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  1. C

    Figure 8's

    You will have to move the loach, but the salt might help. He may just be a shy fish, puffers all have individual personalities. Since he is eating, as long as there are no signs of disease, he should be alright. Once you make it brackish, you shouldn't have to worry much about that either. Very...
  2. C

    Figure 8's

    Figure 8's can be kept in freshwater, but are generally happier in brackish conditions. How was he kept at the store?
  3. C

    American Flagfish Tankmates

    Gold Barbs are also subtropical, though I'm not sure if they're subtropical to the same extent off the top of my head. You may be glad to hear that although Flagfish are subtropical, they do appreciate being on the higher end of their temp. range. Just make sure that the other fish you get...
  4. C

    Tankmates For Betta?

    Gouramis are particularly problematic because both fish are closely related and both are territorial, so even if the Betta doesn't mind, the Gourami very well might. They also occupy the same top layer of the water. If you insist, dwarf gouramis are supposedly more tolerant, female dwarves in...
  5. C

    Pacific Blue-Eye

    " It has a wide spread population base and therefore can be found in freshwater, brackish, and pure marine water. As a result, it is extremely important to know the origin of this species before purchase; while they are adaptable in the sense that they are found in all three water types, they do...
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    Pacific Blue-Eye

    Fantastic link, never would have found that through google. Will they get along alright with knight gobies and chromides temporarily? I'm thinking about securing a population (they seem sort of rare in the US) from the LFS in my brackish tank while the fresh tank cycles.
  7. C

    Thanks For Closing My Thread Mods

    Not a lawyer, but one problem here is libel. If you say bad things about any business, and the store believes it can argue that those are lies, they can sue you (and I understand that the UK has very strong libel laws). However anonymous you may be on the forum, even if they cant find you they...
  8. C

    Pacific Blue-Eye

    Thanks for the prompt response. The water chemistry shouldn't be a problem, the water here comes hard and at about 7.8. I've updated my ever changing stock list post with the blue-eyes (and no troublesome rams or gouramis either).
  9. C

    Stock List

    Alright, current revision. Removed the Rams and Gouramis to remove all doubt. Changed the pleco to a true Panaque, and reduced the rasbora shoal to make room for more fish. 1 x Clown Pleco (Panaque maccus) 8 x Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) 1 x Betta [Female] (Betta splendens)...
  10. C

    Pacific Blue-Eye

    Was at the store the other day, and they had a weird little fish in with the Bumblebee Gobies. The LFS lady called them signifier rainbowfish, but a bit of research seems to indicate that "Pacific Blue-eye" is a more accepted common name. Regardless, they've got fantastic personality, and I'm...
  11. C

    Need Unknown Goby Id

    Mabye an unusually drab desert goby?
  12. C

    Advice Needed

    Yeah, its not that neons are a hard fish, per se (lots of fish are more difficult to keep), but they are fairly fragile and it's good to be careful with them. With a bit of caution you should be fine. Try to find captive bred, and the best LFS available. You might also look into Black Neon...
  13. C

    Advice Needed

    I've never kept Angelfish so all I know is that they need a fairly deep tank and will eat just about anything they can get their mouth around (no neon tetras with them, for certain). Angels get to about 6in long (and taller than that) so you won't have too much room to keep other fish after...
  14. C

    Advice Needed

    I don't know if this counts as modern/unusual enough for you, but have you considered a hexagon shaped aquarium? You would be able to fit a 10 or 20 USG (~38L and ~75L) Hex aquarium in that space fairly easily, and you would have freedom to choose whatever equipment you wanted to use as well as...
  15. C

    Im Sorry My Nw Cichlid Brothern

    Not to pile on, but American Flagfish do better in coldish (68-72 F) water. They're subtropical at best.
  16. C

    Are The Pet Store Fluorescents Really Worth It?

    I thought the wavelengths were what mattered for proper growth? Yes, I am thinking of a modestly planted tank. Specifically I am comparing the "full spectrum" quality of the "sunlight" bulb from GE compared to the Hagen produced "Flora-Glo" which is ostensibly designed for plants. It's also a...
  17. C

    Are The Pet Store Fluorescents Really Worth It?

    Quick question folks, are the pet store fluorescents really worth the added cost? What is the real difference between a "full spectrum" "sunlight" GE bulb for $7 and a Hagen Flora-Glo for $16? (both 24" length and 20W in this example)
  18. C

    Stock List

    Alright, current revision: 10 x Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) 3 x Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia) 2 x Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) 1 x Tiger Pleco L002 (Peckoltia vittata L002) 1 x Betta [Female] (Betta splendens) I've done some reading, and it sounds like Female...
  19. C

    Stock List

    Thanks for the suggestions, those all look pretty much like what I'm looking for in a Panaque, but without the size. Thanks for pointing that out before I did something dumb. I love the Panaque shape. Since i won't have quite as large of a plec on the bottom, I'm tempted to try to rework it...
  20. C

    Stock List

    The tank would be 30G, with a Marineland penguin 200 filter (only because it comes as part of a deal). Here is what we are looking at in terms of inhabitants: 1 x Dull Eyed Royal Pleco (Panaque sp. (L191)) 10 x (adult) Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) 2 x (adult) Dwarf Gourami...
  21. C

    Brachygobius Xanthozona Vs Doriae

    Thanks, I am asking the Betta forum folks their opinion now. Will filter media from my brackish tank (at about 1.005) be at all useful in seeding a freshwater tank or will all the bacteria just die on contact with the freshwater? The Mahachai sound interesting, and look beautiful, but lets...
  22. C

    Bettas And... Bumblebee Gobies?

