Eat Eat Eat


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Jul 10, 2013
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I have a tank with a combination of Mollies (1 male two females) and Platies (1 male 4 females). I am glad fish food does not cost what people food does because these fish eat like they have never been fed before. I usually give them twice what I would think they need, and they devour every bit of it and look for more. Normally they get flake food, and once a week I give them blood worms as a treat and once a week shrimp pellets. I currently feed them twice a day (morning and night) and their eating habits can only be described as a feeding frenzy!
I've heard that a sign of a healthy fish is one that is eating. I was wondering if others have experienced this with their Platies and Mollies.
Yes.  They are gluttons and will eat as much as they possibly can. Don't overfeed them though, its not good for them.  They are also algae grazers, so keeping them a little hungrier will help to keep them looking for food and grazing on little bits of algae.
My first tank full of fish included platies and mollies, and yes, they are greedy little things. Make sure you only feed what they can east within a minute or two, and also consider deliberately fasting them one day a week. And varying their diet.
I feed mines every 2nd day, my platies were getting so fat they would be lethargic and wouldn't move. Since I switched to only feeding every 2nd day they are a lot more active. They are constantly picking at the plants as well so it's not like they starve.
I feed mine once per day and they are a great healthy size and also pick at algae on the plant leaves.  Definately don't aim for all they can eat.
I feed mine once a day and only give them what they can in within a two minute span. They are very healthy. But it would be good to vary the diet a little more.

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