Pacific Blue-Eye


Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2010
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Was at the store the other day, and they had a weird little fish in with the Bumblebee Gobies. The LFS lady called them signifier rainbowfish, but a bit of research seems to indicate that "Pacific Blue-eye" is a more accepted common name. Regardless, they've got fantastic personality, and I'm wondering if they'd fit into a freshwater community that I'm stumbling towards. Pseudomugil signifier is mentioned only in passing in Neale's book, and it says they do frequent both habitats, but can I adapt them to freshwater (they're in brackish at the LFS) and will they still be happy?

Bonus points if anyone has any idea if this fish will get along with a female crowntail betta. I'm concerned since it has fins like this (top pic).
Yes you can adapt them to freshwater, just make sure it has a high (pH 7.0-8.0). If you have small rainbow fish (Celebes, BlueEyes...) in acidic water, they will slowly die off.
I think these are fine with female crowntails, blue eyes are too fast for the battas and ive never found them nippy at all.
Thanks for the prompt response. The water chemistry shouldn't be a problem, the water here comes hard and at about 7.8. I've updated my ever changing stock list post with the blue-eyes (and no troublesome rams or gouramis either).
Have a look at

more on the menu on the right
Fantastic link, never would have found that through google.

Will they get along alright with knight gobies and chromides temporarily? I'm thinking about securing a population (they seem sort of rare in the US) from the LFS in my brackish tank while the fresh tank cycles.
I've only kept them as freshwater, even tho I've read the site several times I must have missed the brackish bit, could be I wasn't interested in the brackish bit so it never got absorbed.

Never had a problem with them dying off in low ph,
Yes you can adapt them to freshwater, just make sure it has a high (pH 7.0-8.0). If you have small rainbow fish (Celebes, BlueEyes...) in acidic water, they will slowly die off.
I think these are fine with female crowntails, blue eyes are too fast for the battas and ive never found them nippy at all.
odd cuz I have kept gertrudae, two types of signifers, and some furtaca and I have a pH of 7.6. I have given up on the blue eyes till I can make an acidic tank because they always slowly die off in my water. IDK why, some can be spawning and some can be dying in the same tank.
Will they get along alright with knight gobies and chromides temporarily?

For the record, should anyone else want to try, the answer to that is no. Thankfully no fatalities were required, but the second after I dropped the bag in the water a knight goby charged it. She patrolled around the bag thereafter, occasionally pecking but never leaving it out of her sight. The chromides seemed fairly disinterested in them though, so maybe they could cohabit.

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