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    9 days and still no nitrites

    my 55 gal us had taken 16 days to produce nitires and now its been 14 days with no nitrates, like they said every tank is different. good luck
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    malawi mbuna: prefer what type of water current?

    currently in my 55 us gal. i have my aquaclear 300 and eheim 2213 running at opposite ends of the tank(4ft long). the eheim spray bar is half above the water line pointing towards the bottom of the tank which is sending hundreds of tiny bubbles to the bottom of the tank before they float back...
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    weird floaties in the tank after starting filter

    thanks for the advice, it seems as though my filters have made short work of whatever it was, as my tank is now clear. thanks
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    weird floaties in the tank after starting filter

    st.cichlid: yes duh what? anyone have any idea what this stuff is? yes duh on a side note should i use the carbon? yes duh OR if not what can i put in its place as i have that empty space? yes duh please form coherent...
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    weird floaties in the tank after starting filter

    today i purchased an aquaclear 300 filter to work alongside my eheim which is already up and running. i soaked the filter foam in tank water several times them put it in but left out the carbon. several hours later (now) i have what appear to be dozens of paper thin pieces of plastic(like from...
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    Prices for EHEIM CLASSIC filter & 120gal tank... this is where i got my 2213 good luck
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    help for someone thinking about cichlids

    excellent thank you very much. "some rock" means very little right now, but i have access to plenty more. after doing some reading up on kh, it seems that i can use limestone to raise my kh, gh and ph? as i live in TN there is tons of limestone here, they grow like potatos. when you said...
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    help for someone thinking about cichlids

    i am in the process of fishless cycling and after 2 weeks my ph has rocketed up to around 8, and i have a water gh of 7-8. it seems to me that these paramters are high for the tropical freshwater i had planned on getting, but nice for cichlids. Specifically malawi mbuna. i have a 55 us gal...
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    Painted Glass Fish, Berry Tetras

    that sucks, how is valpo? went to my first year of college there 2 yrs ago id write them a letter explaining why it is wrong to do and also try to get in contact with the owner. good luck
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    15 days into fishless and no nitrite or nitrate?

    i have a 55 gal us, heated 79 Deg F., eheim 2213 filter, tahitian moon silica sand, 2 shale rocks, spray bar causes bubbles and surface agitation, ph is 8, amonia 5+. water dechlorinated twice in two weeks(1/20 and 2/1) this is what i have as of today. it seems to me most people have had...
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    Eheim or Fluval

    i have the eheim 2213 and priming it was a breeze without the self primer. also it is 100% dead silent.
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    No nitrite yet.

    yea i used the walmart stuff everyone uses here, dosent foam and smells of really strong amonia with no perfume. i think it might be my sand, as there is nothing else in my tank thanks
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    No nitrite yet.

    ive just tested my water on the 12th day of my fishless cycle and aside from still not having any traces of nitrite and amonia of 5ppm my ph is now 8, and when i started the cycle 12 days ago my ph was 7.2ppm. i have nothing in my tank except for silica sand which i bought from petsmart, its...
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    thanks, ive done that and they dont fizz, im just hopeing they dont come apart in the tank as the rock seems rather fragile thanks again
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    i have an ample supply of shale in my backyard and have taken some pieces to wash and boil. after doing so the rocks seem to flake really easily. does anyone know if shale will be alright to have in my aquarium? not break up in the water or effect ph? thanks
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    well if you dont know what they are called, then tell me where you "borrowed" them from and i'll drive up there and we can "borrow" some more. :hey:
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    freshmike, what type of rock do you use? thanks
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    This thread is for wuvmybetta...

    freshmike, what kind of rock do you have in your tank. ive been looking for a dark rock with some crystalization and yours looks fantastic. thanks
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    small chip in corner of tank, what to do?

    i just got my 55 gal us and when i got it home i found a small chip on the outside corner of the tank the entire chip is this long -------- about half way(6in) from the top and bottom. it dosent appear to have affected anything as the tank has not leaked any water after 2 days. its from...
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    Penguin 330 Bio-Wheel

    with the penguins do you have to constantly buy filter cartriges? i plan on getting the ehiem, which is about twice as much for my 55gal us, and from what i have read the eheim dosent need these cartriges making it somewhat cheaper in the long run? can anyone confirm or deny this? please...
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    What do you drive?

    99 nissan maxima, and saving for a 69 camaro
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    which eheim-ecco or classic

    fantastic thanks for the excellent information
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    which eheim-ecco or classic

    thanks, but ive found the eheim 2213 for $65 or $75 +shipping with the media included. so i think im going to go that route, unless someone knows of a problem that i dont?
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    which eheim-ecco or classic

    ive been reading online about the different features on the eheims. I was planning on getting the classic 2213, but as ive been reading it seems as though the eccoo 2233 has many more convienient features for only a little more money. im looking to spend less than $100 u.s. for everything...
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    how much sand do i need?

    how many pounds of sand will i need to adequetly cover a 48"long x 12"wide aquarium? im looking for black sand and they really dont sell it in bulk, so i cant just go out and buy a lot, like pool filter sand, becuase its rather expensive. i wont have live plants so i assume ill need the sand to...
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    walmart hoods?

    thanks ill check them out
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    walmart hoods?

    thanks ill check them out
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    walmart hoods?

    thanks for you help, i dont remember seeing any lighting hardware so i might be out of luck
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    walmart hoods?

    at my lfs they want 112$ for a hood and lights. i was at walmart last night and they are selling a hood for a tank that has my demensions for 44$, but it appears as though that is all it is, just a hood. it seems as though there are no light fixtures or any way to put lights in there.(im new i...
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    explain how a gravel vac works?

    excellent thanks for the help.
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    explain how a gravel vac works?

    Can someone please explain to me how a gravel vac works? id like to get one that they advertise that connects with your faucet. i understand how this would work to fill the tank, but how would it suck water and particles out? do i need a different attachment if i decide to go with sand? i read...
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    question about those who breed fish

    thanks i was just curious
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    question about those who breed fish

    i continually read about people breeding different kinds of fish on all the different forums i frequent. once you breed these fish what do you do with all of them? do you buy more tanks every time you fill one up with fish you have breed? i can definatly see breeding some of the fish you...
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    how much to offer for a 45-55usgal used tank?

    thanks a lot that gives me a great idea where to start
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    how many heaters and what wattage?

    EXCELLENT that was a much appreciated crystal clear explination. i really appreciate the help, thanks
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    how many heaters and what wattage?

    thanks for the chart, it appears i need to have 150w since my house is usually around 70-75f to clarify, should i get two 75w or just one 150w? sorry i wasnt real sure what you ment by if it failed and catching it in time if one failed shouldnt the second pick up the slack, kind of a fail...