Oscar Help


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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I recently purchased a tank and filter off ebay juwel 450 which came with fish.

4 oscars
2 kissing gourami
1 golden gourami
1 zebra plec (I think)
1 upside down catfish
1 normal plec
1 large angel fish

Firstly i'd have to say that this tank seems over stocked to me, others may disagree but the oscars are large 7"approx. Well originally i was going to donate the oscars to a good home or my LFS as i bought this tank to house my other angel fish. But having the oscars i now quite like them(will only keep 2 if i keep any). Unfortunately having looked on the internet most articles seem to suggest that as the oscars get older and bigger they will become aggresive and kill any non oscar in the tank. I have no interest in having my fish injured and wanted a bit of advice from some more sagely fish keepers or anyone with experience of keeping oscars.
Oscars should be in a species only tank. Also you will need to "oscarproof" it as they can be destructive to the decor & plants.
Yeah the more i read, the more i'm thinking that the oscars are going to have to be rehomed I like calm aquatic enviroments not war zones. Such a pity as they are beautiful fish.
Provided the tank has good filtration you should get away with keeping a pair of oscars, the pair of kissing gouramis and the plec IMO
Does anyone in the south wales area know anyone that would want them or could help with rehousing them. My local maidenhead aquatics has said they will take them. But I'm not convinced they have the space for them so it would be a last resort.
If i wasn't going i would have came and took them off your hands, oscars are lovely fish with great personality, kept in the right conditions are amazing fish, they have suffered a bad rep with some people, they can be kept fine in a coummunity aqaurium with the right tank mates, like you said it requires re-search, but there worth it, great filteration is a must, there very messy eaters...

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