    Well, I fell in love with a Crowntail Betta at the LFS yesterday, so I'm off to grab a "Bookshelf aquarium" kit (6.5G) and a bit of decor. My first tank is brackish, and I have a crazy idea that perhaps Bumblebee Gobies might be decent tankmates with Bettas. Neale seems to agree, at least from...
  23. C

    Brachygobius Xanthozona Vs Doriae

    Crazy idea Neale, would Bettas work well with BBGs (in freshwater obivously)? I have a thought they might be: Bumblebees are bottom dwellers, small finned, and don't seem to share colors with Betta species. They also have a nice small bioload, so they can share a small space with them (within...
  24. C

    20G For F8 Puff?

    Alright, new plan involves a 30G tank, but it comes with a Marineland Penguin 200 Filter. I am actually glad for the size increase as my chromides have stepped up aggression recently, so one may have to be rehomed. Will the Penguin be sufficient for: 1x Figure 8 puff 4x Orange Chromide Handful...
  25. C

    Knight Gobies Spawning

    Well, the male is finally back out from under the rock, so either they've already come and gone or I didn't actually get any fry. Certainly possible that the tankmates/filter ate them all, or mabye the eggs just weren't fertile.
  26. C

    Long Shot

    I'm no expert on killifish (those ain't guppies), but I did research this particular species a bit. In terms of space, they do live in what are basically puddles in the wild, so mabye (ask someone else). The thing you might not be aware of is that those are semi-annual fish, living at most 1.5...
  27. C

    What Is "tizer"?

    Well, if they imported it to the US they didn't bother to change the packaging, the top of the can itself advertises that it's only 39p. Nice considering that the store sells it for about $2.00 a can. Not much of an energy drink fan, but worth a shot when I get disposable income. Thanks for the...
  28. C

    What Is "tizer"?

    Hi, I was just at the local independent grocery store (in the US), and there was a product in the "British Imports" section called "Tizer." It looked like cola, but the ingredients list had carrot juice and the like in it. I'm just wondering if anyone would be willing to tell a Yankee what it is...
  29. C

    Knight Gobies Spawning

    He's doing just fine. I pretty much have to wait till the lights go out and tweezer him frozen bloodworms one by one to feed him, which is a mild annoyance. He will eat with the lights on, but then the mollies and chromides will try to steal his worms. As far as just dumping food in, I've only...
  30. C

    Knight Gobies Spawning

    I wish I had a decent camera, but unfortunately I only have the crap one on my cell phone and the screen on that is half broken. The male has taken sole responsibility of the eggs now, and has been hiding under there for a while. I assume the eggs should hatch later today, which I would imagine...
  31. C

    Schooling Tankmates For Sa Puffers

    Went out just to look at fish today, and noted that the Black Widow Tetras (sold at Petco as "Black Skirt") didn't seem the type to keep with SA Puffers. They had huge fins and weren't terribly active. Perhaps it was just the tiny Petco tank? Oh, and my local LFS is decent enough to know that...
  32. C

    Knight Gobies Spawning

    One of my first two knight gobies managed to get stuck between rocks and died before I could find it. I got her replacement about a week ago, seemed a bit thin with more developed fins. Figured it was just older and thin from having to compete in the LFS tank. After settling in and hiding out...
  33. C

    20G For F8 Puff?

    Thanks for the input, but I probably will stick with the fish-in cycle. Anyone know if the BBGs can handle the job or if I should stick with Mollies? Also, anyone know if a small (~1.5" atm) hogchoker will get along with BBGs? Neale seems to think they do a fine job at cycling aquariums, but I...
  34. C

    Cleaning Used Aquarium

    I've found a great deal on a used 20g aquarium, the only problem being that it used to hold "a live animal". I'm guessing this means a reptile or small mammal, so what can I use to clean it out for aquarium use? Any suggestions or things to avoid?
  35. C

    20G For F8 Puff?

    Well, it looks like I might have found a fantastic deal on a 20g tank w/ stand, light, and hood for $35 all told. My first thought is to put a Figure 8 puffer in there, with mabye a couple Bumblebee gobies for the heck of it. Most of the articles I've found say Bumblebees are ignored by puffers...
  36. C

    Schooling Tankmates For Sa Puffers

    Fascinating stuff about A. splendens. Also fascinating, though much more aggravating, are the multiple subspecies of "royal plec". I assume your endorsement of Cyprichromis also confirms that it will get along fine with the puffers. They look pretty, but is this a fish I'm going to just have...
  37. C

    Schooling Tankmates For Sa Puffers

    That makes much more sense. A. splendens sound interesting, but I'm a bit nervous keeping something whose survival may be in the balance. Would a fully grown royal plec be safe in a 75g tank? I understand they can grow to as much as 17 inches, and the tanks I am looking at are 18" wide and 20"...
  38. C

    Schooling Tankmates For Sa Puffers

    You are referring to Synodontis pectricola right? Wow, so in that tank you not only have the 5 (or is it 7?) puffers, but also a royal plec and "a large school of platinum halfbeaks Dermogenys siamensis; a school of bleeding heart tetras; three Synodontis nigroventris; some glassfish; a female...
  39. C

    Schooling Tankmates For Sa Puffers

    How big was your Amazon/irrubesco tank and how many of each did you have? I'm hoping for 55-75g for my next tank, one of my potential ideas was a big freshwater community. I also know I want to get puffers so mabye Amazon puffs would get two birds with one stone. If I were to say go for 3...
  40. C

    Schooling Tankmates For Sa Puffers

    Just daydreaming about a future tank, and I was wondering if there are any neat schooling fish like Harlequin Rasbora that would cohabit well with Amazon puffers.