Knight Gobies Spawning


Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2010
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One of my first two knight gobies managed to get stuck between rocks and died before I could find it. I got her replacement about a week ago, seemed a bit thin with more developed fins. Figured it was just older and thin from having to compete in the LFS tank. After settling in and hiding out for a few days, today he started chasing around the other goby in the tank. When she would stop, he would spin around her in rapid tight circles, and occasionally bump into her head. At first she seemed uninterested and a bit stressed by his chasing, but after going out to lunch I return to find neither goby easily. After a long search I notice a tail UNDER a rock. apparently they dug their own cave (flower pots must not be good enough for them) and have filled it with hundreds of little eggs. They're both still crammed in there at the moment. I'm a bit concerned about them being under the rock considering the fate of the other goby, both otherwise I'm just kind of thrilled at the event. Even more glad I won't have to remove one due to the hounding.

I doubt I'll try to raise the fry, but if I were to do it, what would I need to get it done?

I love knight gobies they;'re great fish!!!!

have you got any pics for us?

keep us updated :good:

I love knight gobies they;'re great fish!!!!

have you got any pics for us?

keep us updated :good:

nice indeed, i would like to get some goby spawnage but i can never tell the females from the males apart. Hell in my tank the mollies dont even want to breed, even though one has looked pregnant for 2 months now. Nerites just started to lay eggs though, maybe they will hatch.

gratz on the soon to come baby gobies.
I wish I had a decent camera, but unfortunately I only have the crap one on my cell phone and the screen on that is half broken. The male has taken sole responsibility of the eggs now, and has been hiding under there for a while. I assume the eggs should hatch later today, which I would imagine will just wind up being a feeding frenzy for the other fish in the tank.

I don't have a clue why, but my mollies have never bred either. All their tankmates would gladly eat their fry, so mabye I've just never been lucky enough to see it. My male is really small though, the females started taking live food after I added it for the Gobies/Flounder/Chromides, but the male will only eat flake, preferring the all algae flake I got for them. I have seen him take Brine Shrimp on the rare occasion I offer it. While they all started about the same size, the females are now both twice the size of the male (and not just in fatness). He still tries to chase them around, but now if one of them is sick of it they just let him know.
how is your flounder doing? I had one last year and struggled with it in a big way?

how is your flounder doing? I had one last year and struggled with it in a big way?


He's doing just fine. I pretty much have to wait till the lights go out and tweezer him frozen bloodworms one by one to feed him, which is a mild annoyance. He will eat with the lights on, but then the mollies and chromides will try to steal his worms. As far as just dumping food in, I've only seen him eat that way once. He doesn't generally get motivated as soon as food hits the water. I'm tempted to try carnivore pellets, but they're pretty expensive and I'm afraid that the other fish will just pig out on them before the flounder gets any. He'll take other frozen food, but he is a bit picky with glassworms and mysis, occasionally spitting them out if they are not to his taste. The other foods are also not as easy to tweezer feed as bloodworms.

Doesn't seem to be growing terribly fast. He's still somewhere between 1.5-2" long and seems to be getting longer rather than wider, which makes me think he's probably a Hogchoker rather than A. lineatus. Eventually he should be the titan of the tank, though. I will probably use him to cycle my (hopefully) pending 20G Figure 8 puffer tank, and we'll see if I can just drop food then.
Well, the male is finally back out from under the rock, so either they've already come and gone or I didn't actually get any fry. Certainly possible that the tankmates/filter ate them all, or mabye the eggs just weren't fertile.

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