Tank Temperatures...

Tanks just hit 30 degrees here. Barbs are struggling, but apart from a few fry and 1 cherry shrimp, stock seems to be coping.
Ice blocks are deployed and hopefully temps should drop slightly.
My partial water change with cold water made no difference and the gauge is stuck at 27 degrees which it's been all day.
It takes a hell of a lot of energy to move water by a degree or two, it has a huge specific heat capacity, which is why we use frozen water products (ice) to cool for us, although volume of ice can be an issue.
I was thinking of chucking a plastic bottle of water in the freezer before going to bed and put that in the tank tomorrow. It sure beats my other idea of
freezing some beer.
It's very hard to manage the temperatures guys. I couldn't. I failed miserably and the temp was shooting back up in no time although I used cold water changes and ice whenever I was at home,  but I kept running out for all my 5 tanks. But thankfully we are finally fine here, temps down to 27-28 degrees which at least isn't as deadly.  One of my tanks had hit 32. I lost 3 fish, one just got missing though, and if it wasn't for the high temperatures I would have said my other two fish died from a bacterial disease but it's too much of an obvious coincidence considering that's a very rare occurence in the last few years.  I just think their immune system gave up and they got succeptible to something.
Remember lights out folks. Those things are hot, hot, hot.
Lids off if you've got no jumpers and fans if you've go them.
coolie said:
My partial water change with cold water made no difference and the gauge is stuck at 27 degrees which it's been all day.
Yeah mines has been stuck at 26/27 too, my cold water changes are making no difference what so ever, i've already lost 2 cories, i'm worried my pandas will be next, they must be boiling in this heat 

DrRob said:
Remember lights out folks. Those things are hot, hot, hot.
Lids off if you've got no jumpers and fans if you've go them.
My lids partially off, lights off and fan facing the tank 
I must admit, I am a lot more concerned about it since returning to fish keeping this time round.
The forecast overnight is 17 degrees C, but the water temp doesn't seem to drop much overnight. I have pulled
the plug on the heater, but TBH I don't think that was coming on anyway, more a precaution.
Increase the surface movement too!! 26-27 shouldn't be very dangerous unless there's an oxygen issue. A couple of weeks ago we had another heat wave, although not as bad, and 4 out of my 5 tanks read ammonia for some very strange reason which disappeared as the temperature got down so high temperaturs maybe affecting several things due to the low oxygen levels and the fish could be subjected to a combination of bad factors causing them to get sick.
I have the aquael power filter and it's quite strong the cories lay the eggs right on the spout lol. I also have the filter the tank came with so oxygen shouldn't be an issue. 
I am at my parents house for a few days since the heat has made my dad collapse too, I left instructions with my other half-thankfully he pulled the plug out the heater and left the lights off before he went to work this morning so it shouldn't have went any higher. Still panicking though. 
Yes snazy, but it's a bit worse for me because my tank was supposed to be a cooler cliamte tank, with Rosy Barbs that can live most of the year in a cold water tank, and the other are Tetras with a low end to their temperature spectrum. Actually all fish are looking ok considering.
Ny82 said:
I have the aquael power filter and it's quite strong the cories lay the eggs right on the spout lol. I also have the filter the tank came with so oxygen shouldn't be an issue. 
I am at my parents house for a few days since the heat has made my dad collapse too, I left instructions with my other half-thankfully he pulled the plug out the heater and left the lights off before he went to work this morning so it shouldn't have went any higher. Still panicking though. 
I hope your dad is going to be okay.

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