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    Stock List Help

    I used seriously fish knowledge base.
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    Fluval Roma 90

    Why not fishlessly cycle the now empty tank with the new filter. I think tetra can suffer shock from sudden change in water parameters but without any stats on either tank it's hard to tell.
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    Hot Tap Water

    lol got 2 500's and a 120.
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    Crazy Ph ?

    Bogwood leeches tannic acid into the water which can lower the ph but it generally only does it by 0.1-0.3. Have you been keeping up with your water changes a combination of the tannic acid from the bogwood + the nitric acid from the nitrate cycle could push your ph down but i could only see...
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    Hot Tap Water

    Buckets where fine until my water changes hit 300l a week :hyper:
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    Angel Fish Plus ?

    Ok so i bought a tank that was going to be my new Angel fish tank that came with a few oscars and a couple of other fish. Well it seems my family have grown attached to the rescued oscars and now it looks like i'm going to be keeping 2 of them. So my other 500l tank that i was going to stock as...
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    Hot Tap Water

    How do you guys dechlorinate. The reason i ask is i did a 90% down to substrate water change on my tank last week. Added enough dechlorinator to tank for the water i was adding (based on highest amount to cover chlromine and chrlorine) then filled it back up. Waited 5 minutes then turned the...
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    Ph Dropping

    Your going to be doing a down to substrate water change before adding any fish anyway so adding bicarb shouldn't be an issue if you want too. I was advised 1.5 teaspoons per 50l to buffer my water and bring the ph up. 7.5 is still fine for the bacteria to function effectiely though it's when you...
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    Fishless Cycle - Confused!

    equally confusing is that 15 drops took you from 0-4 ammonia where as 10 drops took you from 0.5 to 8.
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    Using Polystyrene For Base Of Rock Caves In A Malawi Setup?

    I use tap washers glued on with a bit of silicon or superglue. There in contact with drinking water so they should be safe.
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    Extra Filtration Fishless Cycle

    means the outlet for my canister is on the left, spraying right and my inlet is on the right. I'm not sure if i should match this and have 2 outlets on the left and 2 inlets on the right or if i should have 1 outlet and 1 inlet on both sides with water basically being sprayed towards middle. In...
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    Pond filters don't tend to be sealed units as they tend to fill from top and empty at bottom. Also if water pours over the side it only goes on your lawn. Like i said if i was you i would build your own filter unit into the hood unless your having a luminaire rather than a hood in which case it...
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    Extra Filtration Fishless Cycle

    Is there any down side to adding an extra filter to a fishless cycle that is almost complete ? Also currently my tank is setup Outlet -> Inlet Should i add extra filter in the same fashion or have one outlet and one inlet on each side.
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    4 Oscars

    Seeking suitable home for 4 oscars 2 white and orange and 2 black and orange. Approx 7" possibly larger. Needs large tank and not compatible with a lot of fish. Please research before enquiring.
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    Oscar Help

    Does anyone in the south wales area know anyone that would want them or could help with rehousing them. My local maidenhead aquatics has said they will take them. But I'm not convinced they have the space for them so it would be a last resort.
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    Oscar Help

    Yeah the more i read, the more i'm thinking that the oscars are going to have to be rehomed I like calm aquatic enviroments not war zones. Such a pity as they are beautiful fish.
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    Oscar Help

    I recently purchased a tank and filter off ebay juwel 450 which came with fish. 4 oscars 2 kissing gourami 1 golden gourami 1 zebra plec (I think) 1 upside down catfish 1 normal plec 1 large angel fish Firstly i'd have to say that this tank seems over stocked to me, others may disagree but the...
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    Chemistry Help

    You need to dose every 24 hours but test 12 hours after dosing.
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    Moving Large Tank

    Yeah its a 500l tank so i had no delusions of moving it with water in it. Was just after any hints and tips from anyone who may have undergone a similar operation in the past.
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    Moving Large Tank

    How do you go about moving a large fish tank with fish in it. I've never done it before and could do with some advice. I have a transit van and plenty of muscle to shift things. I need help on how to move livestock to protect it and how to keep the bacteria alive in filter. Needs to be...
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    Setting Up A New Tank

