weird floaties in the tank after starting filter


New Member
Sep 18, 2003
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Nashille TN(Middle Tennesse State University)
today i purchased an aquaclear 300 filter to work alongside my eheim which is already up and running. i soaked the filter foam in tank water several times them put it in but left out the carbon. several hours later (now) i have what appear to be dozens of paper thin pieces of plastic(like from a grocery bag). when i fish one out of the tank i can hardly see it on my hand and they come apart very easily.

anyone have any idea what this stuff is?

i have no fish as i am currently fishless cycling. after turning up the speed of the filter it seems to be removing a fair amount of the "stuff".

on a side note should i use the carbon? if not what can i put in its place as i have that empty space?

thanks for any help in advance
yes duh ;)

You have been asked to stop spamming the forum already but i will say a again, if you dont have anything constructive to say please stop posting rubbish in other peoples posts

The only time that carbon is really useful is too clear up a little bit of cloudy water, and too take meds out. I dont think it is needed for a fishless cycle.

HTH & Good Luck

St.cichlid...there was no need for a post like that. Duh? You know how many times people have probably wanted to say that to you but didn't? That was uncalled for!
st.cichlid: yes duh what?

anyone have any idea what this stuff is? yes duh

on a side note should i use the carbon? yes duh


if not what can i put in its place as i have
that empty space? yes duh

please form coherent sentences, as i dont understand what you are refering to.

thank you freshwatergal
white stuff... packing material scraps... plastic cutting leftoevers from the filter assembly proccess...
possibly calcium deposits scraped off from the tank when you put on the filter...
Its not a commen problem that I know about so without seeing it hard to say.. My guess is it will go away and get cleaned and rinsed out of the filter pads . hopefully your fish wont think of them as a snack... you could run your fish net through the watter to try and get any more you cant really see...

I agree you want bacteria growth on the filter pads... thats the part you will be keeping any how (rins rins reuse) so I see little point in the carbon at start. unless the water has some chems you want to get out...


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