premature BUMP...but she/he's sitting in a cup right now b/c I don't know what to do with him! Please, more opinions?
  32. constantine03

    Finally A Spawn! *photos*

    Oh, yay! Congrats on the spawn. He IS beautiful, and those are some awesome pictures! Keep us updated! :)
  33. constantine03

    Table Salt?

    And I've heard that you cannot, unless it's seasalt.
  34. constantine03

    Augh! I Think I Bought A Male Pk...

    Darnit! I cannot possibly keep him. My luck continues...
  35. constantine03

    Augh! I Think I Bought A Male Pk...

    Gosh darnit! I just went to get a couple females since mine didn't come like they were supposed to...and I think I ended up with a male!! Argh! Tell me I'm right...and he's going straight back. I don't have any of my other tanks set up to house another male.
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  38. fish_290.jpg


  39. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    That's the tricky part...they were sent via USPS Express mail, so they should be insured...but I had to use a just seems odd b/c I told that person to expect 6 fish. I was never notified that 6 didn't arrive, but only 4 were sent. I contacted the seller before, and he said...
  40. constantine03

    4 Fish From Aquabid Came!

    You're right, Wayne. That was the first thing I thought of when I opened the box. I got to the bottom, and thought, "Wait...did I miss another box outside??" I've written to the seller, and the transhipper. Hopefully it can be figured out soon. I wrote the seller when they were supposed to...