    You can use gravel from the existing tank to help seed the new one. If you not squeemish about cutting your sponge up i would cut 1/3 off and replace the missing bit with a new bit of sponge and then put the piece of sponge in the middle media basket in your ehiem. Set your eheim up as you...
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    Stock List Help

    The spreadsheet is off excel and i print screened it and then used photoshop to crop the image.
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    Then i'm back to you building a bespoke overhead filter into the hood.
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    Another Cycling Question....but A Bit Different :)

    If you only transfer part of the media you will be doing sort of a mini fish in cycle with seeded filter and will have to keep an eye on your ammonia and nitrite. If i was you i would transfer all of the media from the old filter into the new one. 1. Setup new tank. 2. Transfer all fish to new...
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    Which Is Better: Hang On Back Filter Or Canister?

    After i went over to canister i could never go back to hang on back . So canister in my opinion.
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    Another Cycling Question....but A Bit Different :)

    Your old filter will be dealing with the ammonia so running them side by side will take months to mature the new filter. Since there will be little or no ammonia to feed the bacteria.
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    Do you have any of the wood left. Could you a fake middle leg to hold the filter ?
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    Stock List Help

    Isn't 20 quite a large shoal of tetra. I know books/internet are only a guide for temp ph ect. I just want to make sure that my fishes are thriving and not just surviving if that makes sense.
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    Fishless Cycle Lagg & Stocking Question

    I would do a massive water change to bring nitrite and nitrate into the 0.5-1ppm and then dose at 2ppm ammonia. What test kit are you using for the PH. The reason i ask this is i have had my tap water tested at home and at 2 LFS. My home kit and the 1 lfs where about 7.4 for ph and the other...
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    Stock List Help

    I'm on day 2 of my qualifying week and keeping my fingers crossed. Would you stock these fish in any particular order. It may come down to what the lfs has in stock when i go in but given a choice is there anything you would stock first or leave till later. I was aiming at doing a 70-75% stock...
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    Another Cycling Question....but A Bit Different :)

    Do the 2 filters share similar media. If so the bacteria in the existing filter is already enough to process the ammonia your fish are producing so it should be ok to wait till the new tank comes. Setup the new tank and new filter. Then transfer all the media from the existing filter to the new...
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    Hydor 200W Inline Heater

    yeah i run a 300w on my tank and have another 300w on order for when they come back in at lfs. Just seems to be no stock in UK at moment. I think there great just can't seem to get em.
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    Stock List Help

    dwarf cockatoo cichlids are reccomended for 26-28c though which would be to warm for my corydoras.
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    Stock List Help

    Water parameters pH 7.4 Temp 25 Hardness 2.6 Below is the stock list i was thinking of for my 500l tank and i just had a few questions. 1. Is running the heaters at 25c at the top of the tank ok for this stock or should i go for 24c. 2. Since the Dwarf gourami's need quarentining is it ok to...
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    Have you concidered having 2 smaller filters running in parallel. It does mean more expense and twice as many pipes. But i'm not really sure if this is a money is no object style of project or not.
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    Low Dose Liquid Carbon

    I was thinking of using a little liquid carbon (Seachem Flourish Excel) in my aquarium but i don't like adding in too many chemicals with my fish and wondered if it was effective in lower doses than reccomended. My aquarium is a medium planted low tech. I was going to use 7.5ml a day in a 500l...
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    How did you rinse it. I put mine in a bucket or tub fill to about a third up. Get a hose with a spray attachment spray into the sand and once the bucket is full pour away the water. Keep doing this until the water runs clear. This is how i did my sand(used play sand) and when i put it in the...
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    Tank Planned...well Super Close

    If your getting dwarf gourami make sure to quarentine them for at least 3 weeks before putting them in the main tank as they are very prone to disease.
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    Buying Fish For A Newly-Cycled Tank Today!

    My angels are very predatory and have even chased after smallers corydoras. Not saying it's not possible just saying angels can be quite aggresive. Although i know people who keep angels with small fish and have no issues.
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    Have you purchased a filter or are you still looking. Is there anywhere above the tank you could put a filter and maybe run it with a water pump to push the water up to the filter ? Wouldn't having the filter outside have it's own problems ? Water freezing in the pump if temperature drops to...