4 Fish From Aquabid Came!


Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
Urbana, IL
I'm so excited...but so worried at the same time. I was supposed to be receiving 6 fish...now I have no idea where the other 2 little girls are.

kay...without further ado...

My HM MG Male "Iradium"


HM Yellow Pearl male "Alpha"



DT/VT red marble male "Jagger"



Female purple/yellow HM "Shiva"

These are the two that I bought to put in the sorority tank. These are the only 3 in there, but they are actually getting along pretty well.

Red with blue metallic cambo- PK

Also-- this little girl just came home with me because she followed me in the tank. I don't particularly like her looks, but she was cute. She's also a PK...bluish/pink really.

After our little convo last night it seems your instincts was right :(, glad 4 of get there safe, how are they doing now? cant wait to see pics :)
You're right, Wayne. That was the first thing I thought of when I opened the box. I got to the bottom, and thought, "Wait...did I miss another box outside??" I've written to the seller, and the transhipper. Hopefully it can be figured out soon. I wrote the seller when they were supposed to have shipped from Thailand though, and he reasurred me that they made the trip to the States. The two missing are from the same seller. Now I'm stumped on what to do...the two are females, and I need them to be able to add the one that did come to my sorority tank...otherwise the one that's already in there will bully her, for certain. Do you think I should just go buy a couple females at my LFS, just to boost the numbers for now?
You're right, Wayne. That was the first thing I thought of when I opened the box. I got to the bottom, and thought, "Wait...did I miss another box outside??" I've written to the seller, and the transhipper. Hopefully it can be figured out soon. I wrote the seller when they were supposed to have shipped from Thailand though, and he reasurred me that they made the trip to the States. The two missing are from the same seller. Now I'm stumped on what to do...the two are females, and I need them to be able to add the one that did come to my sorority tank...otherwise the one that's already in there will bully her, for certain. Do you think I should just go buy a couple females at my LFS, just to boost the numbers for now?
:crazy: oooh!..
if you get 2 females from th LFS that should even things out!
hope they find em!
Have you contacted the seller again to ask if they was all in together or seprate, if they was seperate then the chances are they arrive tomorrow...

I think also getting a couple from lfs would even it out yes :)

Was the shipping insured?
That's the tricky part...they were sent via USPS Express mail, so they should be insured...but I had to use a transhipper...it just seems odd b/c I told that person to expect 6 fish. I was never notified that 6 didn't arrive, but only 4 were sent. I contacted the seller before, and he said they were sent. I've attempted to re-contact both the original seller and transhipper now.

As a note- I put my blue/green cambo girl, the purple cambo girl (Whom I believe is a PK female now), and the new girl together-- just to see if it would work. The blue/green girl pecked at the new one, and then left her alone. Then the purple cambo and blue/green attacked each other (b/g initiated it). I waited like 5 minutes to see if they would stop, but they just wouldn't. I had to separate them. They each have a small rip on their caudal now. Augh!

I hate buying females at my LFS...they don't really ever have any that I think look nice.
I just received the confirmation email from the seller. They were sent. He sent a message to the transhipper to see if they made it there...
Looking great! I hope the MG boy gets better, but in your capable hands, I'm sure he will. :nod: I like how you took my fist VT males name for your Yellow Pearl male, who is drop dead gorgeous btw. I hope the others make it soon. :good:
Looking great! I hope the MG boy gets better, but in your capable hands, I'm sure he will. :nod: I like how you took my fist VT males name for your Yellow Pearl male, who is drop dead gorgeous btw. I hope the others make it soon. :good:

Hah...I named them all after cuts/washes of Rock & Republic jeans...my other obsession. :) Alpha is a dark blue wash with bright yellow R's! I thought it was a pretty perfect fit.
You they sure are pertty lookin!! :good:

Hopefully, Just hopefully the other 2 make it to your place in time
Any news on the other 2 yet?

I did receive news this morning. Unfortunately, my MG female was DOA- now I'm being sent a replacement (scary!), and the other, a copper female, is at my transhippers. They were labeled on the outer newspaper that's removed when they arrive to the states, so she didn't know where they belonged! She's going to ship them to me as soon as the replacement comes.
Sorry about your MG female. :sad: But at least you know what happened now, and the copper one is still ok. I'm sure the transshipper will take good care of your copper one until the replacement MG arrives. :nod:

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