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  1. Ny82

    Pregnant Of Just Fat

    Do you have a side on pic? She does look pregnant but why does it look like her scales are sticking out? Maybe just the angle of the shot?   Should I just go to specsavers? :/ 
  2. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Those rocks are the ones my landlady ordered for her tanks, then changed her mind so I got them lol. I love the black pebbles, they contrast the sand so well. I have so many pieces of mopani wood, I just can't put them anywhere, just looks wrong :(
  3. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

      I had to take the tank lid off and sit it on the top, then crop the picture to leave the huge glare of light out. I shut all the curtains and doors. It's the only way I could take it without any reflections or glare on the rocks, or shine on the sand!    Original pic-see what I mean?   It...
  4. Ny82

    My 26 Gallon Bow Front

    I am not a fan of bow front tanks but that looks awesome! I love the way it looks!  There are a couple of threads already about tank temps, a lot of people, myself included, are having trouble keeping the temps down in this insane heat. 
  5. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

      I used to have a planted tank. I found my plants grew very well in the 64L, since upgrading to the 95-I can't seem to keep them alive which is silly. Hence why I have taken quite a lot out, I took all the gravel out too and put sand in.  What it looks like now   Just feel like it's missing a...
  6. Ny82

    Pregnant Of Just Fat

      Upload to photobucket, then resize.  You beat me to it lol.
  7. Ny82

    Pregnant Of Just Fat

    It would help greatly if you had a pic :p 
  8. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Hahaha yeah, that's the kind of thing you would see on "river monsters!"   I am really just wanting a change and am fed up with the same thing now. I want 1 or 2 shoals of small fish plus mostly cories. I feel like I have done it all with guppies now as it's been 2 years. Maybe I am having a mid...
  9. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

      I googled convict fish and I think I got the wrong ones because they are holding them in their hands they are that big lol! Could you imagine I come home and there's a big monster in my tank haha! Pretty striking though.  No I am not bothered about breeding now, I have been doing it 2 years...
  10. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    I am not a huge fan to be honest, was thinking of ember tetras and platinum tetras or a shoal of galaxy rasboras-stunning!
  11. Ny82

    Tank Temperatures...

    I have the aquael power filter and it's quite strong the cories lay the eggs right on the spout lol. I also have the filter the tank came with so oxygen shouldn't be an issue.  I am at my parents house for a few days since the heat has made my dad collapse too, I left instructions with my other...
  12. Ny82

    Tank Temperatures...

      Yeah mines has been stuck at 26/27 too, my cold water changes are making no difference what so ever, i've already lost 2 cories, i'm worried my pandas will be next, they must be boiling in this heat    My lids partially off, lights off and fan facing the tank 
  13. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

      I only have a 95L tank, I am pretty limited to what cichlids I can get, if any. Would love a pair of rams. 
  14. Ny82

    Guess The Species - Quiz

    1. Rainbow Shark 2. Betta Simplex? 3. Red Cherry Shrimp 4. Discus 5. Gold Gourami 6. Tiger Barb 7. Botia loach 8. Marble sailfin? 9. Platy 10. Scarlet Badis
  15. Ny82

    Eat Eat Eat

    I feed mines every 2nd day, my platies were getting so fat they would be lethargic and wouldn't move. Since I switched to only feeding every 2nd day they are a lot more active. They are constantly picking at the plants as well so it's not like they starve.
  16. Ny82

    Tank Temperatures...

    Ah right, I will look at that! Haven't seen them before! Thanks.
  17. Ny82

    Tank Temperatures...

    Are they the ice cube bags, that you fill with water and freeze? I have thought about them, putting them in a sealed sandwich bag and floating them. 
  18. Ny82

    Tank Temperatures...

    I already posted on the other thread about tank temps, I can't get my tank back down to 24, I have lost 2 melini cories already  The tanks sitting at 27 just now, I am doing cold water changes, the fans on, the lids off-it's just not dropping. The fry tank however is sitting at about 30, the fry...
  19. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Honestly I just feel like a change, I have always loved rasboras so will look into them. 
  20. Ny82

    20 Gallon Rescape

    Oh wow that looks a lot better-see how much of a difference more plants makes? Looks great :D
  21. Ny82

    Dobbies Garden Centre, Stirling

    I am a huge fan of this store. I have been using them for 2 years now, there is a huge selection of fish and if there is a specific one you are after-they can order it in.    Staff:- one of the staff members is pretty knowledgeable. He wont let me take anything that is incompatible (I really...
  22. Ny82

    Review Forum Is Live

    Oh that's good :D usually when you say dobbies, nobody knows what you are talking about! I will get to it!
  23. Ny82

    Review Forum Is Live

      I was going to review dobbies but I think you only get them in scotland is that still ok? They are a garden centre with a huge marine section I love them!
  24. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Looking at the guppy fry and how slow they are growing and how the first ones still haven't got more colour despite everything I am doing and the effort I am putting in, I have actually thought about giving guppies up. It's really deflating that even after 2 years of doing this, I still can't...
  25. Ny82

    20 Gallon Rescape

      Yeah, just play about with it, at the end of the day it's your tank, you scape it how you want :)
  26. Ny82

    20 Gallon Rescape

      Haha secretly cursing :p  The other thing you could do, if you like the big rock is keep the big rock and the surrounding rocks and take the others away where I have put the arrow at 3. Just another suggestion. 
  27. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    That's good then. I am hoping I have survivors in the sand!
  28. Ny82

    Do Fish Sleep.

      Sleeping with eyes open of course :p 
  29. Ny82

    Guppy Got Cotton Wool Around Him Help!

    You're welcome, let us know how you get on. 
  30. Ny82

    Guppy Got Cotton Wool Around Him Help!

      That's ok, you need a test kit which you will get, then you can test the water. Cycling means building up the good bacteria in the filter to handle the ammonia that the fish produce (fish waste)  I didn't know about cycling either, we all make mistakes and learn from them so don't worry.  I...
  31. Ny82

    20 Gallon Rescape

    If you like it, then that's the main thing, leave it the way it is. I soaked my branch for about an hour and the bark started coming off. It was very messy, loads of bark in the bath but it looks great lol. 
  32. Ny82

    Guppy Got Cotton Wool Around Him Help!

    You need to do large 90% water changes, if it's a new tank, did you cycle it? If it's the same as your other post then it's a 25L tank, you have far too many fish. 25% change isn't going to cut it, you need big water changes. Do you have a test kit? Cotton wool sounds like fungal infection, you...
  33. Ny82

    Do Fish Sleep.

    Mines all have places they like to sleep when the lights go out. The platies like to sleep amongst the vallis, the guppies against the pebbles. It's cute, when you put the tank lights on they all come out from their spaces. 
  34. Ny82

    20 Gallon Rescape

      Aww, I feel awful saying that to you now you will move things again, I don't know if it's because there are so many. I hope you don't mind me using your pic, it's easier to explain.    Here is what I would do:   fig.1 Take the big rock out the middle of the small rocks, leave the small rocks...
  35. Ny82

    July 2013 - Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    Here we go again lol  95L rescape gravel to sand. The lighting is very annoying sorry about the quality.       Verification
  36. Ny82

    20 Gallon Rescape

    I'm still not sure about those rocks maybe stack them higher? Maybe it's the plants in amongst them that's putting me off? I just think somethings missing (sorry for being picky :p )
  37. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

      It's ok, these things happen-to me lol. Yeah I find the cories to be quite gentle, I have had many a guppy fry hiding in the cory cave with them. It's quite cute, the fry must just know they are no threat! I have a feeling the bigger guppy fry who were crowded round the trap ate most of them 
  38. Ny82

    Issues With Fluval U2

    Snazy-I will check that the next time. It seems to still be chugging, I am not taking it apart lol.    nobody of the goat-I will try the cotton bud as it's chugging. I have had the same pads for 2 years I thought you had to change them every 6 months I am just too scared of getting rid of the...
  39. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    I have just had a tragedy! I came back in from outside and the fry trap was lying on it's side there's only 6 babies in there now. In a panic I removed the 20 something guppy fry as the oldest ones are almost 3 months old so can easily eat the fry. I have put them into the main tank. The other...
  40. Ny82

    Aquarium Salt

    Yeah I would agree with fluttermoth, plus for a 25L tank, there's too many fish